60 Minutes’ retracts, apologizes for Benghazi report

It's nice to see you lose twice by millions and still sucking teabaggers cock

Do you actually think 'groaning' takes the place of an intelligent response in a debate.....?

You really ARE the stupid, aren't you.

You and desh gotta be clones, huh.....moronobots...you're so pathetic even I get embarrassed for you...
Thu Oct 25, 2012 at 09:08 AM PDT.
Benghazi Blowback Confirmed: US Intel Confirms Attack Linked to Pipeline of Libyan Jihadis to Syria
Since the attack in Benghazi, tensions have grown between U.S. intelligence and elements of the Syrian opposition, as have concerns expressed that foreign fighters, many of them from Libya, may pose a long-term danger to the United States.

Concerns are rising due to the presence in Syria of increasing numbers of Libyans and Jihadis armed with heavy weapons, including shoulder-launched SAM missiles, known as MANPADs, looted from the vast arms stockpiles of the deposed Gadhaffi regime.
Shipments of these have been observed being moved into Syria in recent months, and recently seen being distributed elsewhere across the region.

During the seven weeks since the September attack that took the life of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, it has become evident that Eastern Libya has become a base for al Qaeda militants who have seized a growing military and political role in western-supported regime change operations in Syria.

In addition, concerns are rising that Libyan MANPADs are a prize that al-Qaeda seeks, and the US appears to have lost control over thousands of these missiles.
Of the estimated 20,000 once held by the Libyan armed forces, only about a quarter have been accounted for or destroyed, despite efforts of the U.S. and several countries to buy back or seize them after the revolution...............

Another backstory that has emerged is that Gadhaffi’s ouster late last year was the key role of the late Ambassador Chris Stevens took in personally leading the regime change operation in Libya.
Details emerged how the Ambassador arrived aboard a freighter in April last year, and how he promptly set up shop in Benghazi coordinating opposition Libyan groups.
Since his death, we have also begun to hear about the reports he wrote in 2008 detailing the central role of Libyan militants from Benghazi in al-Qaeda operations against US forces in Iraq, particularly Jihadists from Eastern Libya who made up a disproportionately large percentage of suicide bombers in Iraq.
Ironically, members of these same groups now appear to have been involved in his killing.

CNN confirmed yesterday that US intelligence has for the first time publicly acknowledged that some of his assailants belonged to the same al-Qaeda groups. http://security.blogs.cnn.com/...

CNN confirmed yesterday that US intelligence has for the first time publicly acknowledged that some of the attackers belonged to the same al-Qaeda groups that the US fought in Iraq, now a growing part of the Syrian opposition

American intelligence operatives also assisted State Department contractors and Libyan officials in tracking shoulder-fired missiles taken from the former arsenals of the former Libyan Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s forces

It goes on and on...this from the Daily Kos - not some goofy RW rag site.

At MINIMUM, Hillary was complaint on cooperating with the CIA - I'd prolly say she was complicit in not providing enough security -
again being compliant with the CIA .

Libya is Obama's ultimate responsibility - of course the LAP DOG press we have will not tell you so.

BAC and myself went thru this on another board, during the Libyan war - we're both fairly convinced the US's deposing of Qaddafi ensured that Libya became a
"terrorist state"

Just look at how Abu Anas al-Llibi was living openly in Tripoli - when we seized him about a month agao he was coming home from morning prayers.
How can a wanted terrorist live openly in Libya? Because the gov't -especially the NTC that toppled Qaddafi was an AQ based affiliation..
and they should not have.

Bush did fake his service

it certainly is a fact that he disobeyed a direct order to report for his flight physical... and was never disciplined for it... they just let him skate out of his commitment to fly for the TANG because of his daddy's political connections.
Do you actually think 'groaning' takes the place of an intelligent response in a debate.....?

You really ARE the stupid, aren't you.

You and desh gotta be clones, huh.....moronobots...you're so pathetic even I get embarrassed for you...
You really think the navy and no college is an education. Bahaha
Most of the establishment Repubs, with half a brain, have already moved on, knowing there was no traction to be made on this...only idiots like Issa and Sessions, to name but a few saw smoke and thought "fire". Rubes. LOL.

Imagine that.....seeing smoke and thinking fire......how about that.....how perfectly normal to normal people.
it certainly is a fact that he disobeyed a direct order to report for his flight physical... and was never disciplined for it... they just let him skate out of his commitment to fly for the TANG because of his daddy's political connections.

Of course he was disciplined for it....he immediately lost his flying status ... he was grounded ... what do you think would happen ?
Court marshal and a trip to Leavenworth?
You have no unconditional commitment to fly...you can voluntarily ground yourself anytime you want........
Don't know much about military service do you admiral.
Quit falling for their distraction tactic, Nova.

Concentrate on Hillarys responsibility for letting 4 Americans die...
it certainly is a fact that he disobeyed a direct order to report for his flight physical... and was never disciplined for it... they just let him skate out of his commitment to fly for the TANG because of his daddy's political connections.

What does Bush have to with the failures in Bengazi? Oh that's right, not a damn thing.

Now to your off topic bullshit about Bush; did he receive an honorable discharge; yes or no?

Can you get an honorable discharge if you have violated military protocol; yes or no?

Was Dan rather caught lying about Bush's National Guard Service; yes or no?

Are you really THAT stupid and Repugnant? Yes you really are.
What does Bush have to with the failures in Bengazi? Oh that's right, not a damn thing.

Now to your off topic bullshit about Bush; did he receive an honorable discharge; yes or no?

Can you get an honorable discharge if you have violated military protocol; yes or no?

Was Dan rather caught lying about Bush's National Guard Service; yes or no?

Are you really THAT stupid and Repugnant? Yes you really are.

1. Yes
2. Obviously, yes, in certain circumstances
3. Irrelevant as to whether Bush avoided disciplinary action for failing to report, as ordered, for his flight physical. It is a matter of record that he was ordered to report for his annual physical. It is a matter of record that he did not do so. What Dan Rather had to say about anything doesn't change those facts.
This thread is dedicated to all the suckers who believed they finally got a smoking gun on Hillary. PSYCH!! :D

CBS News’s chairman expressed disappointment and contrition Friday for a mistaken “60 Minutes” report about the Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attacks, but he suggested the program and his network intended to move past the flawed story.

“Credibility is really the most important thing we have,” Jeff Fager, the head of the network’s news division and executive producer of the weekly newsmagazine, said in an interview. “Did we let people down? Yes. Do people expect us to get it right? Of course they do. Do they expect us to be perfect? I don’t think so. When you come forward and admit a mistake, people will understand.”

Fager spoke after CBS correspondent Lara Logan acknowledged Friday morning that her “60 Minutes” story on Oct. 27 about Benghazi was mistaken. After a week in which CBS had defended the story, Logan retracted and apologized for it during a segment of “CBS This Morning.” Logan said her source, a security contractor named Dylan Davies, had “misled” her by falsely portraying his involvement in the events of Sept. 11, 2012, when the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi came under attack. Davies, who was employed to protect the compound, told “60 Minutes” that he had scaled a wall of the compound and fought off an attacker. He said he later viewed the body of the American ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, in a hospital. Stevens was one of four Americans killed in the compound siege.

The truth began to emerge last week when The Washington Post reported that Davies had told his employer, a British security company called Blue Mountain Group, that he had been nowhere near the compound on the night it was attacked. The New York Times reported late Thursday that Davies had made similar statements to the FBI, further clouding the account he gave to Logan and CBS. CBS said Davies’s FBI interviews prompted its apology and

CBS’s withdrawal of the story not only undermined its reporting, but that of Fox News, which apparently relied on Davies as a source for stories that have challenged the Obama administration’s account of events. Fox had cited the “60 Minutes” story repeatedly to validate its earlier reporting. “We stand by our reporting on Benghazi, and given what is still unknown, we anticipate further fact finding from those who know the truth about what took place on 9/11/12,” said Michael Clemente, executive vice president of news for Fox News.



Certianly has NOTHING to do with the Obama administrations recent press intimidation tactics.
Now that you've had your climax over irrelevant bullshit, lets step back into the world of reality....try to get your premature ejaculations under control....

Just what the hell does any of this have to do with Hilliary Clinton....??? or with the lack of security in Benghazi ??? or with the fact that this administration didn't
even attempt to send assistance to those under attack...

This clown lied about HIS heroics in the battle...nothing more and certainly nothing to do with this country's lack of response to the attack....

I can't believe you pinheads can get your panties all wet over nothing.....60 minutes was mis-lend and it means absolutely nothing to the rest of us....
who the hell cares what this guy did....so yes....WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE ?

What stories did Davies tell that challenged the Obama administration’s account of events. Did the administration tell a story about
Davies and what he was doing during the attack...???

I'll tell you what the hell this has to do with Hillary. The entire Benghazi scandal is nothing more than a pre-emptive attack on Hillary in case she decides to run in 2016. You cons are building that house on shifting sounds, though, and lying hacks like Dylan Davies are just speeding up its collapse.