1932 was a pivotal year in the Nazis’ ascent. It’s a terrifying parallel for today

Furthermore, I find it purely disgusting that you would compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.
Agreed. Pedo Don is no Hitler. He's more like a Mini-Me Hitler or a wannabe Kim Jong-Un. Even Putin looks down on Donnie as a weak and stupid man easily bought with riches.

You already said that. That wasn't the question. I asked if you need instructions in how to do it, but it's obvious now you have no clue and need them. Maybe some like IKEA assembly instructions, all pictures no words since you have no idea what words mean either...


Or, are those too difficult for you too?
Agreed. Pedo Don is no Hitler. He's more like a Mini-Me Hitler or a wannabe Kim Jong-Un. Even Putin looks down on Donnie as a weak and stupid man easily bought with riches.

You are absolutely pathetic, you lame, sick shitbird.

You're like a sick seagull full of pus n shit with terminal gangrene.

You are ate slap the fuck up!