40% of Americans Want Muslims to have special ID

Right Professor...and the

you have been chastised by people who understand polling and statistics... topics of which you are obviously ignorant. One does not need to be an "expert" to know that your claim that a sample size of 10% of the population is required for polling data to have validity is silly. Like YOU said, it is covered in Statistics 101. If you took the class, you either flunked it or paid someone to take the tests for you... because you are clearly clueless on the subject.

"PEP Boy" squad...Manny,Moe and Jack! I proposed a theory which y'all failed to disprove...do the poll then let me know if I am right or wrong...y'all are akin to those way back when who said the world is Flat...and dismissed new theories that went against the popular grain...
so tell me...if I go poll 10% of the population, how will you PROVE that the answer is correct?


Why don't you just face the fact that you don't know what you are talking about?

Why not just say.... "OK...I realize that there are mathematical concepts known as "variance" and "standard deviation" and "root mean squared" and "margin of error", etc..... my new theory is that they are WRONG 10% of the time. Now disprove my latest theory. What? you can't?"

and what exactly IS your "new theory" again?????

maybe you and the PEP Boys are totally brainwashed by Liberal Professors...anything they say is A Okay with you...argue with a wall...Ensign Pulver...ya lost on the Reyes topic...and you lost on this one!
...and dismissed new theories that went against the popular grain...
The difference being that those new theories had some form of evidence behind them beyond the mere conjecture. Your's is the mere flapping of mandible verse maxilla.

I publish in technical journals and the job of supporting my assertions falls on me. It does not fall on others to 'disprove' my claims. Go ahead, oh great scientist, and prove your superiority, prove the current method wrong.
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The difference being that those new theories had some form of evidence behind them beyond the mere conjecture. Your's is the mere flapping of mandible verse maxilla.

I publish in technical journals and the support my assertions falls on me. It does not fall on others to 'disprove' my claims. Go ahead, oh great scientist, and prove your superiority, prove the current method wrong.

Post them...I would be interested in reading them..however I can't prove my theory anymore than you can disprove it...ya have a few million laying around ya would like to grant me?...then I would do the poll...!;)
maybe you and the PEP Boys are totally brainwashed by Liberal Professors...anything they say is A Okay with you...argue with a wall...Ensign Pulver...ya lost on the Reyes topic...and you lost on this one!

I lost on this one where I suggest that your idea that 10% of the total population needs to be polled for the poll results to be valid is anything other than sheer unadulterated idiocy?

you are delusional.

and when are you going to post those links showing Hezbollah's existence in "the 70's"?

is that coming anytime soon?


When I think of you, as a supposed bigtime ex-cop.... a song comes to mind..... it starts, "there's a holdup in the bronx, brooklyn's broken out in fights, there's a traffic jam in harlem that's backed up to jackson heights...."
You lost on all three points...

I lost on this one where I suggest that your idea that 10% of the total population needs to be polled for the poll results to be valid is anything other than sheer unadulterated idiocy?

you are delusional.

and when are you going to post those links showing Hezbollah's existence in "the 70's"?

is that coming anytime soon?


When I think of you, as a supposed bigtime ex-cop.... a song comes to mind..... it starts, "there's a holdup in the bronx, brooklyn's broken out in fights, there's a traffic jam in harlem that's backed up to jackson heights...."

Hezbollah was already covered as they were under another name...same players...now go away...and you remind me of the song..."I'ts only make believe" or maybe the "Great Pretender"
you are saying that the founders of Hezbollah were ALIVE in the 70's? No one is disputing that. I AM disputing the fact that they started an organization called Hezbollah in the 70's. They started the organization called Hezbollah in 1982. No earlier. And they modeled it after the Iranian revolutionary guard, whose success did not itself occur until the very last year of "the 70's". THAT is the fact.... and it is also a fact that you do not need to sample 10% of a population for the data extracted from an opinion poll to be statistically valid. And like I said, if you can find the legislation that single sourced a contract to Reye's daughter, show it...if not, shut your piehole
I lost on this one where I suggest that your idea that 10% of the total population needs to be polled for the poll results to be valid is anything other than sheer unadulterated idiocy?

you are delusional.

and when are you going to post those links showing Hezbollah's existence in "the 70's"?

is that coming anytime soon?


When I think of you, as a supposed bigtime ex-cop.... a song comes to mind..... it starts, "there's a holdup in the bronx, brooklyn's broken out in fights, there's a traffic jam in harlem that's backed up to jackson heights...."
LOL! Perfect, "Car 54 where are you?" :woot:
Hezbollah was already covered as they were under another name...same players...now go away...and you remind me of the song..."I'ts only make believe" or maybe the "Great Pretender"

with toby missing in action, we hereby nominate you as the most moronic poster on jpp.com

That statistics "debate" was downright moronic. My IQ dropped ten points just listening to you.
It really is a pathetic argument he attempts to make. I wonder if he places the birth of the National Organization of Women not in 1966 but concurrent with the Suffrage movement? Or maybe the birth of Betty Friedan?

He is every bit the blowhard that Dixie is, with even less intelligence.
Post them...I would be interested in reading them..however I can't prove my theory anymore than you can disprove it...ya have a few million laying around ya would like to grant me?...then I would do the poll...!;)

Sorry, I have a policy of not providing any form of personal info to strangers. There are perhaps a dozen people globally who can do what I do at my level, my work is readily identified back to me by field and specialty, so posting my works would be similar to posting my name.

Since your theory is in contradiction to longstanding (and proven science) it is de facto 'disproven' until such time as you prove it. If it's such a good idea, then I am sure you can get a grant to study it. Even then, a single empirical measure is hardly going to contravene what is known true; however, if you are foolhardy enough to undertake that Sysyphusian task, feel free.
with toby missing in action, we hereby nominate you as the most moronic poster on jpp.com

That statistics "debate" was downright moronic. My IQ dropped ten points just listening to you.
Oh, no, no. Not with Dixie still very much present and yet unaccountable for. Beetle's going to have to try harder.
Oh, no, no. Not with Dixie still very much present and yet unaccountable for. Beetle's going to have to try harder.


Battleboob is clearly a wildly misinformed moron.

Dixe is at least intelligent. Dixie is more of a propagandist, than a moron.