1932 was a pivotal year in the Nazis’ ascent. It’s a terrifying parallel for today

Damaged how, AlmostMarco? As damaged as a wannabe-American living in a Third World Shithole like you?

The fact you've been caught red-handed as a racist and antisemite and refuse to acknowledge it proves you're a spineless little shit too.
You're a fucking blow hard making up stories. You have no idea who I am. Why don't you go and take a long walk off a short pier.....freak.
Furthermore, I find it purely disgusting that you would compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.
I don't find that "disgusting." I find it hilarious. The Left are such mental midgets that they can't come up with something more original as an insult than calling their political opponents Nazis and making Hitler comparisons. It's as if they never studied history beyond a single semester in high school.
I don't find that "disgusting." I find it hilarious. The Left are such mental midgets that they can't come up with something more original as an insult than calling their political opponents Nazis and making Hitler comparisons. It's as if they never studied history beyond a single semester in high school.
As Phantasmal pointed out, JD Vance compared Trump to Hitler...and Trump picked JD Vance to be his vice presidential candidate. The people who do not see the similarity between Trump and Hitler are the people thinking like they never studied history beyond a single semester in high school.
This Yid is a typical Democrat robot. He fails to look at reality and paints only the gaslighting propaganda and psyop version of reality.

He has no idea of what is in store for him and his people if the current woke/globalist agenda continues.
You outed yourself as to who you really are, run back to your white Christian nationalist friends
What these parallels teach us: When an unpopular political movement is poised to take power it suspects it cannot legitimately maintain, democracy is endangered, with dire consequences for all of us. As the seeming inevitability of Trump’s election has increased with the Supreme Court’s recent ruling granting presidents immunity from prosecution for official acts undertaken in office — a feather in Trump’s cap after a dismal debate performance by President Joe Biden led Trump to his highest polling numbers since 2015 — the seriousness of this threat cannot be overstated.

And it’s not just increased legal immunity that has enhanced Trump’s seeming inevitability. Even more effective was the defiant invulnerability he appeared to embody after an assassination attempt on him last weekend. Leaving that Pennsylvania field, blood streaming from one ear and fist raised high, the double role Trump prefers — that of both a victim, and a savior whose righteous path is now marked out — seemed newly clarified, and newly persuasive.

The idea of a ‘unified Reich’​

The sense of certainty offers a huge psychological advantage to Trump’s campaign, during which he has sought to paint a picture of a unified America rallying behind him in protest of his victimization by state and federal prosecutors. He has promised, if he wins in November, to vindicate not just himself, but all the victims of the supposed damage wrought by tone-deaf elites under Biden.

There are identifiable culprits who have ruined America, he tells his followers, promising that they will be held accountable and locked up. He has referred to “military tribunals,” and the strong hands that will also repair “American carnage.” As he depicts a fateful struggle for the soul of the country, the muscular populism he preaches is pure melodrama. It casts purposeful redeemers against terrible villains. In Trump’s view, the U.S. resembles a crime scene in which order can and must be restored, through police action if necessary.

There’s a clear parallel to the rhetoric that fueled the Nazis’ rise. They billed themselves as speaking for the Germans who felt they had been stabbed in the back during World War I by domestic criminals, including Marxists, profiteers and Jews. Their vision was at once optimistic and conspiratorial; once the swamp was drained, new glories would emerge.

As Phantasmal pointed out, JD Vance compared Trump to Hitler...and Trump picked JD Vance to be his vice presidential candidate. The people who do not see the similarity between Trump and Hitler are the people thinking like they never studied history beyond a single semester in high school.
And you keep repeating it as if it were some mantra just as I stated.
As Phantasmal pointed out, JD Vance compared Trump to Hitler...and Trump picked JD Vance to be his vice presidential candidate. The people who do not see the similarity between Trump and Hitler are the people thinking like they never studied history beyond a single semester in high school.
You outed yourself as to who you really are, run back to your white Christian nationalist friends
I've heard Jews refer to themselves as Yids and also use the term Goyim for non-Jews. I also heard them refer to Judaism and Yiddishkite.
Commander Asshole really knows how to play you.
You're a fucking blow hard making up stories. You have no idea who I am. Why don't you go and take a long walk off a short pier.....freak.
Disagreed. Your reactions and posts are proof that you're an anti-American foreigner.

Is life under Lula better than under Bolsonaro or is Brazil still a Third World shithole?
Disagreed. Your reactions and posts are proof that you're an anti-American foreigner.

Is life under Lula better than under Bolsonaro or is Brazil still a Third World shithole?
I do not discuss Brazilian politics as I am not a citizen here and would not want to jeopardize my status.
I am not a foreigner and am awake ..... not woke.
As if anyone needed more proof that Almost Marco is a racist, antisemitic, anti-American foreigner.

—used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a Jewish person
Thank god, Guano the dupe NEVER uses Jewish slang that is derogatory to white males.
Thank god, Guano the dupe NEVER uses Jewish slang that is derogatory to white males.
Maybe terminology has changed over time but growing up in Brooklyn sitting in the local luncheonette, I've heard old European Jews talking in Yiddish and in English...one asking the other about a third party; Is he a Yid?
So WTF Guno wants to call me a White Christian Nationalist. It's the leftist mantra now.