A fatal blow for evolution?

I've always felt that 'Grugore' was one of the Leading Creation Scientists here on the JPP Politics Forum.


Another Bible-based homeschooler where science was bypassed in the lesson plans. His mommy didn't have a fucking clue, so he carries on that ignorance.
Is Grugore talking about himself, Donald Trump or the consrvative right in general?

Because he'd be correct on all three counts.
grugore is stupid and should have his voting rights taken away from him. Can you believe we actually let dummies like him determine the direction of the country? amazing.

You want to have your right to vote taken away?

That is just plain weird.
grugore is stupid and should have his voting rights taken away from him. Can you believe we actually let dummies like him determine the direction of the country? amazing.

So. Your only argument is that I'm stupid? Know what that makes you? Someone incapable of debating others. So, why are you even here?
Modern humans have been around 250,000 years and the dinosaurs died out millions of years earlier. Your faith must be very fragile.

The oldest language goes back about 5000 years. So, according to you, humans spent 245,000 years unable to communicate with each other. Hmmm.
The oldest language goes back about 5000 years. So, according to you, humans spent 245,000 years unable to communicate with each other. Hmmm.

The evolutionary emergence of language in the human species has been a subject of speculation for several centuries. The topic is difficult to study because of the lack of direct evidence. Consequently, scholars wishing to study the origins of language must draw inferences from other kinds of evidence such as the fossil record, archaeological evidence, contemporary language diversity, studies of language acquisition, and comparisons between human language and systems of communication existing among animals (particularly other primates). Many argue that the origins of language probably relate closely to the origins of modern human behavior, but there is little agreement about the implications and directionality of this connection.

This shortage of empirical evidence has led many scholars to regard the entire topic as unsuitable for serious study. In 1866, the Linguistic Society of Paris banned any existing or future debates on the subject, a prohibition which remained influential across much of the western world until late in the twentieth century.[1] Today, there are various hypotheses about how, why, when, and where language might have emerged.[2] Despite this, there is scarcely more agreement today than a hundred years ago, when Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection provoked a rash of armchair speculation on the topic.[3] Since the early 1990s, however, a number of linguists, archaeologists, psychologists, anthropologists, and others have attempted to address with new methods what some consider one of the hardest problems in science.[4]

Holler if the source is too primary for ya.