A Challenge that excludes public polls

They also cheat in elections

But it’s not working so well anymore

They cant cheat enough to win without getting caught

It’s why they needed Russian help to beat Hilary

And she still got millions of more Americans votes
No, I've expressed that I can stomach him in office because the alternative is a Leftist in office, and I despise Leftists. I will vote to keep Biden out of office, and if that means Trump is elected sobeit.

Your butthole has always had an owned by trump dog tag on it
That wasn't an example.

The challenge was to find an election that was swayed by a single debate.

I know you have trouble with reading comprehension so I'm going to treat you the same way I would treat someone who is functionally illiterate.
The Lincoln-Douglas debates didn’t sway that election. Douglas was running for his 3rd term and beat Lincoln.
Question for y'all...

Other than the public polls, what electoral indicators are there that this is even a close election?

The election results from the last 7 years show the Democrats blowing past expectations and overperforming everywhere....while Conservatives and the GOP flounder and struggle to even produce viable candidates.

Biden has a clear and massive edge in fundraising.

Democrats continue to knock it out of the park when it comes to voter registration.

Trump has no GOTV effort, no campaign offices, no campaign workers canvassing.

Abortion is going to be on the ballot in many states, including swing states and Florida.

Biden's reserved at least $50M of ad time for the fall already.

Trump was still losing 20% of the primary vote to Haley after she dropped out.

He also did poorly at the debate, lying 30+ times.

So why does everyone assume this election is close? Can anyone make that argument without using public polls or social media vibes???
Well, depending on how you spin it, the Keys to the White House system that has generally been correct in the past--it isn't a poll--says Biden has a shot or he's totally doomed.

If you look at the embedded table for 2024, Allen Lichtman says Biden is likely to win. But he credits as true the following categories that can easily be argued, and proven, as false:

Strong short and long term economy (2 categories). Given that about 2 out of 3 Americans say the economy sucks says these are false, not true as Lichtman claims. If you are in the upper middle class or above, the economy is doing fine for you. For the other two thirds of Americans, it is rife with high prices, high inflation, and unaffordable goods.

Lichtman credits "Major policy change" as true. This is patently false. Build Back Better and the Infrastructure bill are spending bills and little more. Biden has had no major policy changes that are positive. In fact, the opposite could be argued on immigration, the whole Green agenda, and much more.

No social unrest. This is on the fence as the Israel - Gaza war could flare up in more protests easily. Illegal immigration is another area that could easily see greater social unrest.

No scandal. This is on the fence too. Biden and the Hunter laptop / quid pro quo thing could drop a bomb on his campaign at any time. Illegal immigration is a scandal. Selling off the SPR is another. There's plenty of these that could become more serious in a day.

No major foreign military failure: False, not true. Start with Afghanistan. Then toss in Ukraine. Then there's the Israeli-Gaza war. Biden's not batting 1000 on this one.

Major military success. False too. Biden isn't going to get a popular war.

No third party. Toss up at this point. How much RFK jr will hurt the Democrats--he isn't drawing much in the way of Trump supporters--is yet to be seen.

This version has Biden with three keys out of a minimum of six needed for a win in this system with virtually no hope of getting any more between now and November.
I was a single debate for all intents. Today, it would have been a single debate. 175 years ago or so, there wasn't any mass media to be had. You are now using the historian's fallacy.
Lincoln fucking lost the election, dude. Do some fucking homework.

And, there WAS mass media. Transcripts were printed in newspapers within hours of the debates. The telegraph got it everywhere within hours, as well.
Lincoln fucking lost the election, dude. Do some fucking homework.

And, there WAS mass media. Transcripts were printed in newspapers within hours of the debates. The telegraph got it everywhere within hours, as well.
Wrong on all counts. Newpapers back then were local, not national, and the telegraph sent short, limited, messages.
Wrong on all counts. Newpapers back then were local, not national, and the telegraph sent short, limited, messages.
If you did any fucking homework, you would know that the debates became national media attention. The press traveled extensively with the candidates and transcripts were often on their way to Chicago even before each debate had finished.
Lincoln won the vote but lost the state electoral vote. The debates however put him on a national stage to winning the Presidency in the next election.
Fucktard, you claimed the debates swayed the election. They didn’t. The incumbent won and the challenger lost. Why is that difficult for you to understand?
Fucktard, you claimed the debates swayed the election. They didn’t. The incumbent won and the challenger lost. Why is that difficult for you to understand?
They did. The vote swung in favor of Lincoln, but the electoral vote went to Douglas. Sort of the same sort of thing that happened with Trump v. the Hildabeast.
Question for y'all...

Other than the public polls, what electoral indicators are there that this is even a close election?


Biden is roundly hated and scoffed at - even here in far left California.

The election results from the last 7 years show the Democrats blowing past expectations and overperforming everywhere....while Conservatives and the GOP flounder and struggle to even produce viable candidates.

Biden is the most unpopular presidentish in history.

America can't stand him or his disastrous policies.

Biden has a clear and massive edge in fundraising.

Not recently.

Democrats continue to knock it out of the park when it comes to voter registration.

Trump has no GOTV effort, no campaign offices, no campaign workers canvassing.

Trump has a massive following - Biden is at best tolerated by the left.

Abortion is going to be on the ballot in many states, including swing states and Florida.

You dream.

Biden's reserved at least $50M of ad time for the fall already.

Trump was still losing 20% of the primary vote to Haley after she dropped out.

ROFL - you just make shit up, huh?

He also did poorly at the debate, lying 30+ times.


You Stalinists are as delusional as you are stupid.

So why does everyone assume this election is close? Can anyone make that argument without using public polls or social media vibes???

It won't be close. Biden has no chance at all.

My guess is that your party is going to kill Biden in order to replace him with Harris. Even that won't work - Trump will be President again and restore sanity to the Nation.

When Quid Pro dies unexpectedly in the next couple of months - see if you have just a nagging feeling that runs contrary to your programming. That maybe your party did it to try and salvage this failed presidency.
Much has changed in four years
Yes, things have gotten markedly better than what they were in 2020.

Conservatives can't seem to win elections these days...they constantly getting blown out. Their pet issues are toxic. They are fascists who can't govern democratically so they act above the law.