Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992)
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Who regulated your ass well?
As a once active duty US Marine, I am 'well regulated' according to the founders belief.
You're not sane.
A well regulated militia
We the people get to regulate it well
you live in a fantasy world if you think a bunch of pussy gun nuts armed with every assault weapon they have could somehow stop the US from becoming a dictatorship IF THE MILITARY AND THE POLICE WERE IN ON IT. you are so out in left field. if the army did not care about civilian casualties, about collateral damage, if they received any fire from some yahoo, or bunch of yahoos, they would just level the neighborhood. and move on. get that "stop tyranny" bullshit out of your tiny little mind.
I already am 'well regulated'Let us regulate you well
yes, the founders wanted all civilians to be 'well regulated' with regards to the use of their firearms in order to maintain their freedom from their new central governmentIt’s what the founders intended
Why do you hate the second amendment?
did you know polacks did not know which way they should be pointed?
We have the right to regulate guns
The constitution says so
do you think if every jew was armed it would have taken the nazi military more than a few days to kill them all? stupid? armed with guns vs. tanks, planes, other arms of war? what a fantasy.
A well regulated militia
That means the people can regulate the people you fucking idiots
for some reason, a lot of folks think the founding fathers just threw in that "well regulated militia" part for shits and grins. that is was not german to WHAT FOLLOWS, AS FAR AS THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, MEANING ARMS OF WAR, NOT JUST FIREARMS. they were literate. they knew what words meant. too bad so many gun nuts do not.
militias exist because the federal government could not keep a standing army in times of peace.
claiming such a concept as "national militias" is bypassing the intent of why militias existed at all.
he is a poser - a bullshit artist - even today - as we ignore the intent of the constitution and allow standing federal armies - the national guard is controlled by the state - even when called up
you live in a fantasy world if you think a bunch of pussy gun nuts armed with every assault weapon they have could somehow stop the US from becoming a dictatorship IF THE MILITARY AND THE POLICE WERE IN ON IT. you are so out in left field. if the army did not care about civilian casualties, about collateral damage, if they received any fire from some yahoo, or bunch of yahoos, they would just level the neighborhood. and move on. get that "stop tyranny" bullshit out of your tiny little mind.
for some reason, a lot of folks think the founding fathers just threw in that "well regulated militia" part for shits and grins. that is was not german to WHAT FOLLOWS, AS FAR AS THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, MEANING ARMS OF WAR, NOT JUST FIREARMS. they were literate. they knew what words meant. too bad so many gun nuts do not.
A well regulated militia
We the people get to regulate it well
Once a Marine, ALWAYS a Marine.Ex ????
FUCK THE FBII’m sure due to your posts the FBI is watching your insane ass
do you believe that the government deneuralized me so I wouldn't remember how to shoot and fight????But you are not a member anymore
shall not be infringed
Once a Marine, ALWAYS a Marine.
do you believe that the government deneuralized me so I wouldn't remember how to shoot and fight????