17 day diet


Loyal to the end
I've never had to diet but over the past ten years developed a bit o' belly fat. A friend of mine and his wife are preparing for a climb up Kilimanjaro for their 25th anniversary and they've been on this "17 day diet". They were both in good shape before but you should see them now. He dropped 20# and she's got her bikini belly back.

My wife and I stared it two weeks ago and she dropped 6 and as of two days ago I was down 9. So I'm probably down 10. My goal is to get my six pack back then gear up for ski season.

Its an amazing diet because it literally attacks your fat. It feels like something's munching away at the inside of my belly, shrinking it from the inside.

The "17 days" is a misnomer. The program is in 4 stages, and each stage is 17 days. The first stage is the hardest, but its not hard at all really, since its only 17 days. You eat as much "lean meat" as you want, along with as much "cleansing vegetables". Limited servings of certain fruits, yogurt, low fat dairy. You eat nutrient dense foods and as a result you are energetic and don't feel hungry.

I cheated a bit last weekend when my Dad visited (some pasta, a few cocktails) but it hasn't slowed my progress.

The second phase you add in other stuff, the third you add more, and the fourth you can "cheat" on the weekends and have just about whatever you want.

With dieting this easy, no one has an excuse to be fat.

The book is a best seller and I can see why. Its written by a doctor, and its real science.
Laundry tips, maybe. There's a gal with a website dedicated to stuff like that, and apparently she does quite well.
I've never had to diet but over the past ten years developed a bit o' belly fat. A friend of mine and his wife are preparing for a climb up Kilimanjaro for their 25th anniversary and they've been on this "17 day diet". They were both in good shape before but you should see them now. He dropped 20# and she's got her bikini belly back.

My wife and I stared it two weeks ago and she dropped 6 and as of two days ago I was down 9. So I'm probably down 10. My goal is to get my six pack back then gear up for ski season.

Its an amazing diet because it literally attacks your fat. It feels like something's munching away at the inside of my belly, shrinking it from the inside.

The "17 days" is a misnomer. The program is in 4 stages, and each stage is 17 days. The first stage is the hardest, but its not hard at all really, since its only 17 days. You eat as much "lean meat" as you want, along with as much "cleansing vegetables". Limited servings of certain fruits, yogurt, low fat dairy. You eat nutrient dense foods and as a result you are energetic and don't feel hungry.

I cheated a bit last weekend when my Dad visited (some pasta, a few cocktails) but it hasn't slowed my progress.

The second phase you add in other stuff, the third you add more, and the fourth you can "cheat" on the weekends and have just about whatever you want.

With dieting this easy, no one has an excuse to be fat.

The book is a best seller and I can see why. Its written by a doctor, and its real science.
Nutritionally speaking, This is a lousy diet. Try lowering your caloric intake to 1200 to 1600 caloreis a day and eating a balanced diet high in raw fruits and vegetables, limit sugars, processed carbs and saturated fats, keep protein intake to between 10 and 20% and exercise aerobically for an hour a day. When you get to your ideal weight increase caloric intake back to 1800 to 2000 calories per day. That way you'll get results that are sustainable and will not adversely impact your health. I have particular concerns about the high protein consumption specified by this diet. Sure that will help jump start rapid weight loss but their are significant health risks involved.

For long term weight loss and for the health and wellness consciences you're better off avoiding these type of fad diets.
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have you thought about quitting your nightly gay strip club scene?

Wrong poster. Maybe you need to direct this question at Poet and Low IQ.

Go fly a kite or something rainbow warrior.

Cerf-volant 8908_wm.jpg
There's this tendency to make weight loss this great big complex problem. It's not. Eat less and work more. We have known for a long time that the key to a healthy diet (regardless of weight loss) is to each a balanced diet that is high is fresh fruits in vegetables, moderate amounts of complex carbs (starches), proteins and unsaturated fats. The also know that within these parameters the more varied the foods, the better. If you need to lose weight, reduce your caloric intake to 1200 to 1500 calories a day and exercise aerobically for an hour a day. In addition if you drink 64 oz of water and avoid high sugar beverages you will lose 1 to 2 # per week until you reach you ideal weight. Then you can return to a more normal 1800 to 2000 calories per day.

You can achieve the same results as this diet, have superior health benefits and maintain those long term by switching to a Mediterranian style diet/foods, drink lots of water and exercise aerobically for an hour a day while avoiding alcohol and tobacco consumption.
Nutritionally speaking, This is a lousy diet. Try lowering your caloric intake to 1200 to 1600 caloreis a day and eating a balanced diet high in raw fruits and vegetables, limit sugars, processed carbs and saturated fats, keep protein intake to between 10 and 20% and exercise aerobically for an hour a day. When you get to your ideal weight increase caloric intake back to 1800 to 2000 calories per day. That way you'll get results that are sustainable and will not adversely impact your health. I have particular concerns about the high protein consumption specified by this diet. Sure that will help jump start rapid weight loss but their are significant health risks involved.

For long term weight loss and for the health and wellness consciences you're better off avoiding these type of fad diets.

Funny how you make an analysis with no data, and then contradict yourself. The "good" diet that you described is basically what I described and you say is "bad". :)
This is just fascinating.

I am utterly transfixed by the spellbinding account of Dumb Yankee's journey to personal weight loss.

Tell us more.
Funny how you make an analysis with no data, and then contradict yourself. The "good" diet that you described is basically what I described and you say is "bad". :)
That's an assumption on your part. There is plenty of data on fad diets. The science behind this diet is either anecdotal or, as in the case of metabolism confusion, not supported by science at all. I'm sure that for a fast weight loss fix this diet will work, but be aware of what the risks are and also be aware that this is no long term solution. Much of what the author is recommending, particularly in the later phases are standard nutritional science. It's the first two phases and it's dietary restrictions I don't agree with.

For example, if you are all ready leading an active life style, like say for example you ride a bicycle 20 miles a day and work a physically active job, there's no way this diet will work. Particularly in phase one. You would be constantly bonking (running low on glycogen stores).
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That's an assumption on your part. There is plenty of data on fad diets. The science behind this diet is either anecdotal or, as in the case of metabolism confusion, not supported by science at all. I'm sure that for a fast weight loss fix this diet will work, but be aware of what the risks are and also be aware that this is no long term solution. Much of what the author is recommending, particularly in the later phases are standard nutritional science. It's the first two phases and it's dietary restrictions I don't agree with.

For example, if you are all ready leading an active life style, like say for example you ride a bicycle 20 miles a day and work a physically active job, there's no way this diet will work. Particularly in phase one. You would be constantly bonking (running low on glycogen stores).

Since you haven't read the book about the diet or even a synopsis, it appears that the one doing the assuming here is you.
That's an assumption on your part. There is plenty of data on fad diets. The science behind this diet is either anecdotal or, as in the case of metabolism confusion, not supported by science at all. I'm sure that for a fast weight loss fix this diet will work, but be aware of what the risks are and also be aware that this is no long term solution. Much of what the author is recommending, particularly in the later phases are standard nutritional science. It's the first two phases and it's dietary restrictions I don't agree with.

For example, if you are all ready leading an active life style, like say for example you ride a bicycle 20 miles a day and work a physically active job, there's no way this diet will work. Particularly in phase one. You would be constantly bonking (running low on glycogen stores).

Are you aware of what the English slang word bonking means?
That's an assumption on your part. There is plenty of data on fad diets. The science behind this diet is either anecdotal or, as in the case of metabolism confusion, not supported by science at all. I'm sure that for a fast weight loss fix this diet will work, but be aware of what the risks are and also be aware that this is no long term solution. Much of what the author is recommending, particularly in the later phases are standard nutritional science. It's the first two phases and it's dietary restrictions I don't agree with.

For example, if you are all ready leading an active life style, like say for example you ride a bicycle 20 miles a day and work a physically active job, there's no way this diet will work. Particularly in phase one. You would be constantly bonking (running low on glycogen stores).
Well its been 2 1/2 months and things are going great. After my initial sprint my reduction rate had reduced substantially and I seem to have leveled off at around 160. I was a little concerned about Thanksgiving because I love to stuff myself. I was at 160 on Wednesday and this morning.....


Ass usual, 15ppMoot, you are wrong and won't have the balls to come back here and admit it. :D

My wife's been doing even better. When we got back from Europe she was up to 132. On Wednesday she was at 120. This morning she tipped the scale at 118. Her size 4 jeans are too loose...