A Challenge that excludes public polls

How so?

You realize that twice as many Conservatives died from COVID as liberals...

Uh no, retard.

No one can "realize" stupid lies you make up out of thin air.

Look fucktard - I know you Stalinists HATE science - hate reality in fact. But the Wuhan Designer Virus® is just that, a virus. It knows nothing of political party.

Fauci and your CCP allies bioengineered "Gain of Function" to make the virus more communicable and more lethal. But they had no ability to create a virus to only kill your political enemies - despite how much that idea excites you and stimulates you.

The tax cut your cult leader passed in December of 2017 that caused a recession almost immediately after.

There was no recession in 2017 - quite the opposite.

The economy was BOOMING until 2020 when your party and your allies in China released a biological attack in the form of the Wuhan Designer Virus®

What your party did with this germ warfare you used is a crime against humanity and a war crime. You murdered millions of people with your biological attack - all because the Trump economy was unassailible.
Prove it. Looks like more madeup bullshit.
Prove what? That enough Conservatives died of COVID to make the difference in several key races?

In AZ, about 30,000 people died of COVID. In the 2022 AG race, the margin was about 300 votes. About 2x as many Conservatives died from COVID as liberals, with most of the Conservative deaths coming after the vaccine..

Your big, fat, stupid mouth literally killed your voters.

Trump needs all four of those states to win...and all four of those states have swung heavily to the Democrats since 2017.

Trump is going to lose because he's not doing any of the things he needs to do to win.
No, that is actually not.

Except that Trump lost the last election by 7M votes.

Blatantly lying doesn't alter reality - regardless of what CNN programs you to believe.

What did I say at the top of this thread? You can't use public polling to make the argument that Trump is going to win.

So think of something else because public polling isn't reliable and has never been reliable...and BTW - half of those public polls now say Biden is going to win.

So do you really want to rely on public polling for anything after being burned by it in 2018, 2020, and 2022?

I mean, unsecured drop boxes for mail in ballots that didn't have so much as signature or address checks which coerced "ballot harvesting" had nothing to do with it....
Republicans used "unsecured drop boxes" in every single election until 2020. Prior to 2020, it was Conservatives, not liberals, who turned in the most votes by mail.

Trump lost because you couldn't keep your dumb, fucking mouth shut.

You spread lies about COVID that cost you the election, and you literally spread the disease among your voters, killing just enough to make the difference in several key elections.

No one stole anything...you lost because you're terrible, your policies are terrible, and you have nothing to campaign on because every single thing you did when you had power ended up failing. HARD.

You really aren't very bright, are you?

What a fucking cop out. You can't think of one goddamn thing, so you just blurt out the stupidest thing you can think of to make yourself feel better.
Again, lying doesn't shape reality.
I'm not lying about anything...this is all public knowledge.

Trump has not spent a single dime of the money he raised on his campaign.

Not one dime.

Not one campaign office opened.

Not one volunteer to canvass for voters.

Not one minute of ad time reserved.

The RNC is just funneling their money to him, knowing that it's not going to be spent on campaigns. Trump is sucking up all the funds that Conservatives are raising for himself. Maybe they're writing off this election because they know they can't overcome the Dobbs effect.
Comrade, will you join the Brown Shirts of your party in in burning, looting, raping, and murdering when your party loses in November? Not just cheering the violence on like you did in 2019-20, but out there burning down local businesses with your own hands?

You'll never enjoy a Rittenhouse solution sitting in your trailer watching your fellow party members engage in insurrection, you need to be out on the streets.

The Trump would-be assassin was a registered Republican.
You never say anything other than "Orange Man Bad - Communism forever."
I oppose communism, so right away you're fucking wrong.

Secondly, Trump did such a terrible job as President that he joins Hoover and Bush the Dumber as the only Presidents who left office with fewer private sector jobs than when they started.
here was no recession in 2017 - quite the opposite.
I didn't say there was a recession in 2017.

Go back and re-read my posts, dipshit moron.

The Russia Tax Cut that you supported went into effect 1/2/18, for the next 12 months, business investment declined to rates not seen since the Great Recession and the deficit exploded:
In 2019, manufacturing was plunged into a recession that cost 300,000 jobs:

Then in February 2020, the rest of the economy followed and plunged into a recession a month before any COVID lockdowns were ordered:

The economy was BOOMING
The best annual GDP growth rate Trump had was 2.85% in 2018, which was 0.04% lower than Obama's best annual GDP growth of 2.89% in 2015.

Manufacturing was in a recession starting in 2019:

The economy entered a recession before the COVID lockdowns:

What your party did with this germ warfare you used is a crime against humanity and a war crime. You murdered millions of people with your biological attack - all because the Trump economy was unassailible.
The Democrats weren't the ones who went around telling everyone that COVID was a hoax.

You did that, and as a result, juuuuuuuuuust enough Conservatives died to make the difference in several key races in 2022 including the AZ AG election which was decided by about 300 votes.

The AZ AG is the position that would bring any election fraud cases forward to the State Legislature.
Except that Trump lost the last election by 7M votes.

What did I say at the top of this thread? You can't use public polling to make the argument that Trump is going to win.

So think of something else because public polling isn't reliable and has never been reliable...and BTW - half of those public polls now say Biden is going to win.

So do you really want to rely on public polling for anything after being burned by it in 2018, 2020, and 2022?

Republicans used "unsecured drop boxes" in every single election until 2020.

I already told that lying doesn't change reality. Drop boxes are a scheme you Communists put in place after you and the Chinese unleashed the bioweapon on us. The fraud machine of you party went wild in 2020.

Prior to 2020, it was Conservatives, not liberals, who turned in the most votes by mail.

You mean the military? And absentee ballots were never put in drop boxes, they went through the mail.

Trump lost because you couldn't keep your dumb, fucking mouth shut.

That and the massive fraud you Communists engaged in.

You spread lies about COVID that cost you the election, and you literally spread the disease among your voters, killing just enough to make the difference in several key elections.

So, the hive mind is programming you mindless drones to deny that Covid ever happened.

No one stole anything...you lost because you're terrible, your policies are terrible, and you have nothing to campaign on because every single thing you did when you had power ended up failing. HARD.

What a fucking cop out. You can't think of one goddamn thing, so you just blurt out the stupidest thing you can think of to make yourself feel better.

As I said, lying doesn't change reality.
I already told that lying doesn't change reality. Drop boxes are a scheme you Communists put in place after you and the Chinese unleashed the bioweapon on us. The fraud machine of you party went wild in 2020.
As usual you're completely fucking wrong.

But that's nothing new.

You're a Conservative and everything Conservatives always say turns out to be a lie by omission, exaggeration, or is just plain stupid and wrong.

And so wait - is COVID a hoax or a bioweapon? Because it can't be both. You can't say it's a bio weapon in one breath and then say it's no big deal in the other. Those two thoughts contradict. In fact, everything you say contradicts what you said before. That's typical of Conservatives because they never know what the fuck they're talking about.