2024 is a repeat of 2016


Well-known member
The 2016 Presidential election was earmarked by the DNC presenting America's most hated woman as their candidate, and doing nothing but talk about Donald Trump, leaving 100% of the discourse on both sides about Donald Trump's policy positions and 0% about that most hated woman who had zero accomplishments and no policy positions of any substance. The result was that all of the completely fake (fabricated) "polls" couldn't prevent Donald Trump from bitch-slapping the most hated woman back into last Tuesday, and from leaving her totally dazed and confused because she had actually believed all the fake "polls," including the most absurd.

Now, the 2024 Presidential election is earmarked by the DNC presenting America's most hated woman as their candidate, and doing nothing but talk about Donald Trump, leaving 100% of the discourse on both sides about Donald Trump's policy positions and 0% about America's most hated woman, who has zero (positive and legal) accomplishments and only one Marxist policy position regarding clamping down on price controls. The inevitable result will be that the completely fake (fabricated) "polls" can't prevent Donald Trump from bitch-slapping the most hated woman into next Thursday, and from leaving her totally dazed and confused because she totally believes all the fake "polls," no matter how absurd.
They take shots at Trump and cancel a primary and threaten SCOTUS and open the border handing gobs of money to all who come after two years of COVID martial law where they injected kids with poison without even claiming a rational reason and I get told that it is like 2016?

I need some of your drugs, they are better than mine.
Yes boys and girls you are too late....20 years ago you had a shot.....40 would have been better.

Buckle Up Fuckers....its time for lessons.

Stupid Hurts!
They jail political prisoners and run show trials against their enemies now.....

I Mean Come On Man!
Dissidents are invited to come to Russia, which has decided to attempt to be a life raft for Western Civilization....which is in collapse......on your watch.
The 2016 Presidential election was earmarked by the DNC presenting America's most hated woman as their candidate, and doing nothing but talk about Donald Trump, leaving 100% of the discourse on both sides about Donald Trump's policy positions and 0% about that most hated woman who had zero accomplishments and no policy positions of any substance. The result was that all of the completely fake (fabricated) "polls" couldn't prevent Donald Trump from bitch-slapping the most hated woman back into last Tuesday, and from leaving her totally dazed and confused because she had actually believed all the fake "polls," including the most absurd.

Now, the 2024 Presidential election is earmarked by the DNC presenting America's most hated woman as their candidate, and doing nothing but talk about Donald Trump, leaving 100% of the discourse on both sides about Donald Trump's policy positions and 0% about America's most hated woman, who has zero (positive and legal) accomplishments and only one Marxist policy position regarding clamping down on price controls. The inevitable result will be that the completely fake (fabricated) "polls" can't prevent Donald Trump from bitch-slapping the most hated woman into next Thursday, and from leaving her totally dazed and confused because she totally believes all the fake "polls," no matter how absurd.
I do believe the the hate quotient for Hillary far outweighs that of Kamala. Kamala has been pretty much a corrupt ditz. People look at her as a controlled Rat party fool/tool. Hillary is evil incarnate.
I do believe the the hate quotient for Hillary far outweighs that of Kamala. Kamala has been pretty much a corrupt ditz. People look at her as a controlled Rat party fool/tool. Hillary is evil incarnate.
I do believe the the hate quotient for Hillary far outweighs that of Kamala. Kamala has been pretty much a corrupt ditz. People look at her as a controlled Rat party fool/tool. Hillary is evil incarnate.
Kamala is controlled by Hillary. We're witnessing a repeat of 2016 so the dnc is better prepared to steal the 2024 election. There was good reason for 6.Jan.
The 2016 Presidential election was earmarked by the DNC presenting America's most hated woman as their candidate, and doing nothing but talk about Donald Trump, leaving 100% of the discourse on both sides about Donald Trump's policy positions and 0% about that most hated woman who had zero accomplishments and no policy positions of any substance. The result was that all of the completely fake (fabricated) "polls" couldn't prevent Donald Trump from bitch-slapping the most hated woman back into last Tuesday, and from leaving her totally dazed and confused because she had actually believed all the fake "polls," including the most absurd.

Now, the 2024 Presidential election is earmarked by the DNC presenting America's most hated woman as their candidate, and doing nothing but talk about Donald Trump, leaving 100% of the discourse on both sides about Donald Trump's policy positions and 0% about America's most hated woman, who has zero (positive and legal) accomplishments and only one Marxist policy position regarding clamping down on price controls. The inevitable result will be that the completely fake (fabricated) "polls" can't prevent Donald Trump from bitch-slapping the most hated woman into next Thursday, and from leaving her totally dazed and confused because she totally believes all the fake "polls," no matter how absurd.
Could be
The 2016 Presidential election was earmarked by the DNC presenting America's most hated woman as their candidate, and doing nothing but talk about Donald Trump, leaving 100% of the discourse on both sides about Donald Trump's policy positions and 0% about that most hated woman who had zero accomplishments and no policy positions of any substance. The result was that all of the completely fake (fabricated) "polls" couldn't prevent Donald Trump from bitch-slapping the most hated woman back into last Tuesday, and from leaving her totally dazed and confused because she had actually believed all the fake "polls," including the most absurd.

Now, the 2024 Presidential election is earmarked by the DNC presenting America's most hated woman as their candidate, and doing nothing but talk about Donald Trump, leaving 100% of the discourse on both sides about Donald Trump's policy positions and 0% about America's most hated woman, who has zero (positive and legal) accomplishments and only one Marxist policy position regarding clamping down on price controls. The inevitable result will be that the completely fake (fabricated) "polls" can't prevent Donald Trump from bitch-slapping the most hated woman into next Thursday, and from leaving her totally dazed and confused because she totally believes all the fake "polls," no matter how absurd.
All true
OP is right, one of the candidates is doing precious little swing state campaigning, has overstayed their welcome in politics, and is focusing less on the issues and more on attacking their opponent.

The 2016 Presidential election was earmarked by the DNC presenting America's most hated woman as their candidate, and doing nothing but talk about Donald Trump, leaving 100% of the discourse on both sides about Donald Trump's policy positions and 0% about that most hated woman who had zero accomplishments and no policy positions of any substance. The result was that all of the completely fake (fabricated) "polls" couldn't prevent Donald Trump from bitch-slapping the most hated woman back into last Tuesday, and from leaving her totally dazed and confused because she had actually believed all the fake "polls," including the most absurd.

Now, the 2024 Presidential election is earmarked by the DNC presenting America's most hated woman as their candidate, and doing nothing but talk about Donald Trump, leaving 100% of the discourse on both sides about Donald Trump's policy positions and 0% about America's most hated woman, who has zero (positive and legal) accomplishments and only one Marxist policy position regarding clamping down on price controls. The inevitable result will be that the completely fake (fabricated) "polls" can't prevent Donald Trump from bitch-slapping the most hated woman into next Thursday, and from leaving her totally dazed and confused because she totally believes all the fake "polls," no matter how absurd.
Here is the deal. Man, if you vote for Kamala this time, Trump will never run again, and you Republicans will be rid of him once and for all!

Then you Good Republicans, can select one of your many rising stars in 2028.

You are not going to he happy if Trump wins in November. Trump is just going to further embarrass you and your once Great Party, and piss you off.

Let's nip Trump in the Bud, before he terrorizes our nation again, and turns even more Good Republicans into Democrats.
Not remotely.....America is a whole different place now....this neo-marxist revolution won.

Yes, they won. And they established a police/terror state. 2021 rolling into 2022 was the darkest time for America since the first civil war.

But then something happened, America fought back and Biden's police state backed down into the shadows once more. Oh, we know we have traitorous cunts like Merrick Garland and Chris Wray waiting to pounce, But the Stalinist style campaign of fear collapsed in '22 because the Marxists found the resistance too great.

So it is with this election. The press lies and pimps Harris - but the opposition is too great for them to overcome.

Trump will win and democrat election fraud will not be enough to overcome it.

What comes after is the question. The democrats will be violent, there is no question. They will again unleash their Brown Shirts like they did in 2019-20 to spread terror. But one young man, one hero ended the democrat terror. Once Kyle Rittenhouse stood up and refused to be raped and murdered by the democrat terrorists - it all stopped.

It's not 2016 and we know what to do when the democrats engage in their terrorism. It won't be one young man standing against them this time. They know it and are terrified.
Yes, they won. And they established a police/terror state. 2021 rolling into 2022 was the darkest time for America since the first civil war.

But then something happened, America fought back and Biden's police state backed down into the shadows once more. Oh, we know we have traitorous cunts like Merrick Garland and Chris Wray waiting to pounce, But the Stalinist style campaign of fear collapsed in '22 because the Marxists found the resistance too great.

So it is with this election. The press lies and pimps Harris - but the opposition is too great for them to overcome.

Trump will win and democrat election fraud will not be enough to overcome it.

What comes after is the question. The democrats will be violent, there is no question. They will again unleash their Brown Shirts like they did in 2019-20 to spread terror. But one young man, one hero ended the democrat terror. Once Kyle Rittenhouse stood up and refused to be raped and murdered by the democrat terrorists - it all stopped.

It's not 2016 and we know what to do when the democrats engage in their terrorism. It won't be one young man standing against them this time. They know it and are terrified.
Multiple people on my grapevine have concluded that the Revolution is afraid and that they will stand down voluntarily. I dont remotely see it that way......they are going for the kill shot....we are in the last days of pretending that Constitutional America still exists.