A discussion on free trade

fairness, they do that, we can boycott, tariff, point is they have to get on that level playing field for it to ever balance out otherwise the status quo will only get worse. And that's bad for me and my children...

As I pointed out, it is not in their interest to devalue their assets by wrecking our currency. Further, it is not in their interest to continue to prop up the value of our currency. They will not want to continue to trade real assets for pieces of paper. They will seek to diversify and allow their currency value to rise because it is in their best interest.
So we should seek to protect inefficient jobs?
In efficient? The differences in the cost of living alone across countries alone nearly renders americans unable to compete. The system is out of whack. Americans are gouged on products escalating our cost of living, making our workers unable to compete.
I am not denying prison labor. I am arguing it is not a signficant source of their manufacturing output and therefore not relevant to the issue of free trade. You are just using this as a bogeyman.

Their whole system is based on corraling people into deadend jobs for elitist gain, moreso than ours is. It is a significant factor, despite your denials.
See. the whole thing goes back to fiat currency. Currency created at will by any entity is great tool of power. It's value is only proportional to the violent force which ultimately enforces it's value. Our country created this insidious abstraction of our killing capacity. Now an enemy is gaining power of us through the power of that which we have created over ourselves. This our noose. We can step out at will.

oh great Jubilee!

The issue of fiat currency and government debt are seperate from trade. Why would you use those government abuses and failures as an argument for more government?
As I pointed out, it is not in their interest to devalue their assets by wrecking our currency. Further, it is not in their interest to continue to prop up the value of our currency. They will not want to continue to trade real assets for pieces of paper. They will seek to diversify and allow their currency value to rise because it is in their best interest.

No they'll continue to rise the ten% + GDP trend till they can collapse our economy by cashing all those investments in, ruining us and supplanting them.

And as was pointed out earlier, then whose the slaves? Our policies will increase Chinese standard of living, and get that level playing field I feel is a prerequisite to free trade. We get responsible now, we remove an inevitable disaster.
In efficient? The differences in the cost of living alone across countries alone nearly renders americans unable to compete. The system is out of whack. Americans are gouged on products escalating our cost of living, making our workers unable to compete.

And your solution is to close our borders to cheaper goods?

Their whole system is based on corraling people into deadend jobs for elitist gain, moreso than ours is. It is a significant factor, despite your denials.

What are you talking about? You have not yet mentioned any "corraling" into jobs so how could I have denied it?
Yeah, explain to me why government mismanagement of currency and overspending are arguments for more government to eliminate foreing trade?

Im not sure that's the case Im trying to make. SO I shan't make that argument. You're a deranged cretin, ya know that? Where's your jaunty tone tonight? I guess slave labor and fascism are a big part of your life.
No they'll continue to rise the ten% + GDP trend till they can collapse our economy by cashing all those investments in, ruining us and supplanting them.

They can't cash in by destroying our currency. They will destroy the value of the assets they hold. A soft landing is in their interest. It probably a bigger threat to them than us.
Im not sure that's the case Im trying to make. SO I shan't make that argument. You're a deranged cretin, ya know that? Where's your jaunty tone tonight? I guess slave labor and fascism are a big part of your life.

What case are you making then? I am getting tired of trying to push you to make a coherent argument that is not based on meaningless buzzwords and phantoms.

You are arguing for government restriction on trade. How else do you think you are going to stop American citizens from trading with foreigners?

And uhh, you're the fascist/nationalist, dumbshit.
And your solution is to close our borders to cheaper goods?
My solution is to cease all trade with all totalitarian dictatorships,. How do you like those particular apples?
What are you talking about? You have not yet mentioned any "corraling" into jobs so how could I have denied it?

slave labor is corraling. You deny it's significance.
Well anyway, g-string, Im done with you tonight. I'll see how smart you got in the morning, or how dumb you stayed. Peace out, fascistocrat.
I have nearly finished studying a semester of US/Colonial history in which one of the major issues for a century was Britain trying to regulate American trade. Didn't work - it just pissed us off. And a lot of this was prior to the postwar (French & Indian) tax revolt.
They can't cash in by destroying our currency. They will destroy the value of the assets they hold. A soft landing is in their interest. It probably a bigger threat to them than us.

I disagree, and a pullout from dollars to Euros could be quick and painless. European banks would gladly take that money. And given the strategic consequences to the US, China's chief adversary to dominance in Asia, at the right time it's likely. Also consider China's cozy relationship with Iran, who could lead OPEC away from trading in the dollar as well, that's a serious threat to national security, and sadly no one is paying attention. Manufacturing got us out of the depression, what will get us out of this?
I have nearly finished studying a semester of US/Colonial history in which one of the major issues for a century was Britain trying to regulate American trade. Didn't work - it just pissed us off. And a lot of this was prior to the postwar (French & Indian) tax revolt.

As I stated earlier, we can't 'regulate' their trade, America was technically a British colony, so apples and oranges really, and since while can't regulate their trade, we can enact policies here to make sure it's truly fair.
What case are you making then? I am getting tired of trying to push you to make a coherent argument that is not based on meaningless buzzwords and phantoms.

You are arguing for government restriction on trade. How else do you think you are going to stop American citizens from trading with foreigners?

And uhh, you're the fascist/nationalist, dumbshit.

Actually the onus is on you to explain how EFFICIENCY is the only valid value, when the world is more complex than that.

Government always restricts trade in a myriad of ways. Yes. Im saying limit trading partners to those with similar attitudes on human rights, to avoid driving american workers into slavery in a race to the bottom.

You're the fascist, an internationalist one, who believes no entity on earth should have power over anything corporations wish to do.
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Plus how can we allow countries to arbitrarily value their currency to spur exports? That's not efficiency, it's allowing others to cheat.

Why is putting americans out of work the number one priority to fucksticks like you Stringhead? You really suck a cock.