4 kids killed outside Atlanta.

You criminally uneducated speed bump. You don't know the first fucking thing about the Founders, our rights, freedom, or the Constitution.
You are describing yourself again. Inversion fallacy.
You're an old, grumpy, ignorant fake conservative bitching about everything that doesn't look or sound like you. You're obsessed with guns because you're not smart enough to think for yourself. You're boring, misguided, and unpleasant.
It is YOU that is obsessed with guns. Your hoplophobia is the reason.
so you're saying it's 'trumpian' to support obeying and enforcing the law?

avoiding your own trolling now, i see.
No. I'm saying it's Trumpian to seek to violently overthrow the government because you don't like the results of our Republic.

You are free to believe the post below is trolling. I forgot how sensitive you are.

MAGAts bitch about immigrants from Third World Shitholes then import mail-order brides because no American woman would have them. Sad.
that's pretty misogynistic, don't you think? why do you hate foreign women?

No. I don't, but it's interesting to see you support importing immigrants from shithole countries over American women.

Dude, you just undermined every argument of yours against immigrants.

Sorry if I offended you and your mail-order bride.

You get your ass kicked because you're stupid as a stump, and you're a worthless cunt.
Sybil selfie. Awesome!
I don't even know what you're talking about now, and sadly neither do you.
DtM is paranoid about the US government. He and his militia buddies live in a fantasy world akin to "The Turner Diaries". Many of them tried to enact that fantasy on 1/6 and now many are in prison. Others are on the lam or rolling on each other. I suspect DtM is in the latter group since he confessed to the FBI interviewing him yet he hasn't been charged. Go figure. LOL
My ass hasn't been touched and I'll keep it that way.

I'm sure no one has touched it in that sort of way - probably ever...

But you have never fared well in any debate, discussion here.

You're just a troll who spews shit, gets the fuck kicked out of you, then moves to another thread spewing more shit.
I'm sure no one has touched it in that sort of way - probably ever...

But you have never fared well in any debate, discussion here.

You're just a troll who spews shit, gets the fuck kicked out of you, then moves to another thread spewing more shit.
It is interesting so many of you magas are so obsessed with me and my body. Dude go get laid already, And no, I will never be interested.
No. I'm saying it's Trumpian to seek to violently overthrow the government because you don't like the results of our Republic.

You are free to believe the post below is trolling. I forgot how sensitive you are.
DtM is paranoid about the US government. He and his militia buddies live in a fantasy world akin to "The Turner Diaries". Many of them tried to enact that fantasy on 1/6 and now many are in prison. Others are on the lam or rolling on each other. I suspect DtM is in the latter group since he confessed to the FBI interviewing him yet he hasn't been charged. Go figure. LOL
Self defense is not paranoia, Sybil.