51st state - Washington DC


When Americans know their vote didn't count, they are pissed off as hell, everywhere. I'm telling you right now.
It's a powderkeg. Leftists are going to be the target.
When is the powderkeg going to blow, Matt?.....or will you be the only thing that blows by Spring? :laugh:
To be fair, it will happen eventually. Just a matter of when.

Probably sooner rather than later. They poked the bear too much, now it's angry and awake.

It has nothing to do with Trump, but it does have to do with a cheated election. That shit ain't gonna fly and people are very angry everywhere.

Paid leftist violence ain't got shit on pissed off American violence. I have no doubt it will be coming.

The election fraud is a part of the propaganda. It worked very well on you.

No, objectively, it's quite hard to believe Biden got 15+ million more votes than the much-worshipped, even..Obama.

In fact, it's just about impossible.

C'mon, bitch. Face reality. Biden had just over 1k people at his inauguration, less than George Washington. How can you not see the bullshit?
1000 people? That's like a medium high school pep rally.
Obama had 100s of thousands.
Trump had 100s of thousands.
Yet you really think 15+ million more Americans actually voted for Biden than Obama? Because what I get when I talk to people, that is just not the case.
Sum Ting Wong. And everybody knows it. Here's the thing: People are not stupid like the globalists assume they are, oh no. In fact it's quite the opposite, and that's gonna bite these fuckers right in the ass and then some. They may end up tarred n feathered n shit.
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My name is NOT Nostradumbass. :dunno: I can tell you it will happen, though.

Based upon what evidence? How your shit floated in the toilet this morning? Secret radio messages at night while you sleep? The facility's comfort dog talks to you when no one is looking?

[TABLE="class: mntl-sc-block-table__table, width: 100%"]
[TD]ARRA; Min. wage $7.25; Jobless benefits extended[/TD]


you should source your information from places that don't lie about it......

from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.....
unemployment in January of 2009 was 7.8%........it took Obama four years to get it back to that number after it peaked at 10% ten months later...... in January of 2014, after Obama was in his sixth year of being in charge, he got unemployment down to 6.7%........which, interestingly is what it was in December, 2020.....that was down from a peak of 14.7% in April, 2020........so let's recap.....

Obama took over a crisis that brought unemployment up to 10% and then down around a total of five points over a period of eight years.......Trump took over and reached historic lows in unemployment then faced a crisis which brought unemployment up over 14% and then down around a total of eight points over a period of 8 months.......

which president did the better job?......


Then prove it, cunt.

you're welcome.....
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