Scut Farkus
you always have to be a moron. Mostly by evangelicals and catholics.
there's plenty of vindictive man hating whores in church. and those are the pious ones.
you always have to be a moron. Mostly by evangelicals and catholics.
Your side has lost. We can agree on that much right?
you believing silly fantasies does not equal me losing......its still just you believing in silly fantasies.....
The United States recognizes same sex marriage, which is not what you want our society and government to do. So you have lost.
so a bunch of you choose to live a life of fantasy.....I have lost have lost your minds.....
we are a nation of laws
yes......and some of the laws created by lib'rul judges are a mockery of reality......
Libertarians were advocating for the legalization of same sex marriage and marijuana legalization for decades, so the democrats did it and took credit, much like they take credit for everything others do
Pat's little moron on the head. There there little moron it's going to be okay. Run along and play in traffic like a good little moron.
you weren't banned long enough
no matter how hard I try to avoid taking drugs I cannot stop
I accept a legal joining but not biblical . old fags like you can do as you like but dont force you shit on others
people should take away your computer when you use drugs.....
I accept a legal joining but not biblical . old fags like you can do as you like but dont force you shit on others
like christians who proselytize???
Just to clarify you're a moron
Just to clarify things I could care less what you think faggot
but obviously you do scum bag