Well... okay then! I'd rather see him resign in shame -- or even better, be forced out by congress if they ever find their missing gonads and consciences.

Same here. My liberal bleeding heart doesn't want him to have a violent or painful death. Just go like Scalia and it's all good.
Only a couple of days left to 2018. Wishing you all a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year, however you choose to define that!

Forget those personal NY resolution things. What would you like to see happen next year, on the national stage?

Happy New Year to you also, and many more!

I'd like to learn that the Mueller report has enough dirt in it to take down the First Crime Family for three generations.
Same here. My liberal bleeding heart doesn't want him to have a violent or painful death. Just go like Scalia and it's all good.
Better if he's forced to live a long life after being exposed as the thief that he's always been. It would be great if everyone laughed in unison, every time he showed up in public.

And Melania and Stormy could have a talk show.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ....... oh, Pay Back is such a Bitch. :)
Isn't it though?

After 8 years of America hating, cop assassinations, class and race baiting during the Obama reign of terror, the voters resoundingly elected Trump.

Payback doesn't get much better.....
Isn't it though?

After 8 years of America hating, cop assassinations, class and race baiting during the Obama reign of terror, the voters resoundingly elected Trump.

Payback doesn't get much better.....

I'm referring to the incessant 'investigations' that the Republicans are so fond of. The best one being 4 years and countless millions spent on ... Bill Clinton getting a Blow Job in the White House.
Republicans like 'investigations'? ... Well, get ready. MORE 'investigations' are about to be launched. And, ... Golly Gee, I sure hope Trump hasn't gotten any Blow Jobs ... and if asked ... doesn't resort to lying, you know, to protect his wife and child from humiliation and embarrassment. That would CERTAINLY call for Impeachment ... from the Republicans.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha .......
this thread has shown us just how badly the lib'ruls still suffer the defeat of 2016.......it may haunt them for the rest of their lives......
Isn't it though?

After 8 years of America hating, cop assassinations, class and race baiting during the Obama reign of terror, the voters resoundingly elected Trump.

Payback doesn't get much better.....
If Carly Fiorina had won and been the first lady president after the hidebeest had been running her entire adult life, that would've been even better for me. But to see someone like Trump beat hrc that probably hurts the bitch more.
Happy New Year to you also, and many more!

I'd like to learn that the Mueller report has enough dirt in it to take down the First Crime Family for three generations.

Ah, wouldn't that be sweet? Watching as their hacked-together crime syndicate is skillfully dismantled by Mueller and other prosecutors is a thing of beauty.
Better if he's forced to live a long life after being exposed as the thief that he's always been. It would be great if everyone laughed in unison, every time he showed up in public.

And Melania and Stormy could have a talk show.

Hmm, we could suggest some names for that show. What do you think of "Be Breast"?
Muellers objective is to get trump out of office, not influence a midterm election.
Same to you for the goods wishes.

Mueller's objective is to get at the truth of what happened in 2016, period. He has no Toadstool axe to grind. Despite the (R) after his name, he has led a military and public service life of honesty, integrity, and ethics. Those concepts are, of course, foreign to Toadstool and his worshipers.
As a green I have given up all political hope.

I expect that Prince Phillip has seen his last Christmas.

I expect there to be an assassination or serious coup attempt against Putin.

I expect that Donald Sr. will be cleared but he will be forced to pardon Donald Jr. and Kushner, possibly even Ivanka which will be the end of his re-election chances.

My Green friends are equally pessimistic.
Mueller's objective is to get at the truth of what happened in 2016, period. He has no Toadstool axe to grind. Despite the (R) after his name, he has led a military and public service life of honesty, integrity, and ethics. Those concepts are, of course, foreign to Toadstool and his worshipers.

I don't have any idea who toadstool is but make no mistake about it, I DO NOT LIKE TRUMP! But apparently we as a country couldn't do any better than hrc and trump. Get it yet?
Houston, we have a problem.
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I don't have any idea who toadstool is but make no mistake about it, I DO NOT LIKE TRUMP! But apparently we as a country apparently couldn't do any better than hrc and trump. Get it yet?
Houston, we have a problem.

Toadstool = Trump. Reference to Stormy's description of his dick.

And you are right -- we need to do better or we really are screwed. And no $130K to shut up about it, either.

Hope your coming new run around our Sun is a good one, Moose.