2024 is a repeat of 2016

You are precisely as confused as I said you were.

As of today, almost four years after the stolen election,

... the thousands of sworn eyewitness affidavits go unanswered and uncontested,

FTFY. ... none of the eyewitness testimony has been refuted,

FTFY. Video catching DNC operatives red handed throwing the election was swept under the rug, but not until the world had seen it.

The claims were investigated but, as you prove whenever this topic comes up, the conspiratorial mind always has that conspiratorial excuse to keep the conspiracy alive. I.e. nothing was investigatee or the people who investigated are part of the steal.....not only is that an irrational and illogical assumption, it's also circular reasoning because you, again, have to assume the election was stolen to have investigators who are in on the steal.

To this day, despite investigations, audits and forensic audits.....you got nothing but the fiction in your tin foil covered head.

Oh, and sworn affidavits that, in order to keep your beliefs alive, you have to assume are all completely truthful and accurate. No evidence or support required.
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The claims were investigated ...
... by the very people who stole the election, but, as you prove whenever this topic comes up, you instinctively knee-jerk the same stupid denial, i.e. humans never conspire unless you say they do, and you don't give anyone permission to have conspired within the DNC.

You know I absolutely buy that line of reasoning every time.

To this day, despite thousands of eyewitness affidavits, eyewitness testimony and video of election fraud, you deny all of it with your tin foil covered head.

Oh, and none of the sworn affidavits have you refuted in any way, but you nonetheless have to assume are all completely fallacious, despite all being complete corroborated and uncontested.
... by the very people who stole the election, but, as you prove whenever this topic comes up, you instinctively knee-jerk the same stupid denial, i.e. humans never conspire unless you say they do, and you don't give anyone permission to have conspired within the DNC.

You know I absolutely buy that line of reasoning every time.

To this day, despite thousands of eyewitness affidavits, eyewitness testimony and video of election fraud, you deny all of it with your tin foil covered head.

Oh, and none of the sworn affidavits have you refuted in any way, but you nonetheless have to assume are all completely fallacious, despite all being complete corroborated and uncontested.
And now they run Harris and Waltz.....with no primary....just in case we did not understand that what we the people think/want/need no longer matters to the people in charge.
... by the very people who stole the election, but, as you prove whenever this topic comes up, you instinctively knee-jerk the same stupid denial, i.e. humans never conspire unless you say they do, and you don't give anyone permission to have conspired within the DNC.

You know I absolutely buy that line of reasoning every time.

To this day, despite thousands of eyewitness affidavits, eyewitness testimony and video of election fraud, you deny all of it with your tin foil covered head.

Oh, and none of the sworn affidavits have you refuted in any way, but you nonetheless have to assume are all completely fallacious, despite all being complete corroborated and uncontested.
So you have nothing. As usual.