A Challenge that excludes public polls

Yes you do support his policies, you've been on JPP supporting them this whole time!

Like, YOU were one of the idiots who kept saying that the Russia Tax Cut was going to be this massive success that would lead to like 6% growth when all it fucking did was cause a recession.

Like, YOU were one of the idiots who kept saying that COVID was a hoax and that it was no worse than the flu, and that kids couldn't catch it, and that it would go away in the warm weather, or that you could drink bleach or eat horse paste or stick a lightbulb up your ass...EVERYTHING except that which would have stopped it before it got out of control. AND THE VERY FACT that it got out of control is the #1 reason why Trump should be thrown into a pit of fire.
I never said Chinese Disease was a "hoax." I was against much of the stupidity like lockdowns, social distancing, and masks, and I seem to be vindicated now. The rest of your rant on that is just dead flat wrong.

I have no idea what a "Russia Tax Cut" is or was so...
So he may win, or he may not.

So very helpful.
The keys to the white house system is supposedly running 100% accurate according to its developers since the first Clinton election. Right now, as a demonstrated earlier, Biden has 3 keys, needs 3 more to have a shot at winning, and is unlikely to get any more by November. If the system is accurate, he's done.
The Democrats bashing Biden are the same assholes that pushed Hillary Clinton on us. They are corporate centrists--they do not give a shit if Trump is President.
I never said Chinese Disease was a "hoax."
By calling it "The China Virus" or downplaying the symptoms and deaths, that's you saying it's a hoax without explicitly saying it. The subtext is clear, though...you didn't think COVID was a big deal. You didn't think it was as bad as everyone was saying. So you said everything BUT the word hoax.

I was against much of the stupidity like lockdowns, social distancing, and masks
Those were the only things that could have stopped transmission of the virus to prevent it from becoming a pandemic.

This is exactly the reason why you and Trump both fucking lost in a most humiliating fashion in 2020.

This is also proof of your support of Trump's policies that you said you never supported.
By calling it "The China Virus" or downplaying the symptoms and deaths, that's you saying it's a hoax without explicitly saying it. The subtext is clear, though...you didn't think COVID was a big deal. You didn't think it was as bad as everyone was saying. So you said everything BUT the word hoax.

Those were the only things that could have stopped transmission of the virus to prevent it from becoming a pandemic.

This is exactly the reason why you and Trump both fucking lost in a most humiliating fashion in 2020.

This is also proof of your support of Trump's policies that you said you never supported.
These idiots have no self-respect. They need Trump to tell them what to say and think.
I seem to be vindicated now.
How so?

You realize that twice as many Conservatives died from COVID as liberals...in fact, that's exactly why your state of AZ has a Democratic Governor, SoS, and Attorney General today.

Just enough of you mouthbreathing disease bags died of COVID to sway a few key elections that you absolutely needed to win if you were going to try Insurrection 2.0.

AZ, MI, WI, PA...in every single one of those states, Democrats are in control of the electoral count. And they're in control because Conservatives fucking suck at everything they do.
The keys to the white house system is supposedly running 100% accurate according to its developers since the first Clinton election. Right now, as a demonstrated earlier, Biden has 3 keys, needs 3 more to have a shot at winning, and is unlikely to get any more by November. If the system is accurate, he's done.

Of course it's going to be 100% accurate when you say that he may or may not win.


How so?

You realize that twice as many Conservatives died from COVID as liberals...in fact, that's exactly why your state of AZ has a Democratic Governor, SoS, and Attorney General today.

Just enough of you mouthbreathing disease bags died of COVID to sway a few key elections that you absolutely needed to win if you were going to try Insurrection 2.0.

AZ, MI, WI, PA...in every single one of those states, Democrats are in control of the electoral count. And they're in control because Conservatives fucking suck at everything they do.
Prove it. Looks like more madeup bullshit.
No, that's actually Donald Trump.

No, that is actually not.

Blatantly lying doesn't alter reality - regardless of what CNN programs you to believe.

That's precisely why he lost in 2020; he was the most hated President ever.

I mean, unsecured drop boxes for mail in ballots that didn't have so much as signature or address checks which coerced "ballot harvesting" had nothing to do with it....

What policies? What are you even talking about?

You really aren't very bright, are you?
Yes recently because all of Trump's fundraising is going to his Legal defense. So he has no money to spend in the election. It's all going to his lawyers or his own pocket. You're a sucker if you give him even $0.01.

Again, lying doesn't shape reality.

I know that the rulers of your filthy party tell you that if you just lie hard enough - it will be, but your rulers lie to you just like you lie to everyone else.
No he doesn't. He has about 1,000 people that follow him around like the Grateful Dead. It's all the same people at his small rallies. They are like Phishheads, only way stupider and less clean.


Comrade, will you join the Brown Shirts of your party in in burning, looting, raping, and murdering when your party loses in November? Not just cheering the violence on like you did in 2019-20, but out there burning down local businesses with your own hands?

You'll never enjoy a Rittenhouse solution sitting in your trailer watching your fellow party members engage in insurrection, you need to be out on the streets.
What's hilarious is that you have absolutely NOTHING to challenge what I said.

Just this posturing that everybody sees through.

You've been wrong about everything, so why would you think you're smart or intuitive when you've sone the opposite on JPP?

You never say anything other than "Orange Man Bad - Communism forever."

The hate sites have programmed you to say "Trump loves the stupid," so you must think he REALLY loved you...
Every single time abortion has been on the ballot, it pulls Democrats over the finish line.

3 swing states are having abortion on the ballot and it's expected to win, given past electoral history. See? Now that's a prediction that can be made using something other than public polling and social media hashtags.

Abortion isn't on the ballot - Senile Joe and his treason are.