2nd Amendment validation

in a well regulated militia.
No such condition. 'Shall not be infringed' means just that.
dumbfuck bitch.
Insult fallacy.
arms means arms of war,
No. 'Arms' means a weapon. ANY kind of weapon. You don't get to redefine words.
surely even a stupid fuck piece of shit like you has to believe private citizens cannot purchase or own every type of weapon we have in our arsenal, and can own and bear them.
Yes they can. ANY weapon.
from tanks
It is legal to own tanks.
to attack helicopters
It is legal to own attack helicopters.
to shoulder fired ground to air missile systems
It is legal to own shoulder fired ground to air missile systems.
to rocket propelled grenade launchers and grenades.
It is legal to own rocket propelled grenade launchers and any type of grenade (including ones for the launcher).
are you really this fucking stupid, boy?
Insult fallacy. Discard of the Constitution of the United States.
the constitution does not specifically give citizens the right to own guns,
A constitution does not give any right to any citizen. Rights do not come from a piece of paper.
but it does not deny that right.
A constitution does not take away any right either. You obviously have no idea what a constitution is or what it does.
just like with dining room tables.
Random phrase. Discarded.

The Constitution of the United States specifically prohibits the federal government from messing with the inherent right of self defense. It does not specify any type of arm (any type of weapon) that the government may restrict or ban. It cannot restrict or ban ANY weapon regardless of type of weapon, brand of weapon, who else uses it (like the military), size of weapon, physical shape of weapon, or color of weapon.

That prohibition extends to the States. They cannot pass any law the restricts or bans any weapon either.
there are several ways that a person, place, or thing can be regulated..........


verb (used with object), reg·u·lat·ed, reg·u·lat·ing.
1. to control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc.: to regulate household expenses.
2. to adjust to some standard or requirement, as amount, degree, etc.: to regulate the temperature.
3. to adjust so as to ensure accuracy of operation: to regulate a watch.
4. to put in good order: to regulate the digestion.

so, as you can see, 'well regulated' does not have to mean 'well ruled'.......therefore, 'well regulated', as used by the founding fathers through their historical writings, having a set standard or being in good order......we the people are that well regulated militia. It is the absolute height of stupidity to believe that the framers would insert a government ruled entity in to the B of R as a necessity to a secure state when all of their writings expressed a huge distrust of standing armies

Dictionaries do not define words. False authority fallacy. No dictionary owns any word. That is not the purpose of a dictionary. You cannot redefine a word using a dictionary.

Now, concerning these 'various definitions' you dragged out of a web site:

The word 'regulate' stems from the Latin word 'regula' which means to rule.

You can regulate household expenses. It is exercising your rule over them.
You can regulate a temperature. It is exercising your rule over it.
You can regulate a watch. It is exercising your rule of the workings (to build a timekeeping device, such as a pendulum, fusee, or crystal oscillator).
You cannot regulate digestion. That is an autonomic function of the body. You can certainly abuse the capability of your own body, but to stop abusing it is not regulation.
You can regulate a Marine corp. That is exercising rule over that organization.
You can regulate a Marine. That is exercising rule over that Marine (issuing and following orders).
You can regulate a person. That is exercising rule over that person. In the United States, that rule can only extend in accordance with the Constitution of the United States, the constitution of the State that person is in, the constitution of the county or parish that person is in, and the city that person is in (if any).

You don't get to speak for the dead. You can only speak for you. Attempting to redefine words using Holy Links or any dictionary is not something you get to do either. That's a false authority fallacy and a redefinition fallacy.

Words have meanings. Words are defined by people, not dictionaries. You should study etymology more. That is the origin of the meanings of words and phrases. It can reveal how people defined a word and why that definition was used. You do not get to change their meaning willy-nilly, even by pointing at dictionaries or Holy Web Sites.

Marines are well regulated. It is standing army. It is funded at least every two years in accordance with the Constitution of the United States.
You are not. You are a citizen, subject to the laws of this country only. Despite the saying you learned in the Marines, you are NOT a Marine. You are a citizen.

Your Marine training and your honor stays with you. THAT is what is meant by 'Once a Marine, always a Marine'. It does NOT mean you are still a member of the Marine corp.

A militia is a body of armed men. States can certainly form militias for specific purposes. See Article I, $8 and $10. The national militia is made up of the National Guard, the Marines, the Army, the Air Force, etc. The federal government IS allowed to have standing armies, in accordance with Article I, $8 and $10 of the Constitution of the United States.

The ONLY authoritative reference of the Constitution of the United States is the Constitution itself. You cannot speak for the dead or use them as an authority. You cannot just redefine words.
it is the height of absolute stupidity to believe that the founders would ratify a RIGHT to bear arms ONLY to a government run entity after they just won independence from a government that tried to take their arms. are you really this fucking stupid, infant?

Very true. Having just fought off the British, who WERE trying to regulate access to arms, the LAST thing the victorious would want to do is capitulate to the British or any other government their access to arms.

Hoosier Daddy's posts only shows he has NO understand of human nature.
the whole point is, when the constitution was written, a musket and cannon were as dangerous and lethal as weapons could get!! hell, a sword was more lethal in close combat than a fucking single shot musket!! the constitution also stated slaves were 3/5ths of a person!! and yet, you believe when they said own and bear arms, not just firearms, but arms of war, that means people today should be able to own any type of weapon in the US arsenal? are you nuts?
Historical fallacy. The Constitution wasn't written for a single day or age. It is not cancelled simply by age.

It is legal to own and bear ANY weapon the US arsenal AND any weapon NOT in the US arsenal. It is legal to develop NEW weapons and own them and bear them. Yes...that includes the right to own a nuclear bomb. Deal with it.
that is not why they revolted, stupid fuck. the primary reason was money, as usual- NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION....the rich guys that ran the revolt against britain were tired of having to pay so much to the Crown when they got nothing back in return, and could not even vote or have a say in how much they had to pay.

Taxes were one factor causing the revolt. So was invasion of private property to quarter troops, theft by British troops of private property (not just taxes!), attempting to BAN and LIMIT access to weapons, imprisonment without cause or trial, and other mistreatment of people in the colonies.

It was through the inherent right of self defense that the colonists finally stood up against this abuse and sent the British packing.

NOTHING has changed. The right of self defense is inherent.
Historical fallacy. The Constitution wasn't written for a single day or age. It is not cancelled simply by age.

It is legal to own and bear ANY weapon the US arsenal AND any weapon NOT in the US arsenal. It is legal to develop NEW weapons and own them and bear them. Yes...that includes the right to own a nuclear bomb. Deal with it.

clown shoes thinks he can own a nuke. bwahahahaha

why does anyone waste time with <insert dorky fallacy reply here>
for almost a decade, on this forum, there have been arguments and debates about what entity enjoys the 2nd Amendment right.......whether it was the national guard or the people of each state.......

the right has always believed it to be a right of the people in order to defend against a tyrannical government..............

now, the left has always sided with the idea that it's only a right of a 'well regulated militia', which would be the states national guard.

the left has never wanted to look at the founders arguments and beliefs in what the militia is, though.........mainly because it destroys their narrative...............well, it was factually destroyed today


because, IF, a states national guard can be co-opted by the federal government at any time, then it's most certainly not the militia that guarantees the security of a free state.

Gun deaths - 40,000
Tyrants overthrown - 0
No. It means you are well trained. You are not a militia. Nordberg like usual is denying and discarding the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of the various States.

You are picking and choosing. The well-regulated militia is the same sentence. Quit being dishonest.