A Challenge that excludes public polls

No, I've expressed that I can stomach him in office because the alternative is a Leftist in office, and I despise Leftists. I will vote to keep Biden out of office, and if that means Trump is elected sobeit.
You have never expressed that to me.

As far as I can see from searching your previous posts, all you do is defend Donald Trump's actions while kind of disapproving of his demeanor AT CERTAIN TIMES.

When it comes down to his policy and actions, you support those 100%.
And that certain polls help him hide his weakness by always Turing out to be wrong
The public polls are laughable jokes. Social media vibes don't vote.

Those are the only two things that are driving any of the media coverage.

There has been no media coverage of the GOTV effort from the Biden-Harris campaign. They've opened over 100 campaign offices in all 50 states. They've raised more money that will go to ad time and supporting other candidates, while all of Trump's fundraising pays his lawyers.
None. Biden is roundly hated and scoffed at - even here in far left California.
So you think that Biden is going to win handily then, because all the electoral indicators seem to be leaning that way.

What electoral indicators -other than the polls and social media vibes- are there that indicates Donald Trump even has a shot?

Like, what is making you think that? Is it just blind faith? If so, you're probably going to be disappointed once again.
You dream.
Every single time abortion has been on the ballot, it pulls Democrats over the finish line.

3 swing states are having abortion on the ballot and it's expected to win, given past electoral history. See? Now that's a prediction that can be made using something other than public polling and social media hashtags.
ROFL - you just make shit up, huh?
I made nothing up. Biden has already reserved $50M of ad time in October, and Trump has reserved nothing. And at the end of the GOP primary, Haley and other candidates ended up with ~25% of the vote. Most of that came after she already dropped out!
You have never expressed that to me.

As far as I can see from searching your previous posts, all you do is defend Donald Trump's actions while kind of disapproving of his demeanor AT CERTAIN TIMES.

When it comes down to his policy and actions, you support those 100%.
I have expressed it on this board repeatedly.

You Stalinists are as delusional as you are stupid.
What's hilarious is that you have absolutely NOTHING to challenge what I said.

Just this posturing that everybody sees through.

You've been wrong about everything, so why would you think you're smart or intuitive when you've sone the opposite on JPP?
t won't be close. Biden has no chance at all.

Trump has no chance given all the electoral indicators that matter.

As it stands, you cannot point to anything that indicates Trump even has a chance.

It's all just blind faith for you. So you're setting yourself up for Insurrection 2.0 because Trump's going to lose again and you're not going to be able to accept it because you are a zealot.
Don't even support his policies and approach to governance much of the time.
Yes you do support his policies, you've been on JPP supporting them this whole time!

Like, YOU were one of the idiots who kept saying that the Russia Tax Cut was going to be this massive success that would lead to like 6% growth when all it fucking did was cause a recession.

Like, YOU were one of the idiots who kept saying that COVID was a hoax and that it was no worse than the flu, and that kids couldn't catch it, and that it would go away in the warm weather, or that you could drink bleach or eat horse paste or stick a lightbulb up your ass...EVERYTHING except that which would have stopped it before it got out of control. AND THE VERY FACT that it got out of control is the #1 reason why Trump should be thrown into a pit of fire.
My guess is that your party is going to kill Biden in order to replace him with Harris. Even that won't work - Trump will be President again and restore sanity to the Nation.
When someone is so far gone that they resort to shit like this, it's a pretty good indicator of insecurity.

I think you know that Trump is going to lose in November, you're just setting the stage now to feign outrage when he loses by more than he did last time.
hen Quid Pro dies unexpectedly in the next couple of months - see if you have just a nagging feeling that runs contrary to your programming. That maybe your party did it to try and salvage this failed presidency.

If Joe goes, we get Kamala. So not sure why you think this shit is going to help.