75% of America thinks country is headed in wrong direction!

I'm not even sure what you mean by "official duties". Care to elaborate?

Perhaps you should read the Constitution and know it.

Apparently you're not interested in explaining your definition of the term. In which case, this conversation ends here.

You can't be holding the President responsible for that which is not within his authority.

I hold Trump responsible for things that he's said and done (or not done).

Presumably because it wasn't one of his official duties I imagine. It was [a campaign ad], yes.

Correct. It was not the performance of his official duties.

I see. Are you suggesting he shouldn't be judged for what he says on the campaign trail?

You did not listen to the message.

I disagree.

You simply listened for trigger words and ... became triggered.

In my view, he said a bunch of racist things that I still haven't forgiven him for.

Why do you think his message of putting America first resonated with so much of America?

What citizens of a country don't want to hear that they will be put first? It was a smart slogan.

Why do you think Trump won by a landslide in both elections, such that the DNC was forced to steal the second one?

Landslide in 2016 you say? I think not:

United States Presidential Election of 2016, American presidential election held on November 8, 2016, in which Republican Donald Trump lost the popular vote to Democrat Hillary Clinton by more than 2.8 million votes but won 30 states and the decisive electoral college with 304 electoral votes to Clinton’s 227 and thus became the 45th president of the United States.

United States Presidential Election of 2016 | Britannica

As to 2020, I have a lot of suspicions as to whether it was an accurate tally. As I mentioned in another post, there is certainly some evidence suggesting that at least some of the ballot machines were tampered with. An article from today on the subject:
Sheriff Dar Leaf Announces Investigation into Michigan 2020 Election: Claims Possession of “Sensitive Documents” Tied to Dominion Employees and High-Profile Figures Including Jocelyn Benson and Dana Nessel — Accuses Muskegon County Prosecutor of Attempting to Usurp His Ongoing Investigation | Gateway Pundit

There is one snippet of one of his speeches that will probably stay with me forever:

When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they’re killing us economically.

The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.

Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.


Here’s Donald Trump’s Presidential Announcement Speech | Time

It was also entirely accurate.

No, it wasn't.

It was absolutely accurate and you know it.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but no, Mexico is not mainly comprised of rapists and drug dealers.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I guess I have to spell out my objection. More than anything, it's these lines:
"They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists."

... and you naively believe that there are no drugs being brought into this country over the border.

I never said that. I -am- saying that Trump's caricature of mexicans as being mainly comprised of rapists and drug dealers is both innacurate and deeply offensive. Gotta hand it to John Oliver for at least managing to make me laugh about the absurdity of this part of Trump's speech, starting at around 14:30:

Now, imagine if some Canadian Prime Minister were to say that of Americans going to work in Canada. As an American, would you not only say that that would be an innacurate statement, but also be strongly offended?

Am I an American?

I assumed that you were. Are you saying you aren't? And if you're not, would you mind telling me what nationality or nationalities you have? Also, I'll change my question above to:
If you were American, would you not only say that that would be an innacurate statement, but also be strongly offended?
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I'm no fan of Trump, but that doesn't mean that Biden is the solution. I'd probably vote for RFK Jr. if I were American.

Thank God you're not...trust me. Best shot we had for some change was Sanders, who got sandbagged by the Dems.

No one is perfect in politics, but RFK Jr. has already demonstrated a propensity to make bad compromises too quickly, IMHO.
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See why I use insults and invective on line
Yes, as a cowardly admission that you have tipped your king. Let's review:

Fucking ass juice of Putin is dripping from the corners of your mouth after that Russian propaganda spew
You made it clear that you had no rational response (or that your thought-master hadn't told you how to respond) and so you did the only thing you know how to do, i.e. hurl insults. Hey, I can do that with you. I would prefer to discuss topics with you rationally, but the moment you start losing, you lash out in fear and juvenile petulence and begin hurling petty insults. I took the time to respond to every one of your points and you couldn't be bothered to respond to even one of mine. You apparently weren't cut out for rational discussion at the adult's table. I'll have some crayons sent over to you at the children's table.

Let's put that up there one more time:

Fucking ass juice of Putin is dripping from the corners of your mouth after that Russian propaganda spew

I would get this type of response all the time to perfectly civil posts
Like your response to my perfectly civil post? Your TDS does not translate into any lack of civility on my part.

My first two years on line I was VERY respectful
I'm not buying it. I don't think you even know how to be rational and civil. You have never been so with me.

I at another site spent a whole year publically dedicated to not one insult
If that site allowed differing viewpoints or worse, anything positive about Trump, I am not buying your story whatsoever.

After Gabby Giffords was shot I vowed for a year to insult no one
Perhaps only because you weren't expecting to be posting online for a year.

I kept that promise
You were offline for a year.

I was constantly barraged by the right calling me all sorts of foul things while I refrained for any insult
I speculate that you read about many of Trump's accomplishments, and your TDS caused you to take each and every one of those comments personally. You are neither educated nor rational and you certainly are not civil. I don't believe you ever were.

Not one other human joined my call for a civility experiment
Who would after you have flamed them while ignoring all salient points of discussion?

It was very informative for me
Now you are expecting me to believe that you are somehow not too stupid to learn?

If you want to convince people to be civil, then be civil yourself. Civility is not a one way street. You shouldn't be surprised that no one wants to be civil with you.

I then started a thread were I promised each posters post would be individually insulted
Essentially, it was business as usual for you.

That one went on for a year too
If you are implying that it somehow ended, I'm not buying it.

Taught me all I needed to know about civility on line
Nope. You never learned anything about civility online, ever. You also never learned anything about independently researching topics. You still believe in Global Warming, right? In fact, you are required to virtue-signal that you do, right? [Just answer "yes"]
Apparently you're not interested in explaining your definition of the term. In which case, this conversation ends here.

I hold Trump responsible for things that he's said and done (or not done).

I see. Are you suggesting he shouldn't be judged for what he says on the campaign trail?

I disagree.

In my view, he said a bunch of racist things that I still haven't forgiven him for.

What citizens of a country don't want to hear that they will be put first? It was a smart slogan.

Landslide in 2016 you say? I think not:

United States Presidential Election of 2016, American presidential election held on November 8, 2016, in which Republican Donald Trump lost the popular vote to Democrat Hillary Clinton by more than 2.8 million votes but won 30 states and the decisive electoral college with 304 electoral votes to Clinton’s 227 and thus became the 45th president of the United States.

United States Presidential Election of 2016 | Britannica

As to 2020, I have a lot of suspicions as to whether it was an accurate tally. As I mentioned in another post, there is certainly some evidence suggesting that at least some of the ballot machines were tampered with. An article from today on the subject:
Sheriff Dar Leaf Announces Investigation into Michigan 2020 Election: Claims Possession of “Sensitive Documents” Tied to Dominion Employees and High-Profile Figures Including Jocelyn Benson and Dana Nessel — Accuses Muskegon County Prosecutor of Attempting to Usurp His Ongoing Investigation | Gateway Pundit

Sorry to burst your bubble, but no, Mexico is not mainly comprised of rapists and drug dealers.

I never said that. I -am- saying that Trump's caricature of mexicans as being mainly comprised of rapists and drug dealers is both innacurate and deeply offensive. Gotta hand it to John Oliver for at least managing to make me laugh about the absurdity of this part of Trump's speech, starting at around 14:30:

I assumed that you were. Are you saying you aren't? And if you're not, would you mind telling me what nationality or nationalities you have? Also, I'll change my question above to:
If you were American, would you not only say that that would be an innacurate statement, but also be strongly offended?

Thank you for this video. Great stuff for the MAGA crowd to ignore, excuse or justify.
He brought inflation down you ass crack


Inflation has been almost 18% since Biden took office. That's the highest it's been since Jimmy Carter was in office. The rate of inflation has slowed some, but the overall amount of inflation is way beyond any president had in office since Carter.
I think the people who claim you are out of your mind...

...are correct, TA. Not what I wanted it to be, but...yeah, you do seem to be major league nuts.

Anyone who thinks Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo were leftists...rather than far-right nut jobs...is nuts.

Can't do it? Three sentences each. I can. But you go first. I want to see what sort of idiocy you come up with to explain what the Left and Right are politically.
I think both go to far in the direction of an unnecessary insult.
When the word "stupid" is the appropriate adjective, it is the word that should be used. If you are being stupid, or if your argument is stupid, that wording tells you the source of the problem at hand with utter clarity. That wording is almost always accompanied by an explanation of why the argument is stupid, providing you with everything you need to make a solid rebuttal.

When I tell you that hydrocarbons (petroleum and natural gas) form within the earth via the Fischer-Tropsh process (i.e. natural geological processes) through high temperatures and pressures, you might find that confusing and require further explanation. When people claim that hydrocarbons are formed from dead organisms that somehow acquire the ability to drill deep into the earth, far below the fossil record, and somehow rot into into a higher form of energy, in direct violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics, that is stupid.

Ergo, sometimes the word "stupid" is exactly the correct word. Having said that, your TDS has you saying stupid things from time to time.

Before going any further, I'm going to need your definition of official duties.
Did you read the Constitution?

Article. II.
Section. 2.
The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

Section. 3.
He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

Oh, I have no problem with the slogan, if by this slogan you mean that the President should put the interests of the American people above the interests of people from other countries.
Not a slogan; it was a mandate. Yes, Trump put We the People first in all that he did. I see that your TDS prevents you from extending credit to Trump for this.

And I do believe that he did this to some extent when it came to putting efforts into getting out of the foreign wars ...
Did you miss the renegotiation of NAFTA? Trump eliminated the serious disadvantages to the US and replaced them with economic advantages. Trump renegotiated the trade deal with China to require China to buy a large dollar value of US products. Trump focused resources and policy decisions to reducing US unemployment to historic lows, to building a wall to halt illegal immigration, and the list goes on and on.

Generally speaking, yes, though the Biden Administration is making it clear that there are ways around congress:
There is no "way around Congress" that isn't unconstitutional.

Again, we can't get anywhere in this conversation if you don't define what you mean by official duties.
See above. You may now begin drawing up your extensive list.

Trump's flirtation with making Robert Kennedy Jr. his Vaccine Czar is documented:
Fabrications by Time magazine are not "documentation."

As to the money and Trump pulling the plug on this idea, Robert Kennedy Jr. talks about it in an interview he gave,
Nixed. Show me an interview of Trump in which he explains his rationale. Self-serving claims by others are dismissed.

People are nervous. They’re asking now, some of the people are coming up on your feed are asking, why is Trump, the President of America, standing next to the Fauci? Allowing these people that we know are corrupt, I can say that, why is this happening? Is this a very clever game? People are living in fear because our president is standing next to these people.
Innuendo dismissed.

Our president has chosen somebody that was a former pharma executive
All Presidents always tap industry executives. Almost always it is an executive vice president of a top company but on rare occasion it is a different executive. All Presidents do this. Always.

Disinformation that plays on the ignorance of the public is dismissed.

... who still has stocks in Moderna.
High ranking executives are exempt by law (BIC) because they can't expect someone to forfeit retirement income, profit sharing and otherwise already-earned pay just to support the government with unique expertise. Polley Tommey knows this and is being flagrantly dishonest. You shouldn't fall for it.

Disinformation dismissed.

[Robert F Kennedy Jr.] Pfizer made a million-dollar donation to the President’s Inauguration. The hand-picked candidate as the Head of FDA, Scott Gottlieb, was a vaccine lobbyist and worked for Pfizer and Glaxo. And he immediately killed the Vaccine Safety Commission and announced that FDA was going to go to war against homeopathy and against vitamins and the nutrients.
Ridiculous self-serving disinformation dismissed.

I'm looking forward to your list.

p.s. - Your repeated question about what I mean by the "official duties of the President" is absurd. How can you not know what I mean?
Apparently you're not interested in explaining your definition of the term.
I almost couldn't believe my eyes that an adult was asking what I meant by "official duties."

I hold Trump responsible for things that he's said and done (or not done).
Nope. You refuse to extend credit where it is due. It's a TDS thing.

Are you suggesting he shouldn't be judged for what he says on the campaign trail?
We're talking about the past tense. How effective of a President was Donald Trump in accomplishing his official duties? We have 20/20 hindsight. Show that you can put aside your TDS and discuss this topic rationally. Nothing outside his official duties comes into play. So, focus on his official duties and explain how he supposedly fell short. If you can't think of anything, just say so, i.e. "I can't think of a single example of how Trump fell short in any of his official duties."

I disagree.
Now you're being stupid ... and you are lying. Trump didn't say anything bigoted whatsoever. I just listened to the entire speech again. Your TDS is making up shit.

What citizens of a country don't want to hear that they will be put first? It was a smart slogan.
You just pivoted back to implying that the Trump mandate was somehow nothing more than a slogan. Your innuendo is dismissed.

Landslide in 2016 you say? I think not:
Let me guess ... you're going to pretend that the US Presidential elections don't utilize an electoral college, and that you are going to talk about the election as though it's decided by popular vote. Let me call my bookee and place my bet.

United States Presidential Election of 2016, American presidential election held on November 8, 2016, in which Republican Donald Trump lost the popular vote to Democrat Hillary Clinton by more than 2.8 million votes
Did I call it or did I call it? Trump garnered a full third more electoral votes (those are what count) and captured 60% of the States. It wasn't even close.

I knew you would rush to mention Donald Trump's loss in an election in which he wasn't even running (the popular vote), instead of noting his commanding victory in the election in which he was running. Once I know that you suffer from TDS, I instantly know exactly what you are going to do/say.

As to 2020, I have a lot of suspicions as to whether it was an accurate tally.
I called the steal right here on JPP, months before election night, and I explained exactly how it would occur. On election night I sat back and watched it happen. Thereafter, dishonest leftists insisted that my observations were all "conspiracy theory."

As I mentioned in another post, there is certainly some evidence suggesting that at least some of the ballot machines were tampered with.
The steal was brazen. All of the thousands of affidavits and the video of election fraud can be independently verified. The Supreme Court renegged in its duty to declare null and void all electoral votes that originated from a State's chief of staff (executive branch).

Therefore, there was no election in 2020. Tyranny robbed We the People of their voices and installed an oligarchy of the government's choosing.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but no, Mexico is not mainly comprised of rapists and drug dealers.
Nice pivot. This is not my bubble nor is it Trump's. You are being dishonest and you are the one misrepresenting the message. There absolutely are drugs, weapons, trafficked humans, contraband, violent criminals, prostitutes, major diseases and laundered money entering the United States from Mexico every day. You try to deny all of this with feigned outrage at Trump for merely mentioning it. As promised, I'm mentioning when you are being stupid.

I never said that. I -am- saying that Trump's caricature of mexicans as being mainly comprised of rapists and drug dealers is both innacurate and deeply offensive.
He didn't. Trump was explicitly mentioning the problems that enter the US from Mexico through the porous border and it is simply not racist to make mention of any of this. You know this. You simply allowed yourself to get triggered over individual "prohibited" words. That's stupid. You shouldn't expect anyone but others with TDS to sympathize with your OBEDIENCE to your thought-masters.

Gotta hand it to John Oliver for at least managing to make me laugh about the absurdity of this part of Trump's speech
The laugh track generates all the laughs that's going to get. It was just as stupid when you wrote it, but at least I know who your thought-master is, or one of them at least.

I assumed that you were. Are you saying you aren't?
It doesn't matter. This is an anonymous message board. All my words stand on their own.

For this discussion, I am specifically Mexican, from Guadalajara. Claro que hay drogas y criminales que entran a EEUU desde Méjico. ¿Quién dijo que no? Mi patria tiene miles de coyotes que ganan bastante plata por el transporte ilícito de personas sin papeles. Las cárceles estadounidenses están llenas de violadores Mejicanos. Entonces, llámame "racista" huevón.

Vaya con Chivas.

If you were American, would you not only say that that would be an innacurate statement, but also be strongly offended?
Para nada. Todo es la verdad. Los que son desesperados son los que dejan a Méjico para EEUU (o algún otro país). Claro, los ricos están contentos quedarse en Méjico. Los profesionales y los productivos tienen chamba e ingreso y están contentos quedarse en Méjico.
How much this death of the West is Han driven we dont know yet, but it looks more and more by the day that a lot of it is.....this is both suicide and murder.
I disagree with you on that. Joe Biden is the worst president America has ever seen. I didn't think he'd be that bad, but he's worse than I ever saw coming.

We do indeed disagree, Matt. Trump is, by far, the worst president America has ever seen...and I hope, the worst it will ever see.

Joe Biden has been a fine president...and I hope he gets a chance to continue his presidency for the next four years.
Frank, the real reason our country is headed in the wrong direction is because Democrats cheated in a pedo potato with dementia so he could be controlled by a shadow government,

and that shadow government hates America and Americans

That's the real State of The Union.

You have gone completely nuts, Matt.

I pity you and hope you are able to get back on track.
Can't do it? Three sentences each. I can. But you go first. I want to see what sort of idiocy you come up with to explain what the Left and Right are politically.

Totally fucking nuts!

I would have argued against that just a year ago...but I would have been wrong.
Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo were NOT socialists. They were far right-wing nut cases. You people on the right are fucking insane.

Don't you have a nearby brick wall on which you can slam your head, Frank?

It's less annoying than trying to explain even the simplest of things to devolved mutants incapable of understanding them.

I suppose you didn't know that Hitler and Stalin were super tight, right?
They played golf together every Sunday morning right after the devil worshipping services.
Don't you have a nearby brick wall on which you can slam your head, Frank?

It's less annoying than trying to explain even the simplest of things to devolved mutants incapable of understanding them.

I suppose you didn't know that Hitler and Stalin were super tight, right?
They played golf together every Sunday morning right after the devil worshipping services.

Yeah, I guess smashing my head into a brick wall would make more sense. Not sure why I am trying.
It’s the same fucking metrics used under every fucking president you Russian whore

It’s fact

it's your delusion. When a Republican president is in office and the stock market does well, you leftists whine about the rich getting richer.

When a Democrat president is in office and the stock market does well, you leftists crow about a booming economy, seemingly forgetting that the 'rich are getting richer'............
Totally fucking nuts!

I would have argued against that just a year ago...but I would have been wrong.

I'll even show you:

The Left wants or prefers:

An authoritarian, dictatorship with a huge government bureaucracy.
A command economy directed or even owned by the government.
That society and government is all important and the individual within it is nothing.

The Right prefers:

A government accountable to the people with limited powers and can only do specific things the people allow.
A free-market economy where the government has little or no say or control.
The individual is who is important and elevated in society, not society as a whole or government.

Six sentences. It's that simple. It is also consistent and measurable.