A Congressional Gold Medal for NYC Subway Hero Daniel Penny? Make It So!

So much for the "adult discussion" that Toxic was whining about this morning. Watch the stupid cunt bump this thread tomorrow, again, for the 10th day in a row -- and give Edwina's cretinous posts a "like."
Ms. Edwina and the other Trunts are simply proving what's been stated several times: they don't give a shit about better mental health care, only violent resolutions to such issues....especially if they are black. And the price of both eggs, liquor and cigarettes, of course. They really care about those.


He is on record saying this: "I will often suck a cock and eat a pussy in the same go."

The more relevant issue is that he doesn't seem to want to assault this man:

Jordan Williams stabbed Devictor Ouedraogo to death on a Brooklyn J train around the same timeframe as Daniel Perry did, and for the same reason.
Who the fuck is Daniel Perry?
The "pussy posse"is anyone who despises and/or mocks Toxic. It includes everyone who posts regularly on the so-called "Nice Thread," and almost everyone who used to be on the old Amazon forum where Toxic and RB are from. RB is part of Toxic's ever-dwindling stable of gelded defenders known as the GossipGrrls.
You're wrong on that one. I just never left. Walt started your "tribute" thread and you all migrated there. All that were left were me, Top and one or two others (I think they're gone now too). But anyway, I'm just a survivor, and I get a laugh out of it, if nothing else :)
Jeezus! Even Chip Roy (R-TX) is fed up with all these stunts that try to cover for the MAGA GOP's inability to govern
Chip Roy isn't saying anything of the sort.

Trump wants to eliminate the debt ceiling so that the Democrats can't coerce their pork into the budget by threatening to cause the US to default if they don't get their graft. Both Trump and Roy totally agree that spending needs to be slashed like Brazilian rain forest.

The point of contention is that Trump is tackling one issue at a time, and Roy doesn't want to raise the debt ceiling without the spending slashes in place. I don't disagree with Roy. Both Trump and Roy are doing the right thing, they are just arguing over how to proceed.

I wish I could see the faces of every MAGA/Alt-Right joker on this board in the next 4 years when they realize that (once again) they've been played for fools.
I can see that there is to be no end to the spiteful, TDS-driven sour-grapes fear-mongering and panic-peddling by the pouting children who didn't get their way in the election.
Oh hi, moron MAGATtard! Welcome to my ignore list, where the terminally stupid find each other and no longer sully my screen. Enjoy!

So what? You never have anything but BS you're told to parrot, same as your fellow commies here; we only need one of you for that.
Your hatred is interesting, Ms. Edwina. Did you grow up hating Democrats? Did your daddy beat up anyone, including your mother, if they leaned leftward?

lol more projection. The hate you Democrats spew is psychotic. You can't refute the fact that good ole Ted turned all the crazies out into the streets, so just babble some more strawmen and hope that fools anybody.
It's now worse than that with privatized prisons where corporations are making money by limiting treatment and humane conditions through efficiency and benefit when the prisons are full, not empty. Ergo, it's to their benefit to have lobbyists and politicians advocating changes that create more profit.

Better mental health care in prisons or, worse for them, actual mental health hospitals what would remove a large portion of their clientele is not in the corporation's best interests.

Of course both you morons ignore the fact that the so-called 'mental health' professions have been overrun with deviants, sociopaths, and lunatics themselves, which is why they're worse than useless these days.
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Random illegal on subway sets a woman on fire and she dies...
No Daniel Penny to help her...
Massive deportation can't start soon enough...and the "this kind of stuff happens everyday on the subway system"? There's obviously a need for someone to step up and be in charge so that people don't have to fear going to work...
Random illegal on subway sets a woman on fire and she dies...
No Daniel Penny to help her...
Massive deportation can't start soon enough...and the "this happens everyday on the subway system" obviously needs someone to step up and be in charge so that people don't have to fear going to work...
The really shocking thing about how bad this dark age is already is how few people are likely to come to our aid if we are confronted with Evil.

The destruction of morale is on purpose.