A good example of why southern conservatives are not trusted.

Exactly! The private sector doe not have the capability to affectively educate our kids at a reasonable cost for the entire nation. Undermining the public schools to favor those wealthy enough to send their kids to private schools is beyond stupid.

And you guys are dull-witted. Vouchers provide for poor kids to go to private schools and save tax payers money. Public schools are overwhemingly top heavy when compared to the operating budjets of private schools. Good public schools will survive. The bad ones SHOULD go! Competion for the student's dollars will improve education which should be the goal, not saving public schools. If parents are able to choose the best the best is what schools will try to be.
That was a totally stupid response. He claimed that public schools came to be becaue private schools failed...it's just not true.
No, it is true. They failed to cost affectively educate the vast masses of people leaving the majority uneducated and ignorant and with little hope for betterment.

The surest way to guarantee that a society has extremes in social stratification is to undermine public education. It's the surest way there is to eliminate most of the middle class.

That said I still think your a cutie too :)
That was a totally stupid response. He claimed that public schools came to be becaue private schools failed...it's just not true.

With all due respect private schools failed in the mission to educate the masses. They were successful in educating those who could afford to attend them or had connections. Then those folks went on to control others because they had the education.

EDIT: Oops, I posted before I had read Mott's post.
No, it is true. They failed to cost affectively educate the vast masses of people leaving the majority uneducated and ignorant and with little hope for betterment.

The surest way to guarantee that a society has extremes in social stratification is to undermine public education. It's the surest way there is to eliminate most of the middle class.

That said I still think your a cutie too :)


As for Ice Dancer being a cutie I have been informed she is beautiful. Just thought I'd pass that along. :)
With all due respect private schools failed in the mission to educate the masses. They were successful in educating those who could afford to attend them or had connections. Then those folks went on to control others because they had the education.

EDIT: Oops, I posted before I had read Mott's post.

No apple, private schools existed in colonial times because each immigrant class wanted to teach their own children, this often did depend on both financial ability (did they have to work) and on desire (in an education important). After the revolutionary war, schools were built within and supported by local communities. It was not until compulsory attendance laws were passed that public schools became an essential requirement to meet that legal responsibility.

The desire for a voucher system has been around since the 18th century. Bottom line, too many of our public schools do a shitty job and parents know it. If some fail because they refuse to improve their shittyiness then let them fail!
No, it is true. They failed to cost affectively educate the vast masses of people leaving the majority uneducated and ignorant and with little hope for betterment.

The surest way to guarantee that a society has extremes in social stratification is to undermine public education. It's the surest way there is to eliminate most of the middle class.

That said I still think your a cutie too :)

They did not educate the "vast majority of the masses" because education was private! Now that the government requires education of the masses collects taxes from the masses for education; all the people are asking for is to let us CHOOSE what school we send our kids to!
They did not educate the "vast majority of the masses" because education was private! Now that the government requires education of the masses collects taxes from the masses for education; all the people are asking for is to let us CHOOSE what school we send our kids to!
You do have a choice. If you don't like your local public school then vote out your local board of education and if that don't work, move.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Don't you just love it when bigots blurt out their subconscious prejudices, and then back pedal with all types of convoluted logic and double talk that would have made the opinion page of Stormfront?

But to be fair, this mindset isn't the sole property of southern conservative politicians....you can find it in northern liberal politicians as well.

Like Rahm Emanuel? Yeah, it's a real kick... :rolleyes:

Really? I know about the recent remark about the Dems opposing the administrations policies, but what subliminal racists remarks has he made to date. Seriously, maybe I just missed it in the papers or forgot.
You do have a choice. If you don't like your local public school then vote out your local board of education and if that don't work, move.

How about I don't use the schools so I don't pay taxes for them and then I can take my money and educate my kids my way?

School choice is fair, logical, and intelligent and ought to be law.
Why should anyone pay taxes for vouchers to support a school which can deny their child admittance?

????....dude, the sky is falling!.....but in reality, I'm pretty sure no parent is going to give his voucher to a school that denies her child admittance.....ya think?.....as you say, private schools have been around since time began, yet your main complaint against them is that they may not stick around....doesn't that seem a bit lame to even you?.....
Exactly! The private sector doe not have the capability to affectively educate our kids at a reasonable cost for the entire nation. Undermining the public schools to favor those wealthy enough to send their kids to private schools is beyond stupid.

nobody is undermining public schools.....all that would happen is that we would get rid of the really bad ones....the good ones would still be around and there would be more money for them than before, because instead of giving a bad public school $11k a student the private schools would be getting less.....