A color-free world

"Your honor, I offer you 25K posts from Desh on JPP when she called someone racist as my evidence. Please enjoy going through them."
first you have to prove it was calling wolf you stupid fucking racist

Perfect example lol. Prove you're not an alien.

Calling someone racist is easy...no, it's lazy. Proving its another matter. Too much of our political discourse has become comprised of charging people with racism or some kind of phobia as a means to discredit people instead of engaging their arguments.

The same thing happens on the national level. Any time a conservative does or says something that can be interpreted as 'racist' [regardless if the facts support the charge] the media, as if on cue, picks up the ball and runs with it. It's gotten so bad many conservatives won't even discuss racial issues; and when they do, they need to realize every word will be scrutinized by the race police on the left.

So many of these cops vs blacks incidents are labeled race-based before the facts come in.

Ostensibly, to drive an agenda of black victimization. And it's worked wonderfully. Thanks to the agenda, we now have the BLM which, sooner or later, will turn violent if they don't get whatever it is they want. Whatever 'it' is. They're not particularly coherent. I doubt they'll ever be satisfied because once you perceive yourself as a victim, soon facts to the contrary become irrelevant.

There you have it. We are moving away from a color free world and it's not the fault of white republicans.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
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