22 dead so far at VA Tech shooting

How do we know the dude was mentally ill? Has that been reported?
He was probably sucking on a 1.8 GPA. just trying to make it through to next semester, and staring a big fat 4 credit Calculus II final in the face.
There are distinct categories of depression. Those who are suffering because of a traumatic event in their lives (reactive depression) may require some help to recover but it's unlikely that there will be a relapse.

The other type, "endogenous depression", is primarily genetic and patients generally will require some sort of pharmacological intervention, at least at intervals, throughout their lives, to overcome those symptoms. Among those patients may be a subclassification of psychotic depressives, who may suffer delusions and bizarre behaviors. The thing is, as you pointed out earlier, by far the majority of psychiatric patients are not dangerous at all.

We know nothing about the shooter(s) in this incident. It may very well be that even if there was an involvement of mental illness (not by any means a certainty), it was undetected until now. Perhaps people looking back might now recall some oddities in his behavior, perhaps not, but it's very possible that there were no indications prior to today that such a thing might happen.
So what constitutes odd beavior by an engineer at an engineering school? Bunch of odd ducks to start with sometimes...
So what constitutes odd beavior by an engineer at an engineering school? Bunch of odd ducks to start with sometimes...

LOL. That could be said of any occupational group, couldn't it? Many years ago my mother tried to discourage me from pursuing art because she said that everyone at the are college were weirdos. Now we all know that there are no weirdos in science, right?!!!:p
The latest is that the shooter was an Asian male looking for his girlfriend....
It appears that she and a male aquaintance were the first killed.
The latest is that the shooter was an Asian male looking for his girlfriend....
It appears that she and a male aquaintance were the first killed.

Why do so many men suffer from this "if I can't have you, no one can, i'd rather see you dead" thing?
Why do so many men suffer from this "if I can't have you, no one can, i'd rather see you dead" thing?
I had a girl who stalked me for this very reason.

Contrary to popular belief being stalked is not pleasant for a man either and is quite... um "disconcerting" if not outright frightening. For a long time I had to use a PO Box as she would break into my mailbox....

It isn't just men who do the 'If I can't have you' thing. They just do it even more spectacularly. Men also will not often report the incidents as they are often told to "suck it up". With this girl I had a cop actually tell me, "I wish she were staking me!" My answer, "Me too!" (asshole).

Later when he heard of all the things she had done, actually tried to run over my sister (the adopted one) thinking she was a girlfriend of mine, he changed his story quickly.
I had a girl who stalked me for this very reason.

Contrary to popular belief being stalked is not pleasant for a man either and is quite... um "disconcerting" if not outright frightening. For a long time I had to use a PO Box as she would break into my mailbox....

It isn't just men who do the 'If I can't have you' thing. They just do it even more spectacularly. Men also will not often report the incidents as they are often told to "suck it up". With this girl I had a cop actually tell me, "I wish she were staking me!" My answer, "Me too!" (asshole).

Later when he heard of all the things she had done, actually tried to run over my sister (the adopted one) thinking she was a girlfriend of mine, he changed his story quickly.

Damo I don't think that stalking is cute no matter who is doing it. It's a terrible experience for anybody. I do know a man who was stalked. Someone I work with. It wasn't cute at all.

I've never known a man I wanted to see dead rather than with another woman. That's just really sick. I've also never known a man I would bother to stalk. It's just very weird behavior. And incredibly boring, I would imagine, to actually do.

Men do seem to resort to violence more often.
Why do so many men suffer from this "if I can't have you, no one can, i'd rather see you dead" thing?

Beats me.

I can't believe someone would kill over this. Crimes of passion have always perplexed me.

Somebody once told me, that deep in the male DNA and genetic code, is an instinct to propogate our DNA, even at the expense of other males. You see this a lot in the animal kingdom. A dominant male keeping and defending a a group of females against other males.

But, that certainly doesn't explain going to extremes like this dude did.
No. But it took a good year and a half before something concrete was finally done, and a good year before I felt comfortable acting normally. Seriously I didn't date or do anything for fear this woman would kill me or the girl I might be with. I went nowhere, I had my mail sent to other places as she would wait at the mailhouse for me to pick up the mail from my PO BOX. She was truly psycho.

All that from knowing her an entire 2 months, she hadn't even met my family yet and had never spent the night over at my apartment. I thought I had gotten rid of her when I quit my job, but an idiot at my old place of work told here where I was working and she showed up...

I can go on, but I think I might bore y'all.

The most wrecked messed part was leaving work or going to work, I had to watch for her as she'd either spring out or drive "near" me. (her word).
No. But it took a good year and a half before something concrete was finally done, and a good year before I felt comfortable acting normally. Seriously I didn't date or do anything for fear this woman would kill me or the girl I might be with. I went nowhere, I had my mail sent to other places as she would wait at the mailhouse for me to pick up the mail from my PO BOX. She was truly psycho.

All that from knowing her an entire 2 months, she hadn't even met my family yet and had never spent the night over at my apartment. I thought I had gotten rid of her when I quit my job, but an idiot at my old place of work told here where I was working and she showed up...

I can go on, but I think I might bore y'all.

The most wrecked messed part was leaving work or going to work, I had to watch for her as she'd either spring out or drive "near" me. (her word).

That's a scary story. Did you notice any warning signs in the time you were with her, at all? Was anything "off" about her personality, or did she appear to be totally normal?
She did. And I was introduced to her by a friend so she had more of my trust than some others. But it isn't like I had begun dating her exclusively or that we had done anything super-spectacular. She went nuts on a friend of mine so I stopped calling her and when she called I told her that she was too jealous for somebody I had known for such a short time. That was the moment it began to get seriously weird.