APP - 23 Minutes in Hell

It took all of about 5 seconds but a human conversation would have taken several minutes. He appeared as a sepia image on the inside of my closed eyelids and sort of an amalgam of religious art that I am familiar with. After it was over I sat down and said nothing, then my ten year old son tapped me on the shoulder and told me that he saw a cross come through the skylight and into my head. I therefore have a witness that I was given a vision..

if you really believed this happened then you are schizophrenic
I have no problem with my man Jesus. I think he was one of the most enlightened dudes to ever walk the Earth, and I dig his message. But a lot of his "followers" also like to espouse that he must have had a real mean streak by wanting to send billions of people to hell where they are mercilessly tortured forever and ever. That ain't a guy who gets mercy in any capacity at all. Anyone who doesn't worship him the way certain cults do are doomed. I really don't think my man was all about that. He was peace, love, forgiveness, but his "followers" are all about punishment, death and eternal torture. Torture. Think about it. That ain't a god I can worship. I would never worship a torturous madman who has the power to do anything, but chooses to send people to the Tower of london forever rather that really show mercy.

I'll take the real Jesus at his word over his "followers" any day of the week.

Jesus was actually the guy who came up with the hellfire hell. Jewish hell is different (although not many Jews these days actually believe in hell at all).

But really, some sort of afterlife karma may have use for a deity to distribute. But torture should be out of the question, and eternal punishment of any nature should also obviously be out of the question. Even Hitler doesn't deserve literally infinite punishment. And this God gives it out for trivial things like not believing in him. Really? Really God?

One of the biggest problems I have with Christian doctrine is their disturbing acceptance of the doctrine of hell as just.
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All these so called atheist will be dropping to there Knee's whinning and begging God to help them when there time comes or someone close to them time comes

I try not to knock any man's believe , but after reading the reply's to SM post I had to stick the truth in there
His dad is a moron, I feel sorry for the dimwitted kid.

wow all class, I could never understand why anyone has to attack a kid, as big as you are on education Top you ought to be worshiping this Kid, he is getting a REAL education
wow all class, I could never understand why anyone has to attack a kid, as big as you are on education Top you ought to be worshiping this Kid, he is getting a REAL education

His dad has a threestory closet he's in the process of coming out of. How can this kid not be confused?
His dad has a threestory closet he's in the process of coming out of. How can this kid not be confused?

Top you and I both know SM's kid is going to get the best of everything, I am sure this Boy will have one hell of a education
Quick question.

If there is no water in Hell then why did that guy in Hell ask Yahweh if Abraham could touch the water in Hell?
I know I just pity a kid who's dad is in the long process of coming out of the closet. It's no wonder the kid is confused.
Quick question.

If there is no water in Hell then why did that guy in Hell ask Yahweh if Abraham could touch the water in Hell?
Ah forget it, he asked that Lazurus dip his finger in water and bring it to him not that he come and touch the water... I misremembered.
Quick question.

If there is no water in Hell then why did that guy in Hell ask Yahweh if Abraham could touch the water in Hell?
I guess they ran out long ago. Or, at that temperature it only exists as steam and therefore not drinkable.

By the way, in Heaven they have no beer, that's why we drink it here. Also, beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. :clink:
Top you and I both know SM's kid is going to get the best of everything, I am sure this Boy will have one hell of a education
Thanks Jeff. He got into State early acceptance and will major in nuclear engineering. I'm trying to sway him to chemical though, perhaps with a double major, or do nuclear for a masters. :good4u:
Thanks Jeff. He got into State early acceptance and will major in nuclear engineering. I'm trying to sway him to chemical though, perhaps with a double major, or do nuclear for a masters. :good4u:
My 9 year old (the middle child and my first bio-child) is already planning on going into Veterinary Research. She's got a drive I am quite proud of...

I hope she loves her work, and I hope your kid gets fabulously wealthy and loves his work.
My 9 year old (the middle child and my first bio-child) is already planning on going into Veterinary Research. She's got a drive I am quite proud of...

I hope she loves her work, and I hope your kid gets fabulously wealthy and loves his work.
Vet school is very hard to get into. My brother couldn't get in, so had to settle for dentistry. Tell her to go for it, but develop a plan B.