It'd be nice if we would, for once, have a court that rules according to the constitution instead of political ideology
sure thing clown shoes
I am speculating that if we did away with the electoral college, the republican strategy would change. you got me - I am purely speculating
When did the excuse “everyone is doing it” make it right, just or within the ideals of the Founders?What you are claiming in the above is that the US should be ruled by direct democracy in elections at the national level. The problem with that is it results in a handful of states and large cities effectively becoming the arbiters of national government.
As for gerrymandering, both parties do it. Both Illinois and New York states gerrymandered the hell out of their congressional maps this year. New York's was so egregious that their relatively Democrat friendly courts tossed it out.
As for voter-ID, are you saying we shouldn't bother with that? How do you feel about the Democrat bills like HR 1 and 3 to establish national election standards? Are those bills something you'd support? What do you like about them, if you do?
You are indeed. I'm also speculating that the Democratic strategy would change, too. I expect we're both right. Now, who do you think has more votes available to pick up in California? I'd argue it's the Democrats, since if both parties upped their vote totals by X% by focusing on the state, that's a lot more extra votes for the Dems.
but tardo - I am not beating my chest like a gorilla and speculating that I am the real winner in a national contest - that is you and you alone
You misunderstood. Try rereading. Good luck.
While it can seem we're a nation almost evenly divided, the reality is that the people pretty consistently prefer the Democrats.
I am not beating my chest like a gorilla and speculating that I am the real winner in a national contest
You misunderstood. Try rereading. Good luck.
As you can now see, you did misunderstand. I didn't say a thing about a real winner in a national contest. Now that you've spotted your error, aren't you glad you went back and reread, as I suggested?
shit stain liar said:The Republicans have only won the popular vote <snip>
It’s really awesome how you can recognize your entire family line of shitbirds. Congrats.retarded shit stains always lie like this when pinned down
in the first post you claimed democrats are nationally preferred - but no such contest exists to prove it. - so you and you alone are speculating on who is favored nationally.
you can't win something that isn't a competition shit head
in the first post you claimed democrats are nationally preferred
Yes. And it's good you now see how you misunderstood that to be a claim on my part there'd been some sort of contest they won. That's the benefit of rereading. None of us is right all the time, but when a person takes the time to go back and rethink a bad take on something he read, often his error will become clear to him, as it did for you.
I'm happy to have led you to this revelation. Keep it in mind in the future, as you can probably avoid embarrassing yourself the way you did here, just by taking the time to reread without prompting. Good luck!
Which handful of urban areas on the two coasts are you claiming have the majority of Americans in them?
Of the top 25 urban areas in the US, only 13 would be considered close to either coast.
Of the top 100 Urban areas, east and west coast states urban areas have about 100 million and middle America states have about 70 million.
100 million is not the majority of Americans. 100 urban areas is more than a handful.
Your argument is bullshit. Dallas, Houston and Chicago are all in the top 10 of population for urban areas.
When did the excuse “everyone is doing it” make it right, just or within the ideals of the Founders?
Shouldn’t smart, educated and sane people be pushing for it to stop instead of encouraging it as severalIt doesn't make it right, it makes it widespread.
What I keep hearing and reading are people claiming that just the Republicans are doing this shit. When the Democrats do it, it gets little attention and no such widespread commentary. Take New York for example. The state political map was so gerrymandered in favor of Democrats that even the state supreme court threw it out. You hardly hear a thing about that. Instead, it's how Republicans are gerrymandering everything, often presented with little or no evidence of that.
no such competition exists
While it can seem we're a nation almost evenly divided, the reality is that the people pretty consistently prefer the Democrats. The Republicans have only won the popular vote in a presidential election once in the last three decades.... and that was a very narrow one despite the lingering jingoism following 9/11. In every other election from 1992 onward, the people at least tried to choose the Democrat.
So, it's worth thinking about how the court could look today if the democratic process had actually worked democratically. We'd still have Roberts, Thomas, and Alito, of course. But Kavanaugh and Barrett were installed by a guy the people didn't want to have that power. Instead, we'd have two Clinton justices in those roles, to go along with Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan. And, then there's Gorsuch, who only has his job because the Republicans effectively stole a slot from Obama, by forcing a vacancy until they could get the presidency back.
So, we could well have a 5-4 or even 6-3 Democratic edge in the high court today, doing things like striking down efforts by conservatives to make our elections even less democratic, by way of intensified gerrymandering and voter-ID hurdles. Instead, we have a court dominated by conservatives, setting the stage for a time when it will matter less and less what the people want.
Yes, and so would Democrats, who'd pick up a lot more votes that way than the Republicans did, further increasing the margin of their popular victory.
Exactly. And now you know I didn't claim one did. Aren't you glad you reread? You've taken the first step towards being wrong less often.
Mina the lying retard said:The Republicans have only won the popular vote in a presidential election once in the last three decades
You know the only proven case of ballot harvesting fraud, that I’m aware of on a large scale was committed by a Republican in North Carolina.Democrats have vote cheating in California quasi-legalized and unstoppable. Ballot harvesting is legal in California.