APP - 23 Minutes in Hell

Vet school is very hard to get into. My brother couldn't get in, so had to settle for dentistry. Tell her to go for it, but develop a plan B.
This is no lie. Vet school is harder to get into than Med School. I know someone that has a masters in Biology, worked 6 years in a vet clinic and still hasn't gotten in.
Thanks Jeff. He got into State early acceptance and will major in nuclear engineering. I'm trying to sway him to chemical though, perhaps with a double major, or do nuclear for a masters. :good4u:

That is fantastic SM, either will be great for him !!!
This is no lie. Vet school is harder to get into than Med School. I know someone that has a masters in Biology, worked 6 years in a vet clinic and still hasn't gotten in.
I'll tell her, but I doubt it will divert her. As I said, she has a drive that is quite amazing in somebody so young.
I'll tell her, but I doubt it will divert her. As I said, she has a drive that is quite amazing in somebody so young.
I never tell a kid with big dreams not to go for it. My son originally wanted to be an astronaut, then a fighter pilot. Each time I'd tell him to go for it since he'd have a natural Plan B by doing so. I have a nephew who wants to be a guitarist and actually make money at it. I told him to save up a few grand then get in his car and go to New York or LA and give it a whirl. He's been working for UPS, saving up and just might do it.

Your daughter will have to get great grades in college to reach her goal, so even if she doesn't get in to Vet school she'll be prepped for something else that she can make large dollars in.
By the way, the author of the book was told by Jesus that He was coming, very soon.

I suggest y'all develop your own plan B's. :readit:
By the way, the author of the book was told by Jesus that He was coming, very soon.

I suggest y'all develop your own plan B's. :readit:
His followers believed that he was coming during their lifetimes, hence the reason they took so long to write down anything about the religion.

Too many times... too many. Personally I would warn his followers not to assume that this guy is right and to make sure they had a "Plan B"...
His followers believed that he was coming during their lifetimes, hence the reason they took so long to write down anything about the religion.

Too many times... too many. Personally I would warn his followers not to assume that this guy is right and to make sure they had a "Plan B"...

For the Second Coming lots of stuff has to happen first. With a nuclear Iran and a weak US president the time may be right.
I'm just hoping someone will be kind enough to distract St. Peter for me while I make a run for the gate in the event that I do what I do best and fuck up - in this case at being a good Catholic.
I'm not here to convince you not to go to hell, Watermark. That prospect in fact pleases me.

Two things in the bible that you should reread:

"Judge not lest ye be judged." Matthew 7:1

"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Matthew 25:40
Two things in the bible that you should reread:

"Judge not lest ye be judged." Matthew 7:1

"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Matthew 25:40

So SM is not allowed to help anyone? Geez, no wonder I've stopped caring much about other people...
So SM is not allowed to help anyone? Geez, no wonder I've stopped caring much about other people...

First of all, it is his duty as a christian to help nonbelievers to believe, and so to help them avoid hell.

Second of all, his being pleased with WM going to hell goes against everything Jesus stood for, and fits in with the second biblical quote I posted.
First of all, it is his duty as a christian to help nonbelievers to believe, and so to help them avoid hell.

Second of all, his being pleased with WM going to hell goes against everything Jesus stood for, and fits in with the second biblical quote I posted.

1) You cannot help someone without making a judgement, hence, judging them
2) I think everyone is pleased about Watermark's position