6 great reasons to give up shrimp for good

Yes I remember all the doom and gloom merchants on here having a field day with BP. Those prawns should be good, the grifters in Louisiana and in the Obama admin managed to nearly bankrupt BP over them. Contrast that with Bhopal where over 20,000 people, not shrimps, died and in excess of 200,000 people still suffer today. Apparently brown people count for less than shrimps in the US.

You are a retard.
UC was not culpable yet paid.
7 company officers went to prison and UC, once an industrial behomoth no longer exists.

BP on the othet hand was criminally negligent, servedno sentences and is still a global player.
You are a retard.
UC was not culpable yet paid.
7 company officers went to prison and UC, once an industrial behomoth no longer exists.

BP on the othet hand was criminally negligent, servedno sentences and is still a global player.

Of course Union Carbide still exists in the form of the Dow Chemical company. So you really think that $400 million was a just settlement for the deaths of 20,000 people and 250,000 more with disabilities? As for the seven Indian former execs not one has gone to jail and I doubt they ever will because the Indian legal system is even more corrupt than that in the USA.

I still can't stop laughing about that crazy claim you made back then that oil was going to end up on Cape Cod beaches, typical sort of bullshit that hacktivists spout!

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That wouldn't surprise me in the least, there was just so much bullshit spouted about those events and the US media coverage was just execrable to put it mildly. Estimating oil spills is a pretty inexact science at the best of times. I remember all the arseholes on here like Rune claiming that Armageddon had arrived and the Gulf fishing industry was fucked. The arsehole even claimed that the oil would reach Cape Cod and land on the beaches there as well! I said at the time that was all piss and wind and I have been proved 100% right.

Bullshit you have liar.
I said at the time that the oil would reach Cape Cod if the leak wasn't stopped.

Fishing in the Gulf has remained a nightmare these years
with participants becoming ill and most areas remaing clised or dead to this day. Gross mutations occur there now and most troubling is that the Gulf is the breeding ground for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, an incredidbly valuable fushery participated in by a great many nations. In the .U.S. alone the bluefin catch creates untold wealth that is spent directly into the local economy. You cretins may yet have ruined that with your corexit.
I was surprised to learn that the flora in the Gulf actually eats oil, unique in that regard. Seems that there is a natural seepage of oil up from the floor which seems to have given the plant life a good reason to figure out how to make use of it. Remember that there is less down to drill in the gulf to get at the oil which makes it a handy place to set up your rigs.

Yes you are partialy correct.
Not just some flora however.
There are naturally occuring microbes throughout nature which consume crude oil.

In reality, as expressed by this particular observer, any spill of crude creates a blossom at the bottom of the food chain wich then explodes upwards in the foodchain, creating repeating quantum leaps in the area biomass.

In each instance of previous catastrophic spills, (including Tom's side of the pond, Brittanny) but more importantly the Argo Merchant and the Exxon Valdez bio-mass increased in abundantly as the years passed.
The oil is an incredibly dense time release fertilizer.
BP however deployed unprecedented amounts of corexit and other toxic dispersants destroying the natural process.
What should have been a Godsend turned into an ongoing disaster.
Of course Union Carbide still exists in the form of the Dow Chemical company. So you really think that $400 million was a just settlement for the deaths of 20,000 people and 250,000 more with disabilities? As for the seven Indian former execs not one has gone to jail and I doubt they ever will because the Indian legal system is even more corrupt than that in the USA.

I still can't stop laughing about that crazy claim you made back then that oil was going to end up on Cape Cod beaches, typical sort of bullshit that hacktivists spout!

Ok....I'm confused...what does the Bhopal disaster have to do with either Gulf Shrimp or the U.S. Government and how did my joke get here from there?
Ok....I'm confused...what does the Bhopal disaster have to do with either Gulf Shrimp or the U.S. Government and how did my joke get here from there?

I was contrasting the way that US companies avoid shelling out and spend decades in litigation, with the behaviour of BP which ponied up and got screwed for its trouble.
Bullshit you have liar.
I said at the time that the oil would reach Cape Cod if the leak wasn't stopped.

Fishing in the Gulf has remained a nightmare these years
with participants becoming ill and most areas remaing clised or dead to this day. Gross mutations occur there now and most troubling is that the Gulf is the breeding ground for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, an incredidbly valuable fushery participated in by a great many nations. In the .U.S. alone the bluefin catch creates untold wealth that is spent directly into the local economy. You cretins may yet have ruined that with your corexit.

So now Corexit is your latest bête noire! However if you were even the least bit acquainted with the facts you'd know that it is broken down relatively quickly especially in the warm waters of the Gulf. Do you really think that there aren't legions of marine biologists and EPA officials testing the waters of the Gulf for butoxyethanol, propylene glycol, sulfonates and dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate?

So now Corexit is your latest bête noire! However if you were even the least bit acquainted with the facts you'd know that it is broken down relatively quickly especially in the warm waters of the Gulf. Do you really think that there aren't legions of marine biologists and EPA officials testing the waters of the Gulf for butoxyethanol, propylene glycol, sulfonates and dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate?

