While your observation about dogs and ampersands is very logical, NFW is A&S the same person as B&T AKA Rev._HellH0und. A&S is within the normal range of behavior. B&T is full on nuts and in need of mental health care.
People can mask themselves to an extent, but not for thousands of posts. Their underlying personality always reveals itself.
In short, while your conclusion, based on the evidence you presented, is logical, it's also erroneous.
shut up stolen valor fake ass mother fucker!
I already picked a side in 1975 when I took the oath to support and defend the Constitution. Yes, I'm fully ammoed up. I'm well trained, thanks to those who actually paid taxes unlike you and I stay proficient, in both long range and short range shooting.
I prefer long range overwatch because I can lay down and relax.
served "75-85"
Do you think it would be odd if I kept trying to make you believe I'm a retired Navy Commander?
I was a Captain, CH-46 pilot. Officers feel different about the situation as repeatedly shown in Military Times polls.
Are you claiming to be a Marine? I am one. 75-85. Retired Navy, still a Marine.
FWIW, Vietnam officially ended in 1975. My enlistment in the Marine Corps was after HS graduation (1974).
Straight out of highschool and made it to officer and 0-4? in 10 years? and a pilot to boot! you claimed you were a captain, after claiming you were a lt commander? and only made it to 04 in 46 years, was a scout sniper helicopter pilot wuttttt?