2nd Amendment validation

Start your race war idiot

and 20 million American Veterans are well regulated. we all remember how to shoot, how to fight, how to operate in a coordinated military manner, free of government regulations in order to overcome tyranny

So you think a bunch of old guys with 50 cals mounted on mobility scooters is a threat
So you think a bunch of old guys with 50 cals mounted on mobility scooters is a threat

oh ye of generalized stupidity. I realize that your low IQ prevents you from seeing reality, but not every one of those 20 million veterans, or all americans with guns period, are old fat guys........I may be 55, but nowhere near to fat, still decently in shape, and shoot just as accurately as I did during my 20s.................

but I get that your terror of the freedom of others forces you to see things that way..........
and 20 million American Veterans are well regulated. we all remember how to shoot, how to fight, how to operate in a coordinated military manner, free of government regulations in order to overcome tyranny

no, you are not. you are a stupid fuck clown, with no regulation. about 10% of domestic terrorist attacks have been committed by ex-soldiers, in this country, dickheaded clownboy. that's not very well regulated.

Why America's vets are turning to extremism after the militaryhttps://www.msnbc.com › opinion › why-america-s-vet...
Oct 17, 2021 — Veterans are responsible for 10 percent of all domestic terrorist attacks and plots since 2015. It's time for the government to step in. Photo ...
regulate the militia, but do not infringe upon the right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms

we have for centuries, silly ass. can you own a tank or an attack helicopter? a shoulder fired ground to air missile system? rocket propelled grenade launcher with grenades? and about a million other arms of war?
no, you are not. you are a stupid fuck clown, with no regulation. about 10% of domestic terrorist attacks have been committed by ex-soldiers, in this country, dickheaded clownboy. that's not very well regulated.

Why America's vets are turning to extremism after the militaryhttps://www.msnbc.com › opinion › why-america-s-vet...
Oct 17, 2021 — Veterans are responsible for 10 percent of all domestic terrorist attacks and plots since 2015. It's time for the government to step in. Photo ...

then you are ignorant of what well regulated meant to the founders, noron, and yes..........I am very well regulated
The "well regulated militia " part is the most stupid, dumbfuck part of the Second Amendment's wording.

The United States has the most funded professional military on the planet.
The very last thing we need is militias. What dumb fucks they had to be to even mention militias!
Members of private militias are assholes who should be rounded up and turned into a massive bonfire.

What the founders should have said, if they had the slightest fucking idea of what they were doing, is what they actually meant.
Americans in good standing have a right to own personal firearms. End of fucking story. No artillary pieces. No nuclear bombers. But yes, personal firearms.

People worship the framers but none of the latter could have passed first year at a decent law school today.
It's evident from their writing. They even spell "defense" as "defence." What fences were they planning to tear down?
we have for centuries, silly ass. can you own a tank or an attack helicopter? a shoulder fired ground to air missile system? rocket propelled grenade launcher with grenades? and about a million other arms of war?

lots of people own tanks ( I dont really have any room to put one), where do you suppose those attack helicopter's in TV and movies come from ?
The National Guard didn't exist as such prior to the end of the Spanish American war. Before that, it was called the Organized Militia, although some units called themselves National Guard. Up through at least the beginning of the Civil War militia units generally required members to purchase and own their equipment including firearms and uniforms. There was also no standard uniform and units adopted their own based generally on what the Army was using.

In addition to the Organized militia, there were units of Volunteers formed in time of war. These were scratch units formed usually by wealthy individuals and outfitted in various ways and as various types of unit but mostly infantry or cavalry. Some more famous volunteer regiments over US history include:

The Kentucky Mounted Rifles in the War of 1812. The governor of Kentucky called for men with means to provide themselves a horse, rifle (not musket), etc., and volunteer for service. The regiment reached about 1,000 men at its height and proved to be one of the best units the US had in the Great Lakes region.

Wilder's "Lighting" Brigade. John Wilder, an Illinois lawyer, using regiments of volunteers devised a means of pursuing and defeating Confederate raiders / cavalry using men riding mules as dragoons (mounted infantry). He paid for his brigade to be equipped with Spencer repeating rifles--a huge increase in firepower--as well. A Confederate curse at the time about this weapon and its fearsome firepower was That damned Yankee rifle! You load it on Sunday, and it shoots all week!

Roosevelt's Rough Riders would be another from the Spanish American War.

These are Volunteer militia rather than organized (or standing) militia like the National Guard.

Irrelevant. None of that changes what the National Guard is.
militias exist because the federal government could not keep a standing army in times of peace.

claiming such a concept as "national militias" is bypassing the intent of why militias existed at all.

The federal government can keep a standing army in times of peace. See Article I, $8.

A militia is a body of armed men...essentially an army. There is nothing unconstitutional about the National Guard. There is nothing unconstitutional about any State militia either.

Many State constitutions provide authority to the State to outlaw or restrict private militias. The federal government has no such authority.
he is a poser - a bullshit artist - even today - as we ignore the intent of the constitution and allow standing federal armies - the national guard is controlled by the state - even when called up


You are ignoring the Constitution of the United States again.
The National Guard is a national militia.
The States can organize their own militias under certain conditions, and have done so in the past. They are not the National Guard.

See Article I, $8 and $10.

Wikipedia is not a valid source. The ONLY authoritative source of the Constitution of the United States is the Constitution itself.
The Brits were attacking America with some regularity in the beginning. We had citizen soldiers. . They fought to save the country. That is why they needed to be armed and REGULATED. They needed to be trained. Therefore in a militia. Things have changed. We are not fighting the Brits on our home turf. Guns are slaughtering Americans, about 100 a day. The 2nd should be removed and guns should only be in the hands of people who can prove a need.

Regulated then meant in proper working order and ready to go.


The only thing that's changed is the quality and self-discipline of the people in America.
you live in a fantasy world if you think a bunch of pussy gun nuts armed with every assault weapon they have could somehow stop the US from becoming a dictatorship IF THE MILITARY AND THE POLICE WERE IN ON IT. you are so out in left field. if the army did not care about civilian casualties, about collateral damage, if they received any fire from some yahoo, or bunch of yahoos, they would just level the neighborhood. and move on. get that "stop tyranny" bullshit out of your tiny little mind.

You are speculating.

There are a good 250 million people in the United States that have guns.
The Army currently has about only 450 thousand.

The Army has no chance against the citizens.
do you think if every jew was armed it would have taken the nazi military more than a few days to kill them all? stupid? armed with guns vs. tanks, planes, other arms of war? what a fantasy.

The Nazi military did not kill them all. The Nazis had no chance against the Allied nations.