T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Time to bump this thread and see if white people really stand with or really understand where Blacks are coming from.
Will the talk of reparations go to far for them?
It does for me. There is no precedent in all of history of a group being compensated for the wrongs committed against their ancestors, not those currently living. Once you open that can of worms, how far back do you go and what's the limit on that being done?
The argument for them is also a logical fallacy called the Historian's fallacy. It imposes today's social and moral norms on those long dead. Worse, it then says the remedy for that is to punish those descendants chosen as the fall guys having to pay for those sins even though they didn't commit any of them. North Korea, singularly, --and note it is the most repressive and repugnant, not to mention Leftist, regime on the planet currently--practices generational punishment for crimes, mostly political, against its people. That is, you commit a crime. You are convicted and sent to a labor camp. Your family is sent to the labor camp. Your relatives are sent to the labor camp. They did nothing, but happen to be related to you by blood.
Well, reparations for Blacks, Native Americans, etc., is the exact same thing, repackaged in a new wrapper.