A Challenge that excludes public polls

Nope - he was registered independent and professed to be a Libertarian. His father is a Libertarian and his mother a left wing democrat. Both state they voted for Joe Biden.
According to the voter registration file in PA, he was a registered Republican ahead of the 2022 elections.

Also, all his neighbors said he had Trump signs in his yard for years.
You filthy lying scum used someone named "Timothy Cook" (the CEO of Apple?) to fabricate the "registered republican" lie. You fools couldn't even get the name right. But once you drones are programmed with a lie - you NEVER stop telling it.
So just like your accusation that the 2020 election was stolen, you make another wild accusation in order to avoid the embarrassment of being completely fucking wrong.
Wow. I love Biden. Best president in my lifetime.
Biden may be old, and he may have a speech impediment, but Biden just makes perfect sense when it comes to American Foreign Policy, Immigration Policy, Fiscal Policy, Taxes, the Deficit, NATO, Women's Rights, Human Rights, Housing, Infrastructure, Race Relations, Public Education, Sensible Gun Laws, Humanitarianism, Veterans, Medicare, the National Healthcare System, ENERGY, Social Security, The Environment, Trade, the Economy, Wages, Unions, and the list goes on and on.

What I am trying to say, is his political views and Ideologies match my very own, like most of all the Democratic Presidents and Democratic Presidential Candidates I have known throughout my lifetime!

That is why I continue to vote Democratic, and will be supporting Joe Biden in this election!

Democrats make sense and Republicans like to make trouble.

I just see Republicans now as trouble makers, an abuse of the power given them, no longer have any respect for the law, or respect for the office of the presidency, obstructionists in Congress, and trying to corrupt every level of State and Federal government- Including the Justice Department and the Supreme Court!


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Prove what? That enough Conservatives died of COVID to make the difference in several key races?

In AZ, about 30,000 people died of COVID. In the 2022 AG race, the margin was about 300 votes. About 2x as many Conservatives died from COVID as liberals, with most of the Conservative deaths coming after the vaccine..

Your big, fat, stupid mouth literally killed your voters.

Trump needs all four of those states to win...and all four of those states have swung heavily to the Democrats since 2017.

Trump is going to lose because he's not doing any of the things he needs to do to win.
In Arizona, the two groups most likely to die from Chinese Disease were Hispanics and Native Americans. Both groups are heavily over represented in the database.

Therefore, for Arizona, it is far more likely that someone voting Democrat was likely to die of Chinese Disease than someone conservative.
In Arizona, the two groups most likely to die from Chinese Disease were Hispanics and Native Americans.
Most likely to die before the vaccines...once the vaccines were introduced, those death counts changed.

it is undeniable that COVID had an effect in the 2022 elections in Arizona. All the statewide Republicans lost by margins that would have otherwise been there had it not been for COVID.

Calling it a hoax for three months really made a lot of Conservatives believe it wasn't serious. That was their mistake and our good fortune.
Therefore, for Arizona, it is far more likely that someone voting Democrat was likely to die of Chinese Disease than someone conservative.
You need to do a better job looking at statistics.

Because while those groups were definitely hit hard with COVID first, once the vaccines and lockdowns and social distancing started, all those death numbers flipped.

It's like how COVID first hit Blue states (because that's where most people live), and we saw a lot of deaths. But once the lockdowns started, once the masks started, once the social distancing started, deaths in Blue states and Blue areas declined as deaths in Red states and Red areas grew. Blue states flattened the curve, red states did not. From May 2020 through the end of 2022, red states did not flatten the curve. That's why you had states like Florida and Texas losing thousands of people a day while states like NY and California flattened the curve. By the end of 2022, COVID has killed about twice as many Conservatives as liberals.

So you would be making a valid point...if COVID disappeared before May 2020.
Most likely to die before the vaccines...once the vaccines were introduced, those death counts changed.

it is undeniable that COVID had an effect in the 2022 elections in Arizona. All the statewide Republicans lost by margins that would have otherwise been there had it not been for COVID.

Calling it a hoax for three months really made a lot of Conservatives believe it wasn't serious. That was their mistake and our good fortune.
Nope, even after vaccines. Hispanics and Native Americans also proved more susceptible to Spanish Influenza in 1918. Genetics, not a vaccination.
Nope, even after vaccines. Hispanics and Native Americans also proved more susceptible to Spanish Influenza in 1918. Genetics, not a vaccination.
Ah OK, so supposedly more liberals died of COVID than Conservatives did in AZ....which is why Democrats narrowly won all statewide races that I guess....they would have won by even more?

Didn't you always use to say that AZ was red and would never go blue?
Ah OK, so supposedly more liberals died of COVID than Conservatives did in AZ....which is why Democrats narrowly won all statewide races that I guess....they would have won by even more?

Didn't you always use to say that AZ was red and would never go blue?
I don't think Chinese Disease played a roll by deaths in the outcome of the election. And no, I never said AZ was red and would never go blue. AZ is a mixed bag politically. For example Pima county and Tucson are the "Berkeley" of Arizona. They vote Democrat regularly. Santa Cruz County and Nogales are home to Raul Grijalva, a Socialist Democrat and on the far Left who's been the House rep out of that part of the state for like forever.

We've had Democrat governors. Hobbs right now, Janet "Nappy" Napolitano back in the Obama days. Napolitano, a Leftist Progressive fled the state for California after her one term in office. She was easily the most despised governor we've had since Ev Meacham.