60 Minutes’ retracts, apologizes for Benghazi report


This thread is dedicated to all the suckers who believed they finally got a smoking gun on Hillary. PSYCH!! :D

CBS News’s chairman expressed disappointment and contrition Friday for a mistaken “60 Minutes” report about the Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attacks, but he suggested the program and his network intended to move past the flawed story.

“Credibility is really the most important thing we have,” Jeff Fager, the head of the network’s news division and executive producer of the weekly newsmagazine, said in an interview. “Did we let people down? Yes. Do people expect us to get it right? Of course they do. Do they expect us to be perfect? I don’t think so. When you come forward and admit a mistake, people will understand.”

Fager spoke after CBS correspondent Lara Logan acknowledged Friday morning that her “60 Minutes” story on Oct. 27 about Benghazi was mistaken. After a week in which CBS had defended the story, Logan retracted and apologized for it during a segment of “CBS This Morning.” Logan said her source, a security contractor named Dylan Davies, had “misled” her by falsely portraying his involvement in the events of Sept. 11, 2012, when the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi came under attack. Davies, who was employed to protect the compound, told “60 Minutes” that he had scaled a wall of the compound and fought off an attacker. He said he later viewed the body of the American ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, in a hospital. Stevens was one of four Americans killed in the compound siege.

The truth began to emerge last week when The Washington Post reported that Davies had told his employer, a British security company called Blue Mountain Group, that he had been nowhere near the compound on the night it was attacked. The New York Times reported late Thursday that Davies had made similar statements to the FBI, further clouding the account he gave to Logan and CBS. CBS said Davies’s FBI interviews prompted its apology and

CBS’s withdrawal of the story not only undermined its reporting, but that of Fox News, which apparently relied on Davies as a source for stories that have challenged the Obama administration’s account of events. Fox had cited the “60 Minutes” story repeatedly to validate its earlier reporting. “We stand by our reporting on Benghazi, and given what is still unknown, we anticipate further fact finding from those who know the truth about what took place on 9/11/12,” said Michael Clemente, executive vice president of news for Fox News.


they keep getting things wrong

why do them and fox never seem to get the reputation they are creating fro themselves.

when will people see its msnbc who keeps getting the truth right
It's a good thing those four Americans actually survived, thanks to Hillarys decisive response to the attack.

I don't remember you being this upset when Haliburton electrocuted our own troops while they tried to fucking shower?

your false outrage over the deaths of people you hated the day before they died makes you real fucking creepy
yeah a corporate whore a pack of assholes killing our own troops to gleen a few more bucks off the contract.....what does it matter huh you fucking sociopath
I don't remember you being this upset when Haliburton electrocuted our own troops while they tried to fucking shower?

your false outrage over the deaths of people you hated the day before they died makes you real fucking creepy

You know it, baby! But for all the war hawks who had their snouts up bush's nether regions, this was just "collateral damage." It's disgraceful the way these troops were treated.

"In October 2004, the United States Army issued an urgent bulletin to commanders across Iraq, warning them of a deadly new threat to American soldiers. Because of flawed electrical work by contractors, the bulletin stated, soldiers at American bases in Iraq had received severe electrical shocks, and some had even been electrocuted.

The bulletin, with the headline “The Unexpected Killer,” was issued after the horrific deaths of two soldiers who were caught in water — one in a shower, the other in a swimming pool — that was suddenly electrified after poorly grounded wiring short-circuited.

We’ve had several shocks in showers and near misses here in Baghdad, as well as in other parts of the country,” Frank Trent, an expert with the Army Corps of Engineers, wrote in the bulletin. “As we install temporary and permanent power on our projects, we must ensure that we require contractors to properly ground electrical systems.

Since that warning, at least two more American soldiers have been electrocuted in similar circumstances. In all, at least a dozen American military personnel have been electrocuted in Iraq, according to the Pentagon and Congressional investigators."


but you try and try to make hey out of the deaths of people you would have called all sorts of EVIL things the day before they died really concern you huh?

every human walking the planet can see how you don't care about ANY of those lives and ONLY USE their deaths for your cheap political belly dancing efforts to please your fellow tea tard liars smiling.

You people dance and shake and tap you symbols to lull each other into a sociopathic stupor.
they put yellow ribbons on their great big SUVs so they did their part.

now they don't even want to give the troops the care they deserve
This thread is dedicated to all the suckers who believed they finally got a smoking gun on Hillary. PSYCH!! :D

CBS News’s chairman expressed disappointment and contrition Friday for a mistaken “60 Minutes” report about the Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attacks, but he suggested the program and his network intended to move past the flawed story.

“Credibility is really the most important thing we have,” Jeff Fager, the head of the network’s news division and executive producer of the weekly newsmagazine, said in an interview. “Did we let people down? Yes. Do people expect us to get it right? Of course they do. Do they expect us to be perfect? I don’t think so. When you come forward and admit a mistake, people will understand.”

Fager spoke after CBS correspondent Lara Logan acknowledged Friday morning that her “60 Minutes” story on Oct. 27 about Benghazi was mistaken. After a week in which CBS had defended the story, Logan retracted and apologized for it during a segment of “CBS This Morning.” Logan said her source, a security contractor named Dylan Davies, had “misled” her by falsely portraying his involvement in the events of Sept. 11, 2012, when the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi came under attack. Davies, who was employed to protect the compound, told “60 Minutes” that he had scaled a wall of the compound and fought off an attacker. He said he later viewed the body of the American ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, in a hospital. Stevens was one of four Americans killed in the compound siege.

The truth began to emerge last week when The Washington Post reported that Davies had told his employer, a British security company called Blue Mountain Group, that he had been nowhere near the compound on the night it was attacked. The New York Times reported late Thursday that Davies had made similar statements to the FBI, further clouding the account he gave to Logan and CBS. CBS said Davies’s FBI interviews prompted its apology and

CBS’s withdrawal of the story not only undermined its reporting, but that of Fox News, which apparently relied on Davies as a source for stories that have challenged the Obama administration’s account of events. Fox had cited the “60 Minutes” story repeatedly to validate its earlier reporting. “We stand by our reporting on Benghazi, and given what is still unknown, we anticipate further fact finding from those who know the truth about what took place on 9/11/12,” said Michael Clemente, executive vice president of news for Fox News.



Most of the establishment Repubs, with half a brain, have already moved on, knowing there was no traction to be made on this...only idiots like Issa and Sessions, to name but a few saw smoke and thought "fire". Rubes. LOL.
This thread is dedicated to all the suckers who believed they finally got a smoking gun on Hillary. PSYCH!! :D

CBS News’s chairman expressed disappointment and contrition Friday for a mistaken “60 Minutes” report about the Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attacks, but he suggested the program and his network intended to move past the flawed story.

“Credibility is really the most important thing we have,” Jeff Fager, the head of the network’s news division and executive producer of the weekly newsmagazine, said in an interview. “Did we let people down? Yes. Do people expect us to get it right? Of course they do. Do they expect us to be perfect? I don’t think so. When you come forward and admit a mistake, people will understand.”

Fager spoke after CBS correspondent Lara Logan acknowledged Friday morning that her “60 Minutes” story on Oct. 27 about Benghazi was mistaken. After a week in which CBS had defended the story, Logan retracted and apologized for it during a segment of “CBS This Morning.” Logan said her source, a security contractor named Dylan Davies, had “misled” her by falsely portraying his involvement in the events of Sept. 11, 2012, when the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi came under attack. Davies, who was employed to protect the compound, told “60 Minutes” that he had scaled a wall of the compound and fought off an attacker. He said he later viewed the body of the American ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, in a hospital. Stevens was one of four Americans killed in the compound siege.

The truth began to emerge last week when The Washington Post reported that Davies had told his employer, a British security company called Blue Mountain Group, that he had been nowhere near the compound on the night it was attacked. The New York Times reported late Thursday that Davies had made similar statements to the FBI, further clouding the account he gave to Logan and CBS. CBS said Davies’s FBI interviews prompted its apology and

CBS’s withdrawal of the story not only undermined its reporting, but that of Fox News, which apparently relied on Davies as a source for stories that have challenged the Obama administration’s account of events. Fox had cited the “60 Minutes” story repeatedly to validate its earlier reporting. “We stand by our reporting on Benghazi, and given what is still unknown, we anticipate further fact finding from those who know the truth about what took place on 9/11/12,” said Michael Clemente, executive vice president of news for Fox News.


Hey, when it's coming from sources like the Washington Compost, you never know who's going to renege or flat out tell lies. The bottom line is, the Obama administration has blood on its hands, and even these pervert liars can't foist this on George Bush.
Hey, when it's coming from sources like the Washington Compost, you never know who's going to renege or flat out tell lies. The bottom line is, the Obama administration has blood on its hands, and even these pervert liars can't foist this on George Bush.
Good one klansman
I think you teabaggers can keep it under a 10 million vote loss with that tired white trash strategy
Now that you've had your climax over irrelevant bullshit, lets step back into the world of reality....try to get your premature ejaculations under control....

Logan said her source, a security contractor named Dylan Davies, had “misled” her by falsely portraying his involvement in the events of Sept. 11, 2012, when the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi came under attack.

Just what the hell does any of this have to do with Hilliary Clinton....??? or with the lack of security in Benghazi ??? or with the fact that this administration didn't
even attempt to send assistance to those under attack...

This clown lied about HIS heroics in the battle...nothing more and certainly nothing to do with this country's lack of response to the attack....

I can't believe you pinheads can get your panties all wet over nothing.....60 minutes was mis-lend and it means absolutely nothing to the rest of us....
who the hell cares what this guy did....so yes....WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE ?

What stories did Davies tell that challenged the Obama administration’s account of events. Did the administration tell a story about
Davies and what he was doing during the attack...???
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