Truck Fump / h1b
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The one thing in China which hasn't been recalled after being painted with liquid mercury.
We don't need dick from china!
The one thing in China which hasn't been recalled after being painted with liquid mercury.
Not protectionist to trade with china, that was a moronic comment
the pie is bigger fool.
How much education does it require to assemble something?
I was insulting asshat, the fact that you also consider yourself a simpleton leads me to appologize as I have insulted you too much.
How much education does it require to assemble something?
assmoron, nobody thinks so
then why are we spending billions on Chineese goods
God your stupid
Your mere existence is an insult to humanity.
Do you have a point?
Maybe you think reducing nations to burnt out shells of low cost slave labor manufactruing centers is a good strategy for national development. Nobody else thinks so.
assmoron, nobody thinks so
then why are we spending billions on Chineese goods
God your stupid
it's over your head asshat
and the China trade horse is out the barn, there's no going back
both economies are larger for it.
But the simpletons like you who used to assemble things are collarteral damage.
A large economy is not the ultimate measure of good. What good is putting half the nation out of work? OR dependant on state services? The long term ability of people to maintain control over their own lives is a more important yet rarely considered value.