17 day diet

Nutritionally speaking, This is a lousy diet. Try lowering your caloric intake to 1200 to 1600 caloreis a day and eating a balanced diet high in raw fruits and vegetables, limit sugars, processed carbs and saturated fats, keep protein intake to between 10 and 20% and exercise aerobically for an hour a day. When you get to your ideal weight increase caloric intake back to 1800 to 2000 calories per day. That way you'll get results that are sustainable and will not adversely impact your health. I have particular concerns about the high protein consumption specified by this diet. Sure that will help jump start rapid weight loss but their are significant health risks involved.

For long term weight loss and for the health and wellness consciences you're better off avoiding these type of fad diets.

Watermark thanks Mott for this useful post
You don't need a special diet to lose weight. Calories in calories out. If you eat less and lose weight, do not be surprised. It is not an artifact of some magic in the diet attacking and eating your fat. Your body constantly consumes fat no matter what you do, and you're constantly giving it replacement fat. Reduce the amount of replacement fat, and, voila, weight loss. There's no magic to it. You can literally lose weight on a twinkie diet, although nutritionally, no one would seriously recommend that.
That's an assumption on your part. There is plenty of data on fad diets. The science behind this diet is either anecdotal or, as in the case of metabolism confusion, not supported by science at all. I'm sure that for a fast weight loss fix this diet will work, but be aware of what the risks are and also be aware that this is no long term solution. Much of what the author is recommending, particularly in the later phases are standard nutritional science. It's the first two phases and it's dietary restrictions I don't agree with.

For example, if you are all ready leading an active life style, like say for example you ride a bicycle 20 miles a day and work a physically active job, there's no way this diet will work. Particularly in phase one. You would be constantly bonking (running low on glycogen stores).

Watermark thanks mott for this useful post
Well its been 2 1/2 months and things are going great. After my initial sprint my reduction rate had reduced substantially and I seem to have leveled off at around 160. I was a little concerned about Thanksgiving because I love to stuff myself. I was at 160 on Wednesday and this morning.....

Ass usual, 15ppMoot, you are wrong and won't have the balls to come back here and admit it. :D

My wife's been doing even better. When we got back from Europe she was up to 132. On Wednesday she was at 120. This morning she tipped the scale at 118. Her size 4 jeans are too loose...
It's only been a couple of months. Come back and talk to me in a year.
Sounds a little like Atkins. A diet that you can follow easily is better than a balanced one you'll ditch in a week. My current diet is called get busted at work and lay off the Cheetos diet.
Yeah I would imagine that a twinkies diet would be hard to follow. Keeping the calories down means, what, eating three per day? Watermark probably takes one shit per week.
Haha, I remember when we all had to thank each others posts via quoting them, because Damo had fucked the site up!

Anyway, WM was referring to an extreme case where a nutritionist promoted the small portions diet by eating Hostess snacks. About one every 2-3 hours, and he dropped weight. You're supposed to do this with healthy, sustainable foods, but the guy wanted to be a jerk about it, and stick-it to the weight-loss/nutritionist community, and basically say, "small portions works the best, bitches!!"
Haha, I remember when we all had to thank each others posts via quoting them, because Damo had fucked the site up!

Anyway, WM was referring to an extreme case where a nutritionist promoted the small portions diet by eating Hostess snacks. About one every 2-3 hours, and he dropped weight. You're supposed to do this with healthy, sustainable foods, but the guy wanted to be a jerk about it, and stick-it to the weight-loss/nutritionist community, and basically say, "small portions works the best, bitches!!"

Hasn't he been on the 17 day diet for like 7 months?
i'm on a seafood diet...i see food, i eat it

badda bing

Obviously you're intimidated by what the the girls called me in college: "the lean, mean sex machine". This morning my wife observed that I look like I did in college. :D

My current BMI: 21.3

BMI Categories:

Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater