APP - 23 Minutes in Hell


Loyal to the end
This book was my Christmas read. I know there's a lot of atheists here so y'all might find it interesting to have a glimpse of where you're going.
About 3:00 o'clock in the morning I was taken. I did not know how I got there until I returned. Then the Lord explained. But I was just dropped into a prison cell, just like a regular prison cell, like you imagine, with rough huge stone walls and bars on the door. I didn't know where I was yet. All I knew was that it was extremely hot, terribly hot. It was so hot, I couldn't believe, that I was alive. I felt like I should have disintegrated with this heat, but I was still alive. It was light in the room for a little while, and I believe the Lord's presence was there for me to see the scenery better, but then it got dark after about a minute.

In Isaiah 24:22 it says: "And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison...."
Proverbs 7:27 "they shall go down to Hell in the chambers of death"
By "Chambers" it means rooms. So part of Hell has prisons cells, chambers, pits of fire, and big areas of fire, so I was just in a prison cell at this time.

Also in Jonah 2:6, "the earth with her bars was about me for ever...."
And Job 17:16 "They shall go down to the bars of the pit..."
So again, everything I saw was in The Word. Stones are talked about in Isaiah 14:19.

I found myself in the cell, and these 4 creatures were in the cell with me. I didn't know they were demons at the time, because I went there as an unsaved person. God took it out of my mind that I was a Christian. I didn't understand why, but He explained it to me on the way back. These creatures, I didn't realize that they were demons, but they were enormous. They were about 12 or 13 feet tall, one you will see in the video. One of the people that gives their testimony, he saw the same demon that I did. So you will see what one actually looks like. There is a really good picture of it in the video where one guy was drug up to the bars of Hell. It's Kenneth Hagan's testimony.

Anyway, it was all scaly. This one had scales all over its body, giant jaws with huge teeth, and claws sticking out, along with sunken-in eyes. They were just enormous. And the other one didn't looked like this at all, but it had razor sharp fins all over with one long arm and out of proportion feet. Everything was deformed and twisted and out of proportion, out of symmetry, no symmetry, one arm longer and one shorter and just odd looking creatures, horrible, horrible looking things.

And they were blaspheming God. The whole time they were cursing God. I wondered, "Why are they cursing God? Why are they hating God so much?" And then they turned their attention to me, and I felt the same hatred they had for God, they had for me also, and again I thought: "Why do they hate me? I haven't done anything to them." But they hated me with a hatred that I have never experienced on earth; way beyond what man has the ability to hate with. They absolutely hated me, and I knew they were assigned to torture me.

There were things that I am going to say, that I don't know how I knew. In Hell your senses are keener, you are just aware of more than our physical bodies are. I was aware of distances, I was aware of time, and so forth, much more than you are here. I knew these things were assigned to me, to torture me forever in this place.

DemonI was lying on the floor in this cell and I had absolutely no strength in my body. I wondered, "Why can I hardly move, what is wrong with me?" I was just aware of no strength, and I was helplessly lying there. One Demon just grabbed me and picked me up, and threw me into the wall like a glass. He just picked me up like a glass. That was how light I was, or how strong he was. And threw me into the wall, and every bone in my body just broke. And I felt pain! I just began to lie on the floor there, crying out for mercy, but these creatures don't have any mercy at all, absolutely no mercy.

The one picked me up, and the other one, with his razor-sharp claws; he just shredded my flesh right off. He just tore it off, and had absolutely no care what so ever for this body that God so wonderfully made. It had a hatred that was so intense against me. I wondered, "Why am I alive, why am I living through this? I don't understand why am I not dead." My flesh just hung there in ribbons. And there was no blood, just flesh hanging, because life is in the blood, and there is no life in Hell. And there is no water in Hell.

Is this it?
I guess so. I just read the book. BAsed on what I've seen personally this guy is telling the truth. Apparently there are a lot of modern day prophets with a similar message, but the media ignores them. Christ is coming, and soon.
I guess so. I just read the book. BAsed on what I've seen personally this guy is telling the truth. Apparently there are a lot of modern day prophets with a similar message, but the media ignores them. Christ is coming, and soon.
If such were the case most of those prophets would be false prophets. It says so in the Bible.... but I am digressing.

I will probably read this with my skeptical eye, but I am most interested in seeing the supposed video of the demon. I've never seen a full body apparition before, let alone one of manifest evil. Such a thing would be a convincing piece of evidence in the direction of Jesus....
I guess so. I just read the book. BAsed on what I've seen personally this guy is telling the truth. Apparently there are a lot of modern day prophets with a similar message, but the media ignores them. Christ is coming, and soon.

What you've seen personally?

What have you seen? Im interested in that story.
If such were the case most of those prophets would be false prophets. It says so in the Bible.... but I am digressing.

I will probably read this with my skeptical eye, but I am most interested in seeing the supposed video of the demon. I've never seen a full body apparition before, let alone one of manifest evil. Such a thing would be a convincing piece of evidence in the direction of Jesus....

He didn't have a video camera with him in hell. The video, if it shows a demon, would have to be based on his description.
What you've seen personally?

What have you seen? Im interested in that story.

For those unfamiliar with the Catholic Mass there is a minute or so period after communion for reflection and prayer. I've never been one for memorized prayer so I use that time to meditate. Also, read Exodus, the description of the Dwelling, basically a nearly square tent, wood sides with a sacrificial alter near the center. Not described is the roof of the tent, which would have to be peaked with a hole to let the smoke out. Our sanctuary was built on that concept with a shaft above the hole and topped by a skylight that could only be seen when directly underneath.

About ten years ago in church, after communion, during my meditation He came to me and told me what I was doing wrong and what I was doing right. It took all of about 5 seconds but a human conversation would have taken several minutes. He appeared as a sepia image on the inside of my closed eyelids and sort of an amalgam of religious art that I am familiar with. After it was over I sat down and said nothing, then my ten year old son tapped me on the shoulder and told me that he saw a cross come through the skylight and into my head. I therefore have a witness that I was given a vision.
For those unfamiliar with the Catholic Mass there is a minute or so period after communion for reflection and prayer. I've never been one for memorized prayer so I use that time to meditate. Also, read Exodus, the description of the Dwelling, basically a nearly square tent, wood sides with a sacrificial alter near the center. Not described is the roof of the tent, which would have to be peaked with a hole to let the smoke out. Our sanctuary was built on that concept with a shaft above the hole and topped by a skylight that could only be seen when directly underneath.

About ten years ago in church, after communion, during my meditation He came to me and told me what I was doing wrong and what I was doing right. It took all of about 5 seconds but a human conversation would have taken several minutes. He appeared as a sepia image on the inside of my closed eyelids and sort of an amalgam of religious art that I am familiar with. After it was over I sat down and said nothing, then my ten year old son tapped me on the shoulder and told me that he saw a cross come through the skylight and into my head. I therefore have a witness that I was given a vision.

wow. That's pretty cool. i Suppose i would beleive more if something like that happened to me.

Any major things you needed to change? you don;t have to go into this if you want. We all know anything can be used against us here! lOL>
wow. That's pretty cool. i Suppose i would beleive more if something like that happened to me.

Any major things you needed to change? you don;t have to go into this if you want. We all know anything can be used against us here! lOL>

What He said was meant to be personal and I don't plan on telling anyone.

What I saw jived with this guy's description, and since it happened to me I've read more of the Bible and that jives as well. For instance I never equated the design of our church with the Dwelling until after my experience and then after I read Exodus again.

When it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, the chances are good that its a duck.
So, two believers in the same myth, told to them repeatedly for as long as they have been believers, and there are some similarities? Knock me down with a feather! Funny that you deemed only to judge that Athiests will go to hell, because actually, anyone who does not believe that Jesus is messiah, sent here to save us all for the magic man in the sky is going (I'll save you a seat Damo) for "No man cometh unto the father but by me." John 14:6. So believers in false religions also, and those that create idols and pray to them, sort of like the saints. But then I digress. There is no proof to any of what you say or what was said in 23 minutes in Hell. It's your belief and that is fine, but to pretend that you have gods mind and KNOW what is going to happen, when every word you believe was written by the flawed hands and conceived in the flawed mind of men is hubris.
Lots more than atheists will go to hell; I just used that as the most obvious example. Drink lots of water now, since from what I hear you'll be very thirsty, and there won't be any water to be found. :clink:
Near Death experiences are hallucinations. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy didn't even have a NDE and just made this shit up because they knew gullible idiots who believe in fairy tales would lap it up.

When I saw this book for the first time I literally laughed out loud at how childishly credulous some people are.