As a green I have given up all political hope.

I expect that Prince Phillip has seen his last Christmas.

I expect there to be an assassination or serious coup attempt against Putin.

I expect that Donald Sr. will be cleared but he will be forced to pardon Donald Jr. and Kushner, possibly even Ivanka which will be the end of his re-election chances.

Honestly, Putin has only grown more popular in Russia, and I doubt any Ukrainians will get to him. If we're lucky, Russian involvement in Syria will piss-off some well organized Islamist groups.
I think he'll manufacture something where if you connect a lot of dots the dims will salivate and scream about impeaching.
Mueller is playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon whose ultimate goal is a soft coup.

Just what liberals always try to do.

Take a dot to dot drawing of a cat, they leave the ears off of it, and proclaim it's a rabbit. :palm:
Only a couple of days left to 2018. Wishing you all a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year, however you choose to define that!

Forget those personal NY resolution things. What would you like to see happen next year, on the national stage?

I want RBG to die

one of my biggest hopes for sure

Not trying to be crass, just honest.

Just the entertainment value alone will be mega worth it.

Taking over the court will be another huge bonus

So def on the top of the list for me.

Over here, I dearly wish that the UK Parliament would resume its proper responsibilities, vote on knowledge and conscience, refuse any more mob law and get shot of this suicidal Brexit crap; here at home, I wish the mugs would wake up and the Senedd cease to obey Westminster entirely; over there I can only hope for an Army Coup at the moment, leading to the restoration of democracy.
Only a couple of days left to 2018. Wishing you all a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year, however you choose to define that!

Forget those personal NY resolution things. What would you like to see happen next year, on the national stage?
Wait...there are resolutions specific to New York?
I'd like to see Mueller finish his investigation but that's wishful thinking. I don't see that happening any time soon.
Sure we will. Now that his report won't be buried by Nunes.

The beauty is that it will emerge slowly, as the indictments pile up. It will be like a reality show that builds in excitement each week.

Unlike The Apprentice.
As a green I have given up all political hope.

I expect that Prince Phillip has seen his last Christmas.

I expect there to be an assassination or serious coup attempt against Putin.

I expect that Donald Sr. will be cleared but he will be forced to pardon Donald Jr. and Kushner, possibly even Ivanka which will be the end of his re-election chances.
Hmmm...you're in for a disappointing year. Nobody will rise up against Putin. The trump klan will be facing state level charges, insulated from the orange buffoon's ability to pardon them.

Mueller isn't an idiot.
Yes really the end of his chances. Why the hell would Wall Street donate to his re-election when the NY AG has a hard-on to prosecute Trump & Company by any means necessary to circumvent his power to pardon people?
NY AG is doing his job. Wall St got everything they wanted out of this POTUS, so they'll dump him like a turd. He's doing more harm to the market with every inane tweet.
Only a couple of days left to 2018. Wishing you all a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year, however you choose to define that!

Forget those personal NY resolution things. What would you like to see happen next year, on the national stage?

I wish you a happy New Year, Owl!

I wish that Trump learns humility, tact, and self-reflection.

I hope progress can be made in slowing the planet's descent into ecological and climatic disaster.

I wish that the TESS space telescope finds exoplanets in the habitable zones for life. I grew up on a diet of Romulus, the Klingon home world, and Vulcan, so I am hoping we are not alone out here!

I hope for peace to the people of Syria, Yemen, and all war torn regions of the world.

I hope that human reason, science, freedom, and enlightenment hold the line and make progress against the reactionary forces, militarism, nationalism, authoritarianism, and Republicanism.

I wish Iron Maiden would do a show reasonably close to me.
Sure we will. Now that his report won't be buried by Nunes.

The beauty is that it will emerge slowly, as the indictments pile up. It will be like a reality show that builds in excitement each week.

Unlike The Apprentice.

Wouldn't it be great if it ended with 310M Muricans yelling together "You're fired!!!"
Only a couple of days left to 2018. Wishing you all a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year, however you choose to define that!

Forget those personal NY resolution things. What would you like to see happen next year, on the national stage?
Thank you, the same to yours and you.