A color-free world

Could we leave the Zimmerman/Martin comments off of this thread? I realize that is the story that is precipitating this conversation, but there are enough Z/M threads on this board. No need for another to devolve into the same old tired rhetoric about the case.

That being said. I think the notion that we live in a color free society is childish. We don't. Of course we see color when we see other people and there is nothing wrong with that. Do we have prejudices? Yes, and you would be lying if you said you didn't.

What I think we should strive for is a world envisioned by the Founders and Martin Luther King where people are judged by character not color. That is a different bird altogether. For example, I disagree with your politics, but I think underneath that you are a decent person. Same with Tekkychick. I think that if we were to meet out in person and didn't have the history of this board we would probably get along fine. It doesn't hurt that we are both Steeler fans.

However, BAC, Howey, Darla are all truly hateful, spiteful people who have no redeeming qualities whatsoever in my book. I could tell in 5 seconds that they aren't people I would want to associate with. And not it isn't because BAC is black and no it isn't because Howey is a queer and no it isn't because Darla is a chick. It is because I think all three of them are colossal assholes. But, you see in their collective minds they can't possibly be disliked because of that. They can't accept that notion. So they have to employ cognitive dissonance and presume that people don't like them becuase of their toxic personalities (because that they could change) and associate with things that they think they can't change (their color, sexual orentation etc). That way they don't own it and turn it back on the other person.

It is why they cavalierly throw around terms like racist, homophobe and misogynist the way they do. They don't really care about those things because they turn a blind eye to real acts of those deeds and focus on made up acts and perception.

But...and once again....isn't that what Rabid Conservatives do with abortion(every pro choice person is a baby killer), gay rights, renewable energy and a a few other hot button topics that escape me at the moment?

I mean, to think that vitriol is one-sided just because you happen to agree with one side and disagree with the other is kind of dishonest, is it not?

I mean, how many times do I, or any other liberal have to be called a Marxist idiot(and most of the time it's worse than that) ? How many times do I have to be called a BABY KILLER when I never even HURT a baby, let alone killed one?

I mean, yes....you're right...some of my liberal peers are volatile and over the top. But it's certainly not a one-way street.
But...and once again....isn't that what Rabid Conservatives do with abortion(every pro choice person is a baby killer), gay rights, renewable energy and a a few other hot button topics that escape me at the moment?

I mean, to think that vitriol is one-sided just because you happen to agree with one side and disagree with the other is kind of dishonest, is it not?

I mean, how many times do I, or any other liberal have to be called a Marxist idiot(and most of the time it's worse than that) ? How many times do I have to be called a BABY KILLER when I never even HURT a baby, let alone killed one?

I mean, yes....you're right...some of my liberal peers are volatile and over the top. But it's certainly not a one-way street.

I never claimed that vitriol is a one way street. Not once.

This thread is about whether we should live in a "color blind" society. I was merely pointing out that whether on this site or off the three aforementioned posters are A S S H O L E S
I never claimed that vitriol is a one way street. Not once.

This thread is about whether we should live in a "color blind" society. I was merely pointing out that whether on this site or off the three aforementioned posters are A S S H O L E S

I am merely responding in the manner in which you took the thread.
But...and once again....isn't that what Rabid Conservatives do with abortion(every pro choice person is a baby killer), gay rights, renewable energy and a a few other hot button topics that escape me at the moment?

I mean, to think that vitriol is one-sided just because you happen to agree with one side and disagree with the other is kind of dishonest, is it not?

I mean, how many times do I, or any other liberal have to be called a Marxist idiot(and most of the time it's worse than that) ? How many times do I have to be called a BABY KILLER when I never even HURT a baby, let alone killed one?

I mean, yes....you're right...some of my liberal peers are volatile and over the top. But it's certainly not a one-way street.

(every pro choice person is a baby killer)???

If you condone and support those that abort their offspring, what else can you be....????

Thats like trying to argue that people that condone and support hatred of black people are not bigots....ridiculous notion isn't it...

On some issues you just can't have it both ways and make sense.
Isn’t that what we’re after? I remember a bad TV movie called the “Lathe of Heaven,” where the main character could dream basically any scenario, and it would come true. They asked him to rid the world of prejudice, and he dreamed a world where we were all part black, part white, part middle-eastern, part oriental, etc.

How do WE get there? Do we get there with Obama saying he could have been Trayvon? Do we get there with BAC and Desh calling anything that moves a racist, and focusing on what divides us instead of what we have in common? Or with those who agree with them telling us that we can't disagree, because we're not black? Do we get there by making the GZ trial ALL about race…instead of what it is, which is one crazy idiot doing something stupid, it getting out of hand, and there not being enough evidence or any law to put him in jail?

People need to step off of their self-righteous mountain & take a good, long, hard look at what their goal is – what they want for society, and the best way to achieve that. To me, you don’t achieve that by drawing lines, and creating sides. Everyone can change; everyone has changed.

i don't believe it is possible to live in a color free world. people tend to relate to people like them, and some people will never see that skin color does not matter. further, until we stop calling black people, african americans, i think there will always be a divide. they are americans.

if people took just a minute to consider what the other person feels or has gone through, perhaps that would help.
African Americans, Italian Americans, Latvian Americans - whatever. I can't see anything wrong with having ties to your ancestry.

I didn't mean the thread title quite so literally. It's just the idea of a goal being having the color of someone's skin, or their religion, or their gender, be any kind of determining factor when you meet them and deal with them. It's like a "perfect world" scenario; we may never get there, but if that's the goal....what's the best way to get there?

I don't know; I said this on another thread, and it's probably something that would get ridiculed by some, but I don't see color or religion beyond the very 1st few seconds of meeting someone. Sure, when I meet a black guy, it registers - like if someone has blond hair, or is tall. But the impression doesn't last beyond what it would be if someone is blond or tall.

I'm sure there are others out there who are like that. It doesn't seem like a hard way to be.
i didn't mean that if someone wants to identify as X american, that it is a problem. what i meant is, why do we need to identify them as such? we don't do the same for irish etc...
i didn't mean that if someone wants to identify as X american, that it is a problem. what i meant is, why do we need to identify them as such? we don't do the same for irish etc...

In a conversation about race & ethnicity, if someone wants to be identified that way, I have no problem respecting that. If we were talking about different European backgrounds, I would write Irish-American.

I use "black" as everyone does, but sometimes I feel a little weird writing it. No one is black.
fair enough...however, when you see a white person, do you automatically think of what european country they came from? i agree about the black, no one is white either...it is just the colors we associate with skin pigment.

have you noticed with novels lately how authors go out of their to describe a black person? they do not focus on white people's skin, but make sure to mention if a character is black. kind of weird.
Isn’t that what we’re after? I remember a bad TV movie called the “Lathe of Heaven,” where the main character could dream basically any scenario, and it would come true. They asked him to rid the world of prejudice, and he dreamed a world where we were all part black, part white, part middle-eastern, part oriental, etc.

How do WE get there? Do we get there with Obama saying he could have been Trayvon? Do we get there with BAC and Desh calling anything that moves a racist, and focusing on what divides us instead of what we have in common? Or with those who agree with them telling us that we can't disagree, because we're not black? Do we get there by making the GZ trial ALL about race…instead of what it is, which is one crazy idiot doing something stupid, it getting out of hand, and there not being enough evidence or any law to put him in jail?

People need to step off of their self-righteous mountain & take a good, long, hard look at what their goal is – what they want for society, and the best way to achieve that. To me, you don’t achieve that by drawing lines, and creating sides. Everyone can change; everyone has changed.

defending racism
"Do we get there with BAC and Desh calling anything that moves a racist"

we call racism racism you fucking racist
or, you could stop calling everyone racist with no fucking proof.

She's got it so bad she's a caricature of the problem, but yeah, stop crying wolf over racism and watch how fast things would calm down. You'll never rid the world of racism [which is hardly an affliction limited to white male republicans]
but racial tension can be alieviated by a few simple measures.