Shaken, not stirred!
If we're specifically talking about slaves brought from Africa and not ones born in the U.S., these particular slaves were prisoners of war. The only way that the Atlantic Slave Trade was able to persist is through African tribes that were willing to venture further inland into Africa to conquer and enslave neighboring tribes, and then they subsequently would sell these people to the Europeans and, later, to Americans. They also sold these people to the Arabs before the Europeans got involved.
So while Arabs, Europeans, and Americans can be blamed for financing the slave trade, Africans themselves enabled the capture of these people through tribal warfare.
Cut the BS justification....the nano-second Europeans put black folk from Africa in the bowels of those ships for transport...they became kidnap victims for slavery in Europe and America. Period...because NO "declaration of War" against any part of Africa was done by the Dutch, Portugese, English, or the British colonies (later America). Black folk in America who were born and lived here BEFORE SLAVERY ENDED OFFICIALLY were NOT "prisoners of war".....period. My previous deconstruction of TD's nonsense stands valid, and like I told you before, my take is that ancestry of slaves owned by a present day company's former incarnation has to be proven for reparations from said company or the US government.
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