70% Accept Same Sex Marriage, even Republicans

No not really faggot

We've covered this ground before but you're too opioid diluted to remember it I guess. Homophones like you are generally homosexuals just trying to hide themselves, you're not going to live your best life until you be honest with yourself admit your homosexual and come out.
We've covered this ground before but you're too opioid diluted to remember it I guess. Homophones like you are generally homosexuals just trying to hide themselves, you're not going to live your best life until you be honest with yourself admit your homosexual and come out.

No moron im not homo and i have no issue with people who are. Yep i use it as a slur from time to time and apoligize for it. Mosts homos are just people some are perverts .you would fall 8nto the second group i think .
No moron im not homo and i have no issue with people who are. Yep i use it as a slur from time to time and apoligize for it. Mosts homos are just people some are perverts .you would fall 8nto the second group i think .

See this is how I know you're on meth and delusional. Yes you're an obvious homo and just too afraid of the world to admit it. When you call me a f**** it's just another example of how clueless and inbred you are people like me have heard that kind of crap all of our lives and we've learned to understand it's coming from gay guys like you that are too chicken to be honest with yourself. When you call me a f**** you simply give yourself away.
See this is how I know you're on meth and delusional. Yes you're an obvious homo and just too afraid of the world to admit it. When you call me a f**** it's just another example of how clueless and inbred you are people like me have heard that kind of crap all of our lives and we've learned to understand it's coming from gay guys like you that are too chicken to be honest with yourself. When you call me a f**** you simply give yourself away.

You really do have serious issues .Im gussing you have a large barbie doll collection
You really do have serious issues .Im gussing you have a large barbie doll collection
A Barbie collection can be quite profitable. A vintage 1950 Barbie can fetch $25,000 for one in prime condition. My friend and his wife are collectors.
A Barbie collection can be quite profitable. A vintage 1950 Barbie can fetch $25,000 for one in prime condition. My friend and his wife are collectors.

right. all the cool guys collect barbie dolls.

dutch uncle puts an american flag on them and thinks it makes him not a simp.
Made up numbers are meaningless.

Same sex "marriage" (it is NOT marriage) is an abomination to what marriage is, in both function and meaning (physically AND spiritually).

Take your fake Jesus and shove him up your ass

The REAL Jesus loved all people you evil fucking racist scum
Made up numbers are meaningless.

Same sex "marriage" (it is NOT marriage) is an abomination to what marriage is, in both function and meaning (physically AND spiritually).

Don't worry about it people like me just laugh at people like you just stay in your mother's basement and you'll be fine
question: who defined marriage and what is their definition?
Marriage is a holy union between a man and a woman, and it compliments God's command to "be fruitful and multiply". Marriage, as we know it in an Earthly sense, also mirrors a Christian's spiritual relationship with Jesus. IOW, it mirrors the spiritual marriage between Jesus Christ and The Church.

In a secular frame of mind, marriage is a union between a man and a woman, IOW, a union in which procreation in principle is possible. This possibility of reproduction (being fruitful) is what gives marriage its meaning. Without that, we are only left with a close fellowship between two people.

Gays, in this manner, bastardize marriage via their feeble attempt to make their relationship into a sexual one, even though reproduction is not possible (even in principle) since a butthole is not a vagina (and a vagina is not a penis). A "gay marriage", while not platonic in the minds of the two participants, is ultimately no different in result than a platonic relationship between two people.

There is absolutely zero possibility for reproduction in a "gay marriage", not even in principle. This renders the whole notion of "gay marriage" to be completely and utterly meaningless, and in no way is it the same thing as a marriage (in which reproduction is possible, even if that possibility only be in principle).
Marriage shouldn't be a legal term. It just confuses the issue.

Any two people, same sex or different, should be equally able to enter a legal civil union contract.
Marriage is a holy union between a man and a woman, and it compliments God's command to "be fruitful and multiply". Marriage, as we know it in an Earthly sense, also mirrors a Christian's spiritual relationship with Jesus. IOW, it mirrors the spiritual marriage between Jesus Christ and The Church.

In a secular frame of mind, marriage is a union between a man and a woman, IOW, a union in which procreation in principle is possible. This possibility of reproduction (being fruitful) is what gives marriage its meaning. Without that, we are only left with a close fellowship between two people.

Gays, in this manner, bastardize marriage via their feeble attempt to make their relationship into a sexual one, even though reproduction is not possible (even in principle) since a butthole is not a vagina (and a vagina is not a penis). A "gay marriage", while not platonic in the minds of the two participants, is ultimately no different in result than a platonic relationship between two people.

There is absolutely zero possibility for reproduction in a "gay marriage", not even in principle. This renders the whole notion of "gay marriage" to be completely and utterly meaningless, and in no way is it the same thing as a marriage (in which reproduction is possible, even if that possibility only be in principle).

I need you to provide factual citations and links to prove who defined marriage. thank you