APP - 23 Minutes in Hell

Near Death experiences are hallucinations. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy didn't even have a NDE and just made this shit up because they knew gullible idiots who believe in fairy tales would lap it up.

When I saw this book for the first time I literally laughed out loud at how childishly credulous some people are.
You too will experience it, but for eternity.
For those unfamiliar with the Catholic Mass there is a minute or so period after communion for reflection and prayer. I've never been one for memorized prayer so I use that time to meditate. Also, read Exodus, the description of the Dwelling, basically a nearly square tent, wood sides with a sacrificial alter near the center. Not described is the roof of the tent, which would have to be peaked with a hole to let the smoke out. Our sanctuary was built on that concept with a shaft above the hole and topped by a skylight that could only be seen when directly underneath.

About ten years ago in church, after communion, during my meditation He came to me and told me what I was doing wrong and what I was doing right. It took all of about 5 seconds but a human conversation would have taken several minutes. He appeared as a sepia image on the inside of my closed eyelids and sort of an amalgam of religious art that I am familiar with. After it was over I sat down and said nothing, then my ten year old son tapped me on the shoulder and told me that he saw a cross come through the skylight and into my head. I therefore have a witness that I was given a vision.

No, you were talking with yourself and your brain misfired and convinced you that there was a presence there. Although you are likely making the second story up, if it happened it doesn't prove anything. If God were there he'd actually talk to us, he wouldn't use ambiguous symbols that happen to be exactly the same as what we'd expect to get out of misfiring brains and attributing intention to random chances that fall in your favor.
Lots more than atheists will go to hell; I just used that as the most obvious example. Drink lots of water now, since from what I hear you'll be very thirsty, and there won't be any water to be found. :clink:

SM, if I made a robot that had an irresistible desire to drink water, and it displeased me, so I cut it off of water for the rest of my life, and this was what I programmed to be its torment, what would be the point of this exercise?

Your God is such a trivial God, using oh-so-human logic that's perfectly understandable to the barbarian minds that made it up.
LOL So now my ten year old son and I both had misfiring brains at the same time, saw basically the same thing and never before and never since. LOL

Although there will be many along with you, you will be alone in hell except for demons and perhaps Lucifer himself.
I'm not here to convince you not to go to hell, Watermark. That prospect in fact pleases me.

That's the difference between you and me SM. You're evil.

No one deserves to go to hell, and any god who would send anybody to hell is an malevolent being. I would not be happy to see you go to hell, even though you are evil, and it is deeply sickening and something worthy of incredible shame wish such a fate upon someone else. Hopefully one day evil like you will be wiped from the face of the Earth and we can have peace.
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LOL So now my ten year old son and I both had misfiring brains at the same time, saw basically the same thing and never before and never since. LOL

1. You're hardly a reliable witness, and this is completely anecdotal and unreliable. If it did happen you juiced up the facts to the nth degree. Even if you actually believe that's what happened your memories have likely been exaggerated and altered since that time.

2. Even if you did hallucinate the same thing it wouldn't prove God. A hallucination is a hallucination.

Although there will be many along with you, you will be alone in hell except for demons and perhaps Lucifer himself.

I just casted a spell on you SM! You better be scarrrreeedd!!!!!
Actually, I'm routinely hired as an expert witness and make a great living doing so. Plus, I have a witness to what I saw. :)
God doesn't send folks to hell, nor is it evil of me to have your destiny realized. :)

Any God who sends good people to hell and puts evil people who take sadistic pleasure in the suffering of others in heaven is an evil God that's not worthy of praise.

There's no such thing as destiny.
Lots more than atheists will go to hell; I just used that as the most obvious example. Drink lots of water now, since from what I hear you'll be very thirsty, and there won't be any water to be found. :clink:

Pffft, hell ain’t a bad place to be (h/t AC/DC).

I’ll tell Ronnie Raygun you said hello, when I get there!

Hell Ain’t a Bad Place to Be
[ame=""]YouTube- AC/DC - Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be[/ame]

Friend of the Devil is a Friend of Mine
[ame=""]YouTube- Grateful Dead - Friend of The Devil[/ame]
You don't know that. Ghandi said: "I have no problem with your Christ....I have a problem with his followers."

I have no problem with my man Jesus. I think he was one of the most enlightened dudes to ever walk the Earth, and I dig his message. But a lot of his "followers" also like to espouse that he must have had a real mean streak by wanting to send billions of people to hell where they are mercilessly tortured forever and ever. That ain't a guy who gets mercy in any capacity at all. Anyone who doesn't worship him the way certain cults do are doomed. I really don't think my man was all about that. He was peace, love, forgiveness, but his "followers" are all about punishment, death and eternal torture. Torture. Think about it. That ain't a god I can worship. I would never worship a torturous madman who has the power to do anything, but chooses to send people to the Tower of london forever rather that really show mercy.

I'll take the real Jesus at his word over his "followers" any day of the week.
I have no problem with my man Jesus. I think he was one of the most enlightened dudes to ever walk the Earth, and I dig his message. But a lot of his "followers" also like to espouse that he must have had a real mean streak by wanting to send billions of people to hell where they are mercilessly tortured forever and ever. That ain't a guy who gets mercy in any capacity at all. Anyone who doesn't worship him the way certain cults do are doomed. I really don't think my man was all about that. He was peace, love, forgiveness, but his "followers" are all about punishment, death and eternal torture. Torture. Think about it. That ain't a god I can worship. I would never worship a torturous madman who has the power to do anything, but chooses to send people to the Tower of london forever rather that really show mercy.

I'll take the real Jesus at his word over his "followers" any day of the week.

Again, I think that you are simply ignorant about Christianity. God simply made the rules and it is your choice to break them or not, and if you do it's not His fault that you get to spend eternity with the devil. That's like blaming the Judge if you break the law then get gang-raped in prison. And I know of no sane Christians who damn you to hell because you don't follow their brand of Christianity.