all I want for Christmas /New Year is a new trade agreement with China, and for Congress to ratify NAFTA 2.

That is the long term path to America first. Out politics are so screwed up I have no expectation from Congress.

Oh and I want continuing detente with North Korea..
I don't have any idea who toadstool is but make no mistake about it, I DO NOT LIKE TRUMP! But apparently we as a country apparently couldn't do any better than hrc and trump. Get it yet?
Houston, we have a problem.
An anomaly. They happen in nature too. Thankfully, the system eventually fixes these things.
Only a couple of days left to 2018. Wishing you all a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year, however you choose to define that!

Forget those personal NY resolution things. What would you like to see happen next year, on the national stage?

Trump gets a visit from the Ghosts of Impeachments Past and wakes up tomorrow seeing the light. He sits down with the Dems. Together they hammer out a budget that includes money for infrastructure, high speed wifi across the country, free 2-year college or trade school education for qualified kids, a national health care plan, decreases in military budget, and a reasonable imigration plan. His supporters are the first beneficiaries and receive free life time treatment in the Donald J Trump Centers for the Angry and Puzzled which Trump funds from his own pocket. A grateful nation starts a petition to get Mueller to drop his investigation. The weary special pros. hands over all his info to attorney generals and retires. All the Trumps go to prison but are well-treated and receive weekly cookies from happy citizens. Melania dies of a massive infection caused by too much plastic surgery. Barron and his cousins form a non-profit that cures HIV, cancer, and greed.
Trump gets a visit from the Ghosts of Impeachments Past and wakes up tomorrow seeing the light. He sits down with the Dems. Together they hammer out a budget that includes money for infrastructure, high speed wifi across the country, free 2-year college or trade school education for qualified kids, a national health care plan, decreases in military budget, and a reasonable imigration plan. His supporters are the first beneficiaries and receive free life time treatment in the Donald J Trump Centers for the Angry and Puzzled which Trump funds from his own pocket. A grateful nation starts a petition to get Mueller to drop his investigation. The weary special pros. hands over all his info to attorney generals and retires. All the Trumps go to prison but are well-treated and receive weekly cookies from happy citizens. Melania dies of a massive infection caused by too much plastic surgery. Barron and his cousins form a non-profit that cures HIV, cancer, and greed.

I predict you'll continue whining and ignoring FACTS.

I'm no different now than before. Maybe you're beginning to learn. :dunno:
If you are you're better than the avg. (social) lib. [I'm a classical lib;)][/QUOTE]

Well, better that kind of historical reconstruction than shambling about pretending to be long-dead soldiers, I suppose, but the intellectual reconstruction of the early C19 must be very heavy labour. You work in a History Department, I suppose?
Only a couple of days left to 2018. Wishing you all a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year, however you choose to define that!

Forget those personal NY resolution things. What would you like to see happen next year, on the national stage?

I'd love to see Ginsberg retire...
I'd love to see Ginsberg retire...

I'm sure. At least you didn't say "die" like so many of your compadres.
