40% of Americans Want Muslims to have special ID


when you said

at least I can get a laugh or two even and albeit from pervs

clearly you were not using perv as a verb...... which the first definition you list is.... the second is a noun.

I swear...getting in a battle of wits with you is like shooting an unarmed man.

I see you also failed English 101...nouns vs verbs...please explain in detail as you are now a psychic! (You know what I meant?) amazing simply amazing..however you are wrong again!;)
Not really...

and she HAS posted a pic.... and she is a stone cold fox.... and if she never reposts it for YOUR benefit, why, that would just be too fucking bad, wouldn't it?:cof1:

I could care less either way...now go away...I bore you...remember!
you do...but you're kinda like a retarded kid that I can poke with a stick..... not a lot of intellectual challenge, but still kinda fun.

Tell me again about your next theoretical challenge..... what scientific or mathematical truisms are you going to claim are total bullshit next?