2024 is a repeat of 2016

Here is the deal. Man, if you vote for Kamala this time, Trump will never run again,

Well yeah, if Kamala wins there were never again be a free and fair election in America.

and you Republicans will be rid of him once and for all!

Then you Good Republicans, can select one of your many rising stars in 2028.

You are not going to he happy if Trump wins in November. Trump is just going to further embarrass you and your once Great Party, and piss you off.

Let's nip Trump in the Bud, before he terrorizes our nation again, and turns even more Good Republicans into Democrats.

There might be a show election in 2028 - with the result predetermined. By 2032 the party will simply appoint our ruler.

But Kamala won't win. All the fraud your party is famous for isn't enough to overthrow our Constitutional Republic.
Over the last 8 years we have witnessed the most outrageous persecution of a man and his associates that has ever occurred in the USA. All of it fake or traps that were set. It boggles the mind.
Even after all the revolutions that have been seen over the last 100+ years.....but the American people are stunningly ignorant of what has come before.

It is the big reason I see so much babbling on JPP that America can still be saved.

We are at least a couple of decades to late for that.
Here is the deal. Man, if you vote for Kamala this time, Trump will never run again, and you Republicans will be rid of him once and for all!
I'm not a Republican. I am one of We the People, i.e. a people without a party. The MAGA movement is as close to representation as we can get without having to bend over furniture for tyrannical thought-masters.

Then you Good Republicans, can select one of your many rising stars in 2028.
Perhaps, if RFK jr and Tulsi Gabbard become Republicans.

You are not going to he happy if Trump wins in November.
Correct. I will not merely be happy. I will be elated.

Trump is just going to further embarrass you and your once Great Party, and piss you off.
You are greatly confused. Trump will bleed all the other parties.

Let's nip Trump in the Bud, before he terrorizes our nation again,
You are greatly confused. Let's elect Trump while preventing the DNC from stealing the election again.
I'm not a Republican. I am one of We the People, i.e. a people without a party. The MAGA movement is as close to representation as we can get without having to bend over furniture for tyrannical thought-masters.

Perhaps, if RFK jr and Tulsi Gabbard become Republicans.

Correct. I will not merely be happy. I will be elated.

You are greatly confused. Trump will bleed all the other parties.

You are greatly confused. Let's elect Trump while preventing the DNC from stealing the election again.
You are a lost cause- Please no not respond to my comments and just ignore me altogether.

Because I believe you are mentally ill!

Next Mentally ill person please!
The 2016 Presidential election was earmarked by the DNC presenting America's most hated woman as their candidate, and doing nothing but talk about Donald Trump, leaving 100% of the discourse on both sides about Donald Trump's policy positions and 0% about that most hated woman who had zero accomplishments and no policy positions of any substance. The result was that all of the completely fake (fabricated) "polls" couldn't prevent Donald Trump from bitch-slapping the most hated woman back into last Tuesday, and from leaving her totally dazed and confused because she had actually believed all the fake "polls," including the most absurd.

Now, the 2024 Presidential election is earmarked by the DNC presenting America's most hated woman as their candidate, and doing nothing but talk about Donald Trump, leaving 100% of the discourse on both sides about Donald Trump's policy positions and 0% about America's most hated woman, who has zero (positive and legal) accomplishments and only one Marxist policy position regarding clamping down on price controls. The inevitable result will be that the completely fake (fabricated) "polls" can't prevent Donald Trump from bitch-slapping the most hated woman into next Thursday, and from leaving her totally dazed and confused because she totally believes all the fake "polls," no matter how absurd.
Ah, no, not even close, Clinton was an awful campaigner, came across as arrogant, and Trump isn’t the new candidate, besides, his schtick isn’t entertaining any longer, Americans are sick of his drama
Well yeah, if Kamala wins there were never again be a free and fair election in America.

There might be a show election in 2028 - with the result predetermined. By 2032 the party will simply appoint our ruler.

But Kamala won't win. All the fraud your party is famous for isn't enough to overthrow our Constitutional Republic.
Sir, I don't really have the time or patience to deal with the mentally unstable people here, or their efforts to troll others here in this forum.

SO, please refrain from commenting to me directly, or quoting me in any way!

Say what you have to say- but not in response to my comments.

You and I will never agree on any political matters, so long as you want a liar and a felon to be our president.


Please, I do not want to hear from you again!

We have nothing to say to one another.
Here is the deal. Man, if you vote for Kamala this time, Trump will never run again, and you Republicans will be rid of him once and for all!

Then you Good Republicans, can select one of your many rising stars in 2028.

You are not going to he happy if Trump wins in November. Trump is just going to further embarrass you and your once Great Party, and piss you off.

Let's nip Trump in the Bud, before he terrorizes our nation again, and turns even more Good Republicans into Democrats.
On the other hand, if you vote for Trump, you get four years of him and that's that. You also avoid four years of increasingly insane, authoritarian, spend like a drunken sailor, higher taxes, more government, radical Leftist stupidity that you get with Harris.

Who the fuck would want the whole of the US run like California or New York? People and business are fleeing those states because they do the insane shit Harris wants to shackle the entire nation with.
On the other hand, if you vote for Trump, you get four years of him and that's that. You also avoid four years of increasingly insane, authoritarian, spend like a drunken sailor, higher taxes, more government, radical Leftist stupidity that you get with Harris.

Who the fuck would want the whole of the US run like California or New York? People and business are fleeing those states because they do the insane shit Harris wants to shackle the entire nation with.
Dude, you are wasting your foul breath on me.

You are a hateful person judging all others but yourself and your CULT OF PERSONALITY PARTY!

Your hateful mentality is the main reason why I vote Democratic.

I do not care to hear your unknowing opinions on anything- and all future responses from you in regards to my comments will just be ignored.

You vote for your idiot, felon, LIAR, RACIST, SEXIST, ADULTERER, SEXUAL PERVERT ,RAPIST, INSURRECTIONIST, TRAITOROUS poor excuse for a human being, and I will vote for Kamala Harris. Got it?
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Ah, no, not even close,
Sorry, it's exactly what happened. Don't try to revise history.

Clinton was an awful campaigner,
Sure. Anyone whose campaign is based on insulting others is not going to do well.

Trump isn’t the new candidate, besides, his schtick isn’t entertaining any longer, Americans are sick of his drama
Those of We the People who are going to vote are going to vote for Trump. Kamalalalalalalala's only path to victory is for the DNC to steal the election.

How are you going to celebrate when Trump wins?
Sorry, it's exactly what happened. Don't try to revise history.

Sure. Anyone whose campaign is based on insulting others is not going to do well.

Those of We the People who are going to vote are going to vote for Trump. Kamalalalalalalala's only path to victory is for the DNC to steal the election.

How are you going to celebrate when Trump wins?
The Regime is giving every indication that they are going to proclaim their candidates the winners.

RFK Jr Confirmed Yesterday That The CIA Interfered In The 2020 ElectionThis needs attention because if The CIA rigged elections in “30 countries” and RFK Jr says they rigged it here in 2020, what’s stopping them from doing it again in 2024?Chinese Foreign Minister: "The United States has sought to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, blatantly interfered in the elections of at least 30 countries, and attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders."They’ve never been held accountable, there’s been no reform at The CIA, so what’s to stop them from doing it again if nothings changed?
U B da IDIOT!!
... while you, on the other hand, are a creative genius. Did you come up with "U B da IDIOT!!" yourself? Amazing! It's only the fifteenth time someone has called me that and it's fascinating every time, i.e. it NEVER gets old. Please keep it coming.
... while you, on the other hand, are a creative genius. Did you come up with "U B da IDIOT!!" yourself? Amazing! It's only the fifteenth time someone has called me that and it's fascinating every time, i.e. it NEVER gets old. Please keep it coming.
You are not a man!

Real men would never vote for Donald CHUMP and his PUSSY BOY J.D. VANCE!