22 dead so far at VA Tech shooting


Villified User
I am there now, moved over here Sunday.....
One shooter dead, unsure if another shooter was involved or not...
Yes a major bad thing. We need to invade someone over this.

I wonder what kind of weapon was used. Is sounds like there's over 40 dead and wounded. It seems incredible that one dude could take out that many people with a handgun, or even a single semi-automatic rifle.
That's absolutely devastating. At least 22 parents won't see their kids alive again.

I really feel for them. That's not right. All they wanted to do was get an education. There is no excuse for that kind of violence.
Might be some teachers as well, no one knows. And my sister is an instructor....
She is ok, but has no word on co workers students she knows etc...
We need better mental healthcare in this country. I'm not opposed to having state governments provide free and in some cases mandatory medication for some of these people. It would reduce a lot of this in my opinion.
Most health care plans do not even adequately provide mental health coverage...Bills have been introduced and killed by Republicans and some Demoncrats that would force insurers to provide mental health care coverage....
We need better mental healthcare in this country. I'm not opposed to having state governments provide free and in some cases mandatory medication for some of these people. It would reduce a lot of this in my opinion.

While I am absolutely all for better mental healthcare, and access to it provided by the government, I wonder if it would cut down on this particular kind of thing. Sometimes I think that the people who need this kind of help the most, are the least likely to seek it out. And how do we, as a society, pick them out before something like this occurs?
The last I read, about 20 min ago, was that the dorm is in lockdown and a few kids are giving interviews over the telephone. I can't bear to imagine what it must be like for parents of students there just learning of this.
While I am absolutely all for better mental healthcare, and access to it provided by the government, I wonder if it would cut down on this particular kind of thing. Sometimes I think that the people who need this kind of help the most, are the least likely to seek it out. And how do we, as a society, pick them out before something like this occurs?

If they've never committed an offense before we can't. I don't know about this case but in many cases the mentally ill have prior incidents of criminal behavior that could be ameliorated by medication. In some cases a court ordered medication would be appropriate.

Would it solve everything no but it would be a start.
Yes the local (Roanoake) TV stations are showing Student videos. Several are injured from jumping out of windows as well.
The last I read, about 20 min ago, was that the dorm is in lockdown and a few kids are giving interviews over the telephone. I can't bear to imagine what it must be like for parents of students there just learning of this.

OMG I know. In some ways I feel sorrier for them than the students.
While I am absolutely all for better mental healthcare, and access to it provided by the government, I wonder if it would cut down on this particular kind of thing. Sometimes I think that the people who need this kind of help the most, are the least likely to seek it out. And how do we, as a society, pick them out before something like this occurs?

The short answer is, we can't. I think that constitutionally we're prevented from proactive steps in cases like this. Something has to happen first, the person has to commit a crime, before society can take any action against him. There may be some "markers", indicators that seem so very clear in retrospect, or those may not have been in evidence at all.