75% of America thinks country is headed in wrong direction!

All Leftists...

You can't even define what is Left and Right politically in three sentences, one for their type of government, one for their economics, and one for how people in society are seen.

I think the people who claim you are out of your mind...

...are correct, TA. Not what I wanted it to be, but...yeah, you do seem to be major league nuts.

Anyone who thinks Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo were leftists...rather than far-right nut jobs...is nuts.
I think the people who claim you are out of your mind...

...are correct, TA. Not what I wanted it to be, but...yeah, you do seem to be major league nuts.

Anyone who thinks Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo were leftists...rather than far-right nut jobs...is nuts.

Gardner is an idiot.

Geez Frank, would you cut off your nose to spite your face?

Biden and the Democrats' way sucks and sucks bad for most people.

Right now, the only alternative to "Biden and the Democrats", Matt...

...are Trump and the MAGA nutcases he lead around by their noses.

Joe Biden and the Democrats stand taller than that sludge by a mile.
I think the people who claim you are out of your mind...

...are correct, TA. Not what I wanted it to be, but...yeah, you do seem to be major league nuts.

Anyone who thinks Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo were leftists...rather than far-right nut jobs...is nuts.

They are Russian bot holes or just Russian whores in the US

Thank you for admitting the facts fuck you so hard you resort to silly pictures
Do you think that is an asset to you or a detriment?

I think it is a fact about me, not an asset or a detriment, just a fact.

The reality is, this nation is and was better when our aim was becoming one nation a "melting pot" is what they used to call it, taking the best of what each has to offer... Back when what we call "cultural appropriation" was just part of a "melting pot" we were doing better...

Our diversity is a strength when we allow folks to become part of us and learn from each other, it is a weakness when we use it to divide us, to keep people separate, and to otherwise put us into separate groups based on melanin levels and what others believe is "appropriation" and disallow participating and learning in the myriad awesomeness of the various cultures we live among.
Right now, the only alternative to "Biden and the Democrats", Matt...

...are Trump and the MAGA nutcases he lead around by their noses.

Joe Biden and the Democrats stand taller than that sludge by a mile.

I disagree with you on that. Joe Biden is the worst president America has ever seen. I didn't think he'd be that bad, but he's worse than I ever saw coming.
I think the people who claim you are out of your mind...

...are correct, TA. Not what I wanted it to be, but...yeah, you do seem to be major league nuts.

Anyone who thinks Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo were leftists...rather than far-right nut jobs...is nuts.

They are Russian bot holes or just Russian whores in the US

You fucking retards! They were all Socialists! Damn, you're stupid about some things.
Oh, I do. While I think it's safe to say that the U.S.'s role in the world is diminishing, it still plays quite a large role. It's said that when the U.S. sneezes, its neighbours to the north and the south catch a cold. I believe there's nothing wrong with not only having beliefs as to who would be the best President for the U.S. in the future, but expressing it, at least to those who are amenable to hearing such views.

Unfortunately, when it comes to threads, we can't be so choosy. As you know, I thread ban you from all my threads, but this isn't my thread so I've had to make due.

It’s called a world economy

We do it better

Maybe you should actually pay attention to reality

Vague statements aren't going to move a discussion forward.

You want a world where you also gain no benefit from Americas successes

You can’t only take the GOOD effects

At this point, I don't even know what you're referring to. Perhaps you think I dislike the United States? Let me be clear, I like a lot about the U.S. If it weren't for the U.S., I doubt that Canada could have become independent from the UK so easily. I remember reading that when Canadian rebels had started to push for more independence from the UK, they'd go to the U.S. when British troops came to try to apprehend them and then head back over the border once more once they'd left :-p.

There are many other good things that have come from the U.S. The fact that I'm posting in an American forum instead of a Canadian or Mexican one says something too. There -are- Canadian online forums, but I've never been that fond of them. Mexican online forums are pretty rare and I haven't found one I could get on that I liked.

And there are lots of good films and tv series from the U.S. as well.

You fail because you ban opposing thought

Perhaps you say this because I thread banned you and a dozen others in this forum? I didn't ban you or the others on my thread ban list because you disagreed with me. Most of the posts I respond to, I respond to because I disagree with something that is said. It's not opposing thoughts that I'm against, it's a lack of civility.

With the exception of Doc Dutch (he insults so much, I've found no need to do it with him), I have a list not just of all the people I've thread banned, but the specific post that made me decide that thread banning them was the best solution. In your case, it was this post:


I thought I should mention that I've removed posters from my thread ban list in the past. It requires that they apologize for what they said to get them thread banned to begin with and agree to try to avoid doing it again. Most posters never apologize and say they'll try to stop posting these types of posts, but a few have over the years.
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Do you think that is an asset to you or a detriment?

I'd say neither. It's not something you have control over.

However, I'd be proud as hell if I was native. That's the original Americans, and leftist shitlords are trying to erase them from sight, grr!

Unless you got a good squaw. There's something to that squaw stuff, now. Having a good squaw is certainly an asset.

Without setting out to find any, I certainly found 2, and they were great homemakers.

Now that I think about it, both the mothers were foreign and the fathers were native..huh.

Add firewater to them squaws and it's like "Gremlins". Best to umm..go someplace they can't find you.

Actually the 1st one was OK with that, she was very chill (with me, others maybe not), she could handle her stuff great, but the 2nd one most certainly was NOT.

I had a few friends on speed dial and if I called 'em late at night, they knew what the deal was.
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We're miles apart in viewpoint.
I totally get it. I will defend your right to your view ... but I might ask you to explain it, as I am doing now, and if what you are saying is stupid then I will mention it.

I think he's one of the worst.
Then your list of valid reasons pointing to his official duties must be extensive. Can you list here your top, say, seven?

The only thing I was happy about is that he didn't finance any new war while he was President,
You weren't happy about him putting America first? Why not? Do you HATE the US?

btw, Congress finances wars, not the President. That was a somewhat stupid comment to make.

Trump's achievements in his official duties surpassed those of all other Presidents. Shall I presume that you weren't happy with any US Presidents?

And he briefly considered having RFK Jr. as his "Vaccine Czar". Apparently, Big Pharma then gave him some money and he let go of that idea.
This never happened.

I'm not even sure what you mean by "official duties". Care to elaborate?
Perhaps you should read the Constitution and know it. Once you do, you'll see the stupidity in your commentary. You can't be holding the President responsible for that which is not within his authority.

Presumably because it wasn't one of his official duties I imagine. It was [a campaign ad], yes.
Correct. It was not the performance of his official duties. It was a campaign speech in which he was delivering a message. You did not listen to the message. You simply listened for trigger words and ... became triggered. Why do you think his message of putting America first resonated with so much of America? Why do you think Trump won by a landslide in both elections, such that the DNC was forced to steal the second one? Why do you think record numbers of "blacks" and hispanics jumped ship from the DNC to vote for Trump?

Answer: They listened to the message, and disobeyed orders from the DNC to simply become triggered. You, instead, opted for becoming triggered. I'd be interested to know who is doing your thinking for you.

No, it wasn't.
It was absolutely accurate and you know it. You haven't even attempted to mention anything that was inaccurate because you are well aware that you simply allowed yourself to become triggered and are now far too embarrassed to admit it ... and to distract attention away from your pettiness and irrationality, you are attempting to blame me, and others who actually listened to the message and who disobeyed orders to become triggered, for your confusion.

You are the one being totally irrational on the matter. You are the one who can't support his positions in the slightest when it should otherwise be too easy.

If you can't figure it out, I think this conversation is coming to a close.
That's what all leftists say before tipping their king, ducking their tails between their legs and fleeing to the hills. It's a cowardly cop-out.


I have no idea what you're talking about. I guess I have to spell out my objection. More than anything, it's these lines:
"They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists."
... and you naively believe that there are no drugs being brought into this country over the border. You're being stupid. You think that there are no criminals entering the US from Mexico. You are being stupid. You think that there are no rapists entering from Mexico. You are being stupid. All of your feigned outrage is a lie.

Now, imagine if some Canadian Prime Minister were to say that of Americans going to work in Canada.
Aha! So you did OBEY orders to become triggered by individual words. I notice that you didn't make any attempt to reference any statistics. You simply became triggered over mere words, at the behest of others who do your thinking for you.

As an American, would you not only say that that would be an innacurate statement, but also be strongly offended?
Am I an American? My words always stand on their own.

Everything Trump said was accurate, nay, indisputable. You are deluding yourself into denying the obvious. Yes, there are drugs, weapons, trafficked humans, contraband, violent criminals, prostitutes, major diseases and laundered money entering the United States from Mexico every day. You try to deny all of this with feigned outrage at Trump for merely mentioning it. As promised, I'm mentioning when you are being stupid.

I suppose that's the type of rhetoric that fits right in with Trump fans.
Absolutely ... and yours is the rhetoric of undereducated, scientifically illiterate, mathematically incompetent and logically inept leftists who OBEY others who do their thinking for them and who regurgitate everything they are instructed to believe.

So, whenever you can get around to providing your top several valid reasons that Trump wasn't the best US President ever (per official duties, no tweets or campaign ads), it would be greatly appreciated.

I find it ironic that you seem to have more sympathy for Gazans then the people who are just south of your border.
Nobody is egregiously violating the Geneva Conventions to perpetrate genocide of Mexicans. When that day comes, I will demand accountability for that as well.

Have you ever heard of a film called "Under the Same Moon"? Here's a trailer:
Thank you. It looks potentially interesting. I notice that all Mexican characters in the movie speak in English. That wasn't my experience any time I was in Mexico. Nonetheless, I presume it is a tale of hardship, not one of pursuing the American dream and achieving success, yes?

I also finished listening to the audio version of this book, quite good: Love Across Borders: Passports, Papers, and Romance in a Divided World | goodreads.com
I know MANY who have encountered this exact logistical problem. In every case but one, the relationship was not one of love but of a person seeking US residency/citizenship through a sham marriage. The one exception, between two people (one American and one Mexican) who decided to get married in Mexico, ended in divorce (due to spousal abuse) before the Mexican could achieve citizenship.

No, but in this case I do believe the accusation is true.
Why? Does your belief stem from any rational basis or from your purely irrational TDS?

I imagine we could probably agree on some of those, certainly if you weren't a fan of the vaccine mandates, for one.
One cannot decry the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male and then applaud the Nationally Mandated Experiments of Untested Vaccinations.

The English was fine, but I missed some rather important words,
... then the English wasn't fine and it needed to be rewritten. Thank you for doing so.

I recently heard someone say that when Trump was President, the U.S. didn't bankroll any major wars and put effort into getting out of the wars that the U.S. was already in.
Correct. Trump was the "anti-globocop."
I think it is a fact about me, not an asset or a detriment, just a fact.

The reality is, this nation is and was better when our aim was becoming one nation a "melting pot" is what they used to call it, taking the best of what each has to offer... Back when what we call "cultural appropriation" was just part of a "melting pot" we were doing better...

Our diversity is a strength when we allow folks to become part of us and learn from each other, it is a weakness when we use it to divide us, to keep people separate, and to otherwise put us into separate groups based on melanin levels and what others believe is "appropriation" and disallow participating and learning in the myriad awesomeness of the various cultures we live among.

We are the melting pot forever

It has indeed been a GREAT ASSET

We are the example of the world coming together

I called those posters racists for agreeing that diversity makes us lessor and weak

So you who are diverse in person

Stopped to hate on me like an idiot

I'd say neither. It's not something you have control over.

Unless you got a good squaw. There's something to that squaw stuff, now. Having a good squaw is certainly an asset.

Without setting out to find any, I certainly found 2, and they were great homemakers.

Now that I think about it, both the mothers were foreign and the fathers were native..huh.

Add firewater to them squaws and it's like "Gremlins". Best to umm..go someplace they can't find you.

Actually the 1st one was OK with that, she was very chill, but the 2nd one most certainly was NOT.

I had a few friends on speed dial and if I called 'em late at night, they knew what the deal was.

Come and praise this racist Damo
Fucking ass juice of Putin is dripping from the corners of your mouth after that Russian propaganda spew
Try not spitting your father's cum at me when you speak, and a Tic Tac will do wonders for killing the jism on your breath.
Vague statements aren't going to move a discussion forward.

At this point, I don't even know what you're referring to. Perhaps you think I dislike the United States? Let me be clear, I like a lot about the U.S. If it weren't for the U.S., I doubt that Canada could have become independent from the UK so easily. I remember reading that when Canadian rebels had started to push for more independence from the UK, they'd go to the U.S. when British troops came to try to apprehend them and then head back over the border once more once they'd left :-p.

There are many other good things that have come from the U.S. The fact that I'm posting in an American forum instead of a Canadian or Mexican one says something too. There -are- Canadian online forums, but I've never been that fond of them. Mexican online forums are pretty rare and I haven't found one I could get on that I liked.

And there are lots of good films from the U.S. as well.

Perhaps you say this because I thread banned you and a dozen others in this forum? I didn't ban you or the others on my thread ban list because you disagreed with me. Most of the posts I respond to, I respond to because I disagree with something that is said. It's not opposing thoughts that I'm against, it's a lack of civility.

With the exception of Doc Dutch (he insults so much, I've found no need to do it with him), I have a list not just of all the people I've thread banned, but the specific post that made me decide that thread banning them was the best solution. In your case, it was this post:


I thought I should mention that when it comes to posters who have offended me to the point that I decided that thread banning them was the best option apologize for what they said and agree to try to avoid doing it again, I can and have removed a thread ban. Most posters never apologize and say they'll try to stop posting these types of posts, but a few have over the years.

I have never banned anyone from anything

I use dirty words

You are too weak to understand why

I have said many times why I do it

But you like a fool banned me and refused to listen huh

Only the weak and foolish need to ban others

I can take anything someone wants to say

You can’t

It limits you
Try not spitting your father's cum at me when you speak, and a Tic Tac will do wonders for killing the jism on your breath.

See why I use insults and invective on line

I would get this type of response all the time to perfectly civil posts

My first two years on line I was VERY respectful

I at another site spent a whole year publically dedicated to not one insult

After Gabby Giffords was shot I vowed for a year to insult no one

I kept that promise

I was constantly barraged by the right calling me all sorts of foul things while I refrained for any insult

I got so used to it that it surprised even me

Not one other human joined my call for a civility experiment

It was very informative for me

I then started a thread were I promised each posters post would be individually insulted

That one went on for a year too

Taught me all I needed to know about civility on line
We're miles apart in viewpoint.

I totally get it. I will defend your right to your view ...

Sounds good.

but I might ask you to explain it, as I am doing now,

Also fine.

and if what you are saying is stupid then I will mention it.

While saying that some explanation is stupid is certainly better than saying that the person themselves is stupid, I think both go to far in the direction of an unnecessary insult. I would have said something like "and if what you are saying doesn't make sense to me, I will point this out".

I think he's one of the worst.

Then your list of valid reasons pointing to his official duties must be extensive.

Before going any further, I'm going to need your definition of official duties.

The only thing I was happy about is that he didn't finance any new war while he was President, as far as I know.

You weren't happy about him putting America first?

Oh, I have no problem with the slogan, if by this slogan you mean that the President should put the interests of the American people above the interests of people from other countries. And I do believe that he did this to some extent when it came to putting efforts into getting out of the foreign wars the U.S. was in and avoiding getting into new ones. But that's the only good thing I saw him do, or didn't do as the case may be.

btw, Congress finances wars, not the President.

Generally speaking, yes, though the Biden Administration is making it clear that there are ways around congress:
The Biden administration once again bypasses Congress on an emergency weapons sale to Israel | apnews.com

Trump's achievements in his official duties surpassed those of all other Presidents. Shall I presume that you weren't happy with any US Presidents?

Again, we can't get anywhere in this conversation if you don't define what you mean by official duties.

And he briefly considered having RFK Jr. as his "Vaccine Czar". Apparently, Big Pharma then gave him some money and he let go of that idea.

This never happened.

Trump's flirtation with making Robert Kennedy Jr. his Vaccine Czar is documented:
Why Donald Trump’s Choice of RFK Jr. as Vaccine Czar Is a Terrible Idea | Time

As to the money and Trump pulling the plug on this idea, Robert Kennedy Jr. talks about it in an interview he gave, apparently near the end of 2020. From the transcript:
Polly Tommey:
People are nervous. They’re asking now, some of the people are coming up on your feed are asking, why is Trump, the President of America, standing next to the Fauci? Allowing these people that we know are corrupt, I can say that, why is this happening? Is this a very clever game? People are living in fear because our president is standing next to these people. Our president has chosen somebody that was a former pharma executive, who still has stocks in Moderna. What is going on here? What’s your opinion on this? And can you maybe alleviate some of the fear that the people are living in?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:
I really don’t know. I can only speculate, like other people are speculating. We’ve had no contact with the Trump administration since they pulled the plug on the Vaccine Safety Commission, which was in March of 2017. The Vaccine Safety Commission was announced in January. I met with the President and then between January and March, we had a series of very, very encouraging meetings, including with Tony Fauci, with Francis Collins, with FDA. And then as the … After the Vaccine Safety Commission was announced, Pfizer made a million-dollar donation to the President’s Inauguration. The hand-picked candidate as the Head of FDA, Scott Gottlieb, was a vaccine lobbyist and worked for Pfizer and Glaxo. And he immediately killed the Vaccine Safety Commission and announced that FDA was going to go to war against homeopathy and against vitamins and the nutrients. And they’ve now cracked down on anything that challenges the pharmaceutical paradigm. Anybody who competes with vaccines is now under attack.


“Truth” with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., S1:Ep1 | Children's Health Defense
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Yeah, I agree. I am part of the 75%.

But analysists seem to think that because so many people think the country is headed in the wrong direction, a change in the presidency from Joe Biden to Trump is what is wanted.

Horse shit!

The reason I think our country is headed in the wrong direction is BECAUSE so many of our people think that Trump should be put back into the White House.

He is a disgusting person...he is incompetent...he is a divider...he is a moron, just like the people to whom he most appeals.

Sure wish the weather would turn. I want some warm times. I really miss golf. It makes me testy.

Frank, the real reason our country is headed in the wrong direction is because Democrats cheated in a pedo potato with dementia so he could be controlled by a shadow government,

and that shadow government hates America and Americans

That's the real State of The Union.