A fatal blow for evolution?

There's too big a gap to even have a conversation with Grugore.

Yes, in his awareness, openness to learning and understanding; folk like that are not alive to grow, they've stunted their own life long development potential and they are NOT here for any type of discussion anyway.
Back to the OP. No one has been able to explain how skin and pigments can last a hundred million years. Anyone care to try?

Plenty of primary research literature, why don't you go find it and read it for yourself on naturally occurring mummification?
Unless they provide scientifically verifiable evidence that they can allow skin to survive for a hundred million years, I'm not I terested. And there is no such evidence.

The skin is NOT alive if it is mummified.. You're really hopeless.
Fine Grugory. For the sake of discussion, let’s concede your point that evolution has been falsified. What scientific theory that models speciation would you replace it with?
Creation Science. My favorite oxymoron next to Holy War.

Its a shame that some Christians think they have to reject science and education to be faithful... and IMO the more they push that (along with tales of Jonah really spending 3 days in a fish) the more they drive people away from faith.
Its a shame that some Christians think they have to reject science and education to be faithful... and IMO the more they push that (along with tales of Jonah really spending 3 days in a fish) the more they drive people away from faith.
Well to be diplomatic as someone educated in biology I have nothing to say about that.

To be honest when I engage in debates with Creationist I have no intention of persuading them and their belief is an article of faith to them.

My main purpose in responding is to provide a counter argument from someone who has studied biology at a high level that those who are reading these post that provides information on what science is and is not and how a scientific theory, specifically evolutionary theory, actually works and how creationist beliefs don’t meet the standards of science.

Having said that I have debated Creationists too many times. It gets old and if it wasn’t for the massive failure to teach evolution properly from fear of offending the religious beliefs of a large percentage, probably the majority of Americans, that I have an obligation to debunk pseudoscience. I have no delusions I’ll persuade a Creationist of the validity of evolutionary theory. I’ve only done that a grand total of once but to the open minded who have not studied biology I feel obligated to present the actual point of view of science on this topic.
Well to be diplomatic as someone educated in biology I have nothing to say about that.

To be honest when I engage in debates with Creationist I have no intention of persuading them and their belief is an article of faith to them.

My main purpose in responding is to provide a counter argument from someone who has studied biology at a high level that those who are reading these post that provides information on what science is and is not and how a scientific theory, specifically evolutionary theory, actually works and how creationist beliefs don’t meet the standards of science.

Having said that I have debated Creationists too many times. It gets old and if it wasn’t for the massive failure to teach evolution properly from fear of offending the religious beliefs of a large percentage, probably the majority of Americans, that I have an obligation to debunk pseudoscience.

I have no delusions I’ll persuade a Creationist of the validity of evolutionary theory. I’ve only done that a grand total of once but to the open minded who have not studied biology I feel obligated to present the actual point of view of science on this topic.

My own education in biology is fairly rudimentary, but creationists make me feel like a genius. Love your post.
Thanks for admitting your defeat.

They might have also had rudimentary sign language, which of course is communication also. :D

Really? Well, think about this. Written history goes back to the time of the first written language. So why is there no mention of historical events prior to this time period? It's almost like there was no history to speak of. There should have been countless oral histories passed down, but not a single one was ever written down. Think about it.
Really? Well, think about this. Written history goes back to the time of the first written language. So why is there no mention of historical events prior to this time period? It's almost like there was no history to speak of. There should have been countless oral histories passed down, but not a single one was ever written down. Think about it.

How very eurocentric of you.
Really? Well, think about this. Written history goes back to the time of the first written language. So why is there no mention of historical events prior to this time period? It's almost like there was no history to speak of. There should have been countless oral histories passed down, but not a single one was ever written down. Think about it.

Have you read Samuel Kramer's History Begins at Sumer?

He spend 50 years translating the ancient tablets.

History Begins at Sumer | Samuel Noah Kramer

History Begins at Sumer is the classic account of the achievements of the Sumerians, who lived in what is now southern Iraq during the third millennium B.C. They were the developers of the cuneiform system of writing, perhaps their greatest contribution to civilization, which allowed laws and literature to be recorded for the first time.

Mutt the hippie said: "My main purpose in responding is to provide a counter argument from someone who has studied biology at a high level that those who are reading these post that provides information on what science is and is not and how a scientific theory, specifically evolutionary theory, actually works and how creationist beliefs don’t meet the standards of science."

And yet there are many scientists who disagree with evolution. But you ignore them, of course. Your attempt to make Creationists look like a bunch of uneducated antiscience rubes is laughable. Evolution does not use the scientific method. So your appeal to science is REALLY laughable. Evolution is not a scientific theory. It barely even qualifies as a hypothesis. There is no scientific evidence to support it. None. It is all guess-work that requires blind faith to believe in. I don't have that much faith.