75% of America thinks country is headed in wrong direction!

The reason I think the country is headed in the wrong direction is because of the rightwing shift toward Nazism and autocracy.

You can think whatever you want...and you can make guesses about why/what the rest of us think, but I am telling you clearly why I would answer the "Are we heading in the wrong direction?"...with a YES.

It is not because of Joe Biden and what he is doing for America. It is because of what Trump, you, and the rest of the Trump followers are doing to America.

You should stop thinking, you don't do it very well.

Historically, the Left has been the major--and often only--driver of disaster in nation after nation. The Soviet Union, Cuba, N. Korea, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Europe from 1930 to 1970 (roughly). Are we headed in the wrong direction? Yes. Biden is driving the US towards becoming a nationwide California, New York, Illinois, among other states careening towards bankruptcy and failure. It is the Left that is the driving force behind that too.
You should stop thinking, you don't do it very well.

Historically, the Left has been the major--and often only--driver of disaster in nation after nation. The Soviet Union, Cuba, N. Korea, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Europe from 1930 to 1970 (roughly). Are we headed in the wrong direction? Yes. Biden is driving the US towards becoming a nationwide California, New York, Illinois, among other states careening towards bankruptcy and failure. It is the Left that is the driving force behind that too.

You are not rational. I think your brain is not functioning.
You really are a troll.

I'm no fan of Trump [snip]

Then it should be too easy for you to explain to me why, per the official responsibilities of the President (not boooolsch't like tweets or campaign ads) Trump was somehow not the best President the US ever had.

I don't see why it should be easy to explain why I think he's a bad President. If it were easy, I think that few people would have voted for him.

That being said, I suppose it might be worth the effort to try to explain why I so dislike him. There is one snippet of one of his speeches that will probably stay with me forever:

When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they’re killing us economically.

The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.

Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.


Here’s Donald Trump’s Presidential Announcement Speech | Time

Having a father who was born and raised in Mexico and being Canadian-Mexican myself, those lines certainly weren't very endearing.

I find the lines particularly ironic given the accusation that he himself violently raped a 13 year old girl:

Donald Trump Is Accused Of Raping A 13-Year-Old. Why Haven't The Media Covered It? | Huffington Post

That being said, I have to admit that he might still be better than Biden. I recently heard someone say that when Trump was President, the U.S. didn't bankroll any major war and put effort into getting out of the ones it was already in. Biden entered 2, Ukraine and Gaza.

I hope that RFK Jr. becomes a viable third option, but I've heard that he isn't at present.
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I don't see why it should be easy to explain why I think he's a bad President.
I didn't ask you to explain why Trump was a bad President. I made it much, much easier for you. In fact, I made it too easy. I asked you to explain why Trump was not absolutely the best President that the United States has ever had ... per the official duties and responsibilities of the President. You're not a fan of Trump, so you must have a reason that he wasn't the best President EV-AH! After all, if he were the best President EV-AH!, you'd be a fan, right?

So, lay it on me. How, according to the official duties of the Presidency, did Trump somehow fall short of some other President?

That being said, I suppose it might be worth the effort to try to explain why I so dislike him.
I presume that your explanation will center around the official duties of the Presidency, because if Trump is the best President EV-AH! then you'd be a fan and would vote for him for President, yes? So, the floor is yours.

There is one snippet of one of his speeches that will probably stay with me forever:
Color me disappointed. That was a campaign speech. It was also entirely accurate. What's your beef? Not only did you not highlight any shortcomings in the execution of Trump's official duties, you mischaracterized a campaign ad because you have nothing valid about which to complain.

Is that all you have?

Having a father who was born and raised in Mexico and being Canadian-Mexican myself, those lines certainly weren't very endearing.
You should pay attention next time and not allow yourself to become instantly triggered over certain words. Gullible people, such as you, allow leftists to rule your world and control your communication. When they order you to become irrationally triggered at hearing certain words, you become part of the problem.

You heard the word "Mexican" and decided to OBEY your instructions to no permit that word to be spoken. You are irrational and your comments end up being totally stupid. Next time, ignore the individual words and pay attention to the message. You get no sympathy for mischaracterizing the message because you allowed yourself to be triggered by individual words.

I find the lines particularly ironic given the accusation that he himself violently raped a 13 year old girl
... and in your mind, an accusation is as good as a conviction, right? Your argument is going downhill fast.

That being said, I have to admit that he might still be better than Biden.
Let's see ... I can list off pages of substantive reasons that Biden has greatly harmed the US in the performance of his official duties, and I cannot find anyone who can give me a single valid reason as to why Trump isn't the best President in the history of the United States. Even when I specify "only substantive reasons having to do with the execution of the official duties as President, and nothing irrelevant such as tweets and/or campaign ads" ... all I get are tweets and campaign ads.

I recently heard someone say that when Trump was President, the U.S. bankroll any major war and put effort into getting ones it was already in.
Would you consider rewriting this in English?
Yeah, I agree. I am part of the 75%.

But analysists seem to think that because so many people think the country is headed in the wrong direction, a change in the presidency from Joe Biden to Trump is what is wanted.

Horse shit!

The reason I think our country is headed in the wrong direction is BECAUSE so many of our people think that Trump should be put back into the White House.

He is a disgusting person...he is incompetent...he is a divider...he is a moron, just like the people to whom he most appeals.

Sure wish the weather would turn. I want some warm times. I really miss golf. It makes me testy.

It is interesting how people answer it. For some it's simply do you like the President or not. I think of how I would answer and my first thought is I'm always long-term bullish on the U.S. but that doesn't mean it's always on an upwards trajectory. But we can always point out problems or challenges but the question isn't 'is the country (close to) perfect'. So is there enough good? At 75% it doesn't seem it for many but hopefully that will change.

I'm not asking this to be disrespectful, I'm asking because I believe you've shared it before - how old are you again? I ask because I thought it started with an 8 and its impressive you are still out playing golf. My wife's grandfather passed a couple of weeks ago at 93 and he played golf into his 80's. My grandmother passed three days ago at 101 and she played tennis into her 80's. If I live as long as you I hope to be playing golf that long as well.
The core of American problems is the wealth gap that puts the wealthy and corporations above the reach of law. Corporations own the press. https://beta.cjr.org/resources
There was a time when we prevented companies from monopolizing the news. Now every purchase gets a green light. Corporations own the newspapers, radio stations, TV stations, magazines, and the movie industry. All is lost. The wealthy have won. They have the power to shape thinking and provide what they want you to hear and read.

I find an element of irony in this for this reason. College and college degrees get discussed a bit and we tend to mock those who don't go to college for their lack of education. We point out that data shows those who go to college earn money than those who don't, thus why one should go to college. Yet we then get upset at those who go to college and take jobs where they earn a lot of money.

So we mock the uneducated 'fly over rubes' but then get mad at the wealthy educated often coastal elite for having money.

This is just my experience but a few of the nicest people I've ever met weren't college educated but were the most salt of the earth types that would give you the shirt off their back even if they had no money. And I've met some extremely smart, well educated and rich people who are the biggest a*holes you would ever want to meet. There are all kinds in life and because one is rich doesn't necessarily mean they should be put on a pedestal. That said, why are we mad at those who do what we say they should do (go to college so you can earn more money)?
Yeah, I agree. I am part of the 75%.

But analysists seem to think that because so many people think the country is headed in the wrong direction, a change in the presidency from Joe Biden to Trump is what is wanted.

Horse shit!

The reason I think our country is headed in the wrong direction is BECAUSE so many of our people think that Trump should be put back into the White House.

He is a disgusting person...he is incompetent...he is a divider...he is a moron, just like the people to whom he most appeals.

Sure wish the weather would turn. I want some warm times. I really miss golf. It makes me testy.

I think the country is heading in the wrong direction not because it made wrong turns
but because it went straight when it needed to turn.

Our nation was set up so that tremendous consensus is required to make any changes,
and we have a population demographic too diverse to have tremendous consensus on anything.

I honestly don't see a remedy for this. It's a perpetual motion machine of a problem.
I think the country is heading in the wrong direction not because it made wrong turns
but because it went straight when it needed to turn.

Our nation was set up so that tremendous consensus is required to make any changes,
and we have a population demographic too diverse to have tremendous consensus on anything.

I honestly don't see a remedy for this. It's a perpetual motion machine of a problem.

I'll say this for you NN, in a highly polarized political world where partisans tend to all say the exact same thing, you are willing to veer from that at times and you do here with you comment about too diverse a population. (This has nothing to do with me agreeing, or disagreeing, with your statement just that you saying it goes against what most of those where share your beliefs think - or at least say publicly.
I'll say this for you NN, in a highly polarized political world where partisans tend to all say the exact same thing, you are willing to veer from that at times and you do here with you comment about too diverse a population. (This has nothing to do with me agreeing, or disagreeing, with your statement just that you saying it goes against what most of those where share your beliefs think - or at least say publicly.

Yes. I don't blame any elements of the diversity.
I think people understand that. I hope so.
I see the diversity itself as the thing with which we haven't learned to cope.

Whose fault is it for people wanting different things?
We won't figure a solution because nobody wants to see it as a problem.
It is interesting how people answer it. For some it's simply do you like the President or not. I think of how I would answer and my first thought is I'm always long-term bullish on the U.S. but that doesn't mean it's always on an upwards trajectory. But we can always point out problems or challenges but the question isn't 'is the country (close to) perfect'. So is there enough good? At 75% it doesn't seem it for many but hopefully that will change.

I'm not asking this to be disrespectful, I'm asking because I believe you've shared it before - how old are you again? I ask because I thought it started with an 8 and its impressive you are still out playing golf. My wife's grandfather passed a couple of weeks ago at 93 and he played golf into his 80's. My grandmother passed three days ago at 101 and she played tennis into her 80's. If I live as long as you I hope to be playing golf that long as well.

Thanks for your comments, ca. Always interested in your take on things.

I am 87 right now...gonna be 88 this summer. I feel fine...both inellectually and physically. I do have memory lapses now that I didn't earlier in life...and I am not nearly as fast when running...or as far hitting when teeing off, but not in bad shape at all.
I think the country is heading in the wrong direction not because it made wrong turns
but because it went straight when it needed to turn.

Our nation was set up so that tremendous consensus is required to make any changes,
and we have a population demographic too diverse to have tremendous consensus on anything.

I honestly don't see a remedy for this. It's a perpetual motion machine of a problem.

You generated another thought for me with that response.

One thing we seem to be taking capitalism to its most logical conclusion...with less than 1% of the people owning more than 99% of its wealth...which is where it will end up if we do not put some brakes on this thing.

I keep asking people who disagree with me just where the cut off point is for them to change their perspective. Right now, the top 10% of the people own 2/3's of the nations weath...and the poorest 50% own less than 3% of it.

Where will some people ultimately find that the division is too extreme?

Will it be with the top 10 people owning 99% of the nation's wealth?
Yes. I don't blame any elements of the diversity.
I think people understand that. I hope so.
I see the diversity itself as the thing with which we haven't learned to cope.

Whose fault is it for people wanting different things?
We won't figure a solution because nobody wants to see it as a problem.

Yeah, I don't in anyway take your comment as implying any one group is better than another. Nor am I saying I agree with what you state. But you are correct 'our diversity is our strength' has been taken for granted as a positive and from an intellectual perspective you don't ask an unreasonable (though maybe not P.C.) question if that is true.
I don't see why it should be easy to explain why I think he's a bad President.

I didn't ask you to explain why Trump was a bad President.

That's true. You said it should be easy for me to explain why he wasn't the best U.S. President ever. We're miles apart in viewpoint. Since my view is so far from yours, I decided to bring it back to my own to some extent.

You're not a fan of Trump, so you must have a reason that he wasn't the best President EV-AH! After all, if he were the best President EV-AH!, you'd be a fan, right?

Sure. But like I said, our viewpoints are miles apart. I think he's one of the worst. Perhaps not -the- worst, but certainly in the running. The only thing I was happy about is that he didn't finance any new war while he was President, as far as I know. And he briefly considered having RFK Jr. as his "Vaccine Czar". Apparently, Big Pharma then gave him some money and he let go of that idea.

I presume that your explanation will center around the official duties of the Presidency, because if Trump is the best President EV-AH! then you'd be a fan and would vote for him for President, yes? So, the floor is yours.

I'm not even sure what you mean by "official duties". Care to elaborate?

There is one snippet of one of his speeches that will probably stay with me forever:

When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they’re killing us economically.

The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.

Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.


Here’s Donald Trump’s Presidential Announcement Speech | Time

Color me disappointed.

Presumably because it wasn't one of his official duties I imagine.

That was a campaign speech.

It was, yes.

It was also entirely accurate.

No, it wasn't. The fact that you think it was says volumes about certain viewpoints you hold.

What's your beef?

If you can't figure it out, I think this conversation is coming to a close.

Having a father who was born and raised in Mexico and being Canadian-Mexican myself, those lines certainly weren't very endearing.

You should pay attention next time and not allow yourself to become instantly triggered over certain words. Gullible people, such as you, allow leftists to rule your world and control your communication. When they order you to become irrationally triggered at hearing certain words, you become part of the problem.

You heard the word "Mexican" and decided to OBEY your instructions to no permit that word to be spoken.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I guess I have to spell out my objection. More than anything, it's these lines:
"They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists."

Now, imagine if some Canadian Prime Minister were to say that of Americans going to work in Canada. As an American, would you not only say that that would be an innacurate statement, but also be strongly offended?

You are irrational and your comments end up being totally stupid.

I suppose that's the type of rhetoric that fits right in with Trump fans. I find it ironic that you seem to have more sympathy for Gazans then the people who are just south of your border. Have you ever heard of a film called "Under the Same Moon"? Here's a trailer:

I also finished listening to the audio version of this book, quite good:
Love Across Borders: Passports, Papers, and Romance in a Divided World | goodreads.com

I find the lines particularly ironic given the accusation that he himself violently raped a 13 year old girl:

Donald Trump Is Accused Of Raping A 13-Year-Old. Why Haven't The Media Covered It? | Huffington Post

... and in your mind, an accusation is as good as a conviction, right?

No, but in this case I do believe the accusation is true.

That being said, I have to admit that he might still be better than Biden.

Let's see ... I can list off pages of substantive reasons that Biden has greatly harmed the US in the performance of his official duties

I imagine we could probably agree on some of those, certainly if you weren't a fan of the vaccine mandates, for one.

I recently heard someone say that when Trump was President, the U.S. bankroll any major war and put effort into getting ones it was already in.

Would you consider rewriting this in English?

The English was fine, but I missed some rather important words, I think I was in a rush to finish the post. It should have read (bolded words/letters added):
I recently heard someone say that when Trump was President, the U.S. didn't bankroll any major wars and put effort into getting out of the wars that the U.S. was already in.