A Challenge that excludes public polls

You use a lot of drugs, don't you comrade?

You have absolutely no credible argument or position to make in this debate or any other.

Because ultimately, you're a dumbfuck.

That's why Conservative policies fail all the time...because you're fucking stupid. Stupid people will never have good ideas.
As usual you're completely fucking wrong.


But that's nothing new.

You're a Conservative and everything Conservatives always say turns out to be a lie by omission, exaggeration, or is just plain stupid and wrong.

And so wait - is COVID a hoax or a bioweapon? Because it can't be both. You can't say it's a bio weapon in one breath and then say it's no big deal in the other. Those two thoughts contradict. In fact, everything you say contradicts what you said before. That's typical of Conservatives because they never know what the fuck they're talking about.

You didn't READ your own link.

{In Pennsylvania, a federal judge ruled against the Trump campaign’s effort to stop the use of ballot boxes, which were first used during the June 2 primary.}


Look, you're not stupid because you're a Communist.

You're a Communist because you're stupid.

Damn near @evince level stupid.
NOPE. Wrong again. Not the military. Just regular old Republicans.

In 2016, there were 33 million absentee ballots cast, did you know that? Of course not.

Yes, primarily in California that has used vote fraud by mail for decades to create a one-party state.

No, he was a registered Republican for the 2022 elections.

Nope - he was registered independent and professed to be a Libertarian. His father is a Libertarian and his mother a left wing democrat. Both state they voted for Joe Biden.

You filthy lying scum used someone named "Timothy Cook" (the CEO of Apple?) to fabricate the "registered republican" lie. You fools couldn't even get the name right. But once you drones are programmed with a lie - you NEVER stop telling it.

The democrat assassin was named "Thomas Crooks" - moron.
Question for y'all...

Other than the public polls, what electoral indicators are there that this is even a close election?

The election results from the last 7 years show the Democrats blowing past expectations and overperforming everywhere....while Conservatives and the GOP flounder and struggle to even produce viable candidates.

Biden has a clear and massive edge in fundraising.

Democrats continue to knock it out of the park when it comes to voter registration.

Trump has no GOTV effort, no campaign offices, no campaign workers canvassing.

Abortion is going to be on the ballot in many states, including swing states and Florida.

Biden's reserved at least $50M of ad time for the fall already.

Trump was still losing 20% of the primary vote to Haley after she dropped out.

He also did poorly at the debate, lying 30+ times.

So why does everyone assume this election is close? Can anyone make that argument without using public polls or social media vibes???
{In Pennsylvania, a federal judge ruled against the Trump campaign’s effort to stop the use of ballot boxes, which were first used during the June 2 primary.}
THOSE NEW boxes specifically, but there were others before 2020 that PA used.

So when you read a link, do you bother to do the research before forming your conclusion?

Because PA has had dropboxes forever.