2nd Amendment validation

for some reason, a lot of folks think the founding fathers just threw in that "well regulated militia" part for shits and grins. that is was not german to WHAT FOLLOWS, AS FAR AS THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, MEANING ARMS OF WAR, NOT JUST FIREARMS. they were literate. they knew what words meant. too bad so many gun nuts do not.

You don't get to speak for the dead. You can only speak for you.
The 2nd amendment does not specify any weapon by type, application, brand name, or usage.
The 2nd amendment discusses two related rights:
1) the right of a free State to defend itself (it organizes militias).
2) the right of the people (individuals) to defend themselves. They do that by bearing arms (weapons). ANY kind of weapon.
The Brits were attacking America with some regularity in the beginning. We had citizen soldiers. . They fought to save the country. That is why they needed to be armed and REGULATED. They needed to be trained.Therefore in a militia.
Yes. That was one use of militias. Others fought against the British voluntarily, not part of any militia, using their own weapons.
Things have changed.
We are not fighting the Brits on our home turf.
Guns are slaughtering Americans, about 100 a day.
Argument from randU fallacy. Making up numbers isn't going to work.
The 2nd should be removed
That would only give the States authority over weapons. It would not change federal authority one bit. They are still not authorized to pass any gun control law. Further, the amendment process is very specific. I don't think your proposed amendment would be accepted.
and guns should only be in the hands of people who can prove a need.
Unconstitutional. Define 'need'. Define 'proof'.
Ex ????
I’m sure due to your posts the FBI is watching your insane ass
But you are not a member anymore
Face reality
Why would the FBI bother?
It doesn't matter he isn't a member of the Marines anymore. I welcome his service for his country that he performed.
You don't know what 'reality' even means. Buzzword fallacy.
I already am 'well regulated'
No. The MARINES are well regulated. You are not.
yes, the founders wanted all civilians to be 'well regulated' with regards to the use of their firearms in order to maintain their freedom from their new central government
Nonsensical statement. You don't get to speak for the dead. You can only speak for you.
you are deluded. I love the 2nd Amendment, you hate it.
Quite right...evince does hate it. He discards the Constitution regularly.
you are a moronic retard who doesn't understand simple math. 20 million armed american patriots versus 4 million military and police.............who wins?

I would say the odds are much worse for the military and police against citizens. Remember also that military and police will fragment over loyalty as well.
Once a Marine, ALWAYS a Marine.
While your training stays with you, your membership in the Marines does not. Yeah, I know the old saying. It is referring to your Marine training and your honor as a Marine, not your membership.
Agreed. They are a nothing. Not a significant factor at all. Further, there is nothing of interest here to them. Evince is just trying to sound threatening by trying to sound important.
do you believe that the government deneuralized me so I wouldn't remember how to shoot and fight????
Obviously not. Your excellent training and honor as a Marine stays with you.
no, you are not. you are a stupid fuck clown, with no regulation. about 10% of domestic terrorist attacks have been committed by ex-soldiers, in this country, dickheaded clownboy. that's not very well regulated.

Why America's vets are turning to extremism after the militaryhttps://www.msnbc.com › opinion › why-america-s-vet...
Oct 17, 2021 — Veterans are responsible for 10 percent of all domestic terrorist attacks and plots since 2015. It's time for the government to step in. Photo ...

Argument from randU fallacy. Stop making up numbers.
The "well regulated militia " part is the most stupid, dumbfuck part of the Second Amendment's wording.

The United States has the most funded professional military on the planet.
The very last thing we need is militias. What dumb fucks they had to be to even mention militias!
Members of private militias are assholes who should be rounded up and turned into a massive bonfire.

What the founders should have said, if they had the slightest fucking idea of what they were doing, is what they actually meant.
Americans in good standing have a right to own personal firearms. End of fucking story. No artillary pieces. No nuclear bombers. But yes, personal firearms.

People worship the framers but none of the latter could have passed first year at a decent law school today.
It's evident from their writing. They even spell "defense" as "defence." What fences were they planning to tear down?

Appeal to novelty fallacy.
Obviously, you don't know the English language.
lots of people own tanks ( I dont really have any room to put one), where do you suppose those attack helicopter's in TV and movies come from ?

Some people own lots of tanks...

Jaques Littlefield (deceased now) had the world's largest private collection of working tanks


Or these tank owners out for a weekend at the range



Or this guy firing his 122mm artillery piece:


Or, somebody enjoying the firing of a bazooka...

No. The MARINES are well regulated. You are not.

Nonsensical statement. You don't get to speak for the dead. You can only speak for you.
the founders used 'regulated' in the sense of 'good working condition'........I am that. I'm not speaking for the dead, they spoke for themselves with the dozens of historical writing concerning their beliefs on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.